Author: |
許瓊文 Hsu, Chiung-Wen |
Thesis Title: |
音樂群眾募資之提案設計研究-以臺灣FlyingV為例 The Research on Proposal Design of Music Crowdfunding:A Case Study of FlyingV in Taiwan |
Advisor: |
Pai, Chi-Ling |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2017 |
Academic Year: | 105 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 186 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 群眾募資 、FlyingV 、臺灣音樂創作者 、提案設計 |
Keywords (in English): | Crowed Funding, FlyingV, Music Industry Participants, Proposal Design |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 336 Downloads: 20 |
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Crowd funding has recently emerged as a brand new source of funding for Taiwan music industry participants. Such as new album recording, music video filming and touring plan, had already appeared on the FlyingV, the largest crowed funding platform in Taiwan. Artists and composers are able to publish music works with their own style, to increase the interaction with consumers and provide multiple donate rewards to them, thereby enhance the sponsorship.
This paper tries to explore the critical success factor of the music category crowed funding cases which had shown on the FlyingV. Setting the objective amount, the most amount of the sponsorship, the number of sponsors and the options of the sponsorship as independent variables, the total amount of the sponsorship as dependent variable. This study used the ordinary least square to estimate the effect of proposal design on the result of music funding cases. More completely conclusion through the depth interview could further understand the impact of crowed funding on Taiwan music industry.
Results show that the objective amount, the most amount of the sponsorship and the options of the sponsorship are able to raise the total amount of sponsorship. To enhance the success rate of the music crowed funding cases, proposers need to convey the positioning of the cases and to find the target audience. By designing the sponsor options and the donate rewards, Taiwan music industry participants are able to obtain the sponsorship and start their musical projects.
Keywords: Crowed Funding, FlyingV, Music Industry Participants, Proposal Design
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