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研究生: 莊豐州
論文名稱: 探討運用不同表徵順序融入5E探究式學習環對概念學習成效影響之研究─以「簡諧運動」單元為例
指導教授: 許瑛玿
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 5E探究式學習環動態表徵表徵順序簡諧運動
英文關鍵詞: 5E learning cycle, dynamic representation, representation sequence, simple harmonic motion
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:20
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  • 本研究旨在探討不同表徵順序融入5E探究式學習環下進行教學時,學生對於「簡諧運動」概念的學習成效差異。為達成研究目的,本研究採準實驗研究法,以台灣東部之兩所公立高級中學的二年級九個班級(共有345位)學生參與研究,分為控制組、實驗組Ⅰ、實驗組Ⅱ和實驗組Ⅲ,進行三堂的教學實驗,因探索式教學的核心重點在於「探索」、「解釋」及「精緻」等三階段,故不同表徵順序只針對此三階段來規畫。各組別的表徵順序差異為;控制組為「5E靜態表徵組」 (SSS);實驗組Ⅰ為「5E靜態表徵→動態表徵→靜態表徵組」(SDS)、實驗組Ⅱ為「5E動態表徵→靜態表徵→動態表徵組」 (DSD)和實驗組Ⅲ「5E動態表徵組」 (DDD)。 至於表徵的差異在於動態表徵採用動畫教材進行教學;靜態表徵則選用與動畫教材類似的瞬間擷取畫面,作為靜態圖片教材來進行教學。經由比較四組學生在概念評量成效表現,進一步瞭解不同表徵在教學模式與教學階段的影響,以及不同性別學生之學習差異。研究結果顯示:(1)實驗組Ⅰ、實驗組Ⅱ、實驗組Ⅲ相較於控制組在經過教學後,學習者的概念評量成效表現與前測成績相比較,後測與延宕測均有更好的學習成效,顯示使用動態表徵教學較使用靜態表徵更有助於學生概念學習成效與保留成效的增進。(2)經由各組表徵順序不同進行比較,在「解釋階段」採用動態表徵的學習成效會明顯優於靜態表徵的學習成效。(3)在接受動態表徵融入5E 探究式學習進行「簡諧運動」單元教學後,女學生的概念學習成效成長情形相對優於男學生。未來研究可以發展融入電腦動畫進行的內嵌式評量測驗,進一步了解學生是如何建構簡諧運動中的相關變數(時間與速度等)間的關係。

    This study aims at exploring students’ learning “simple harmonic motion” when different representation sequences are integrated into the 5E learning cycle. This study used a quasi-experimental research method. The participants were 345 eleventh graders from two senior high schools located in eastern Taiwan, and were divided into four groups, the control group, the experimental group I, the experimental group II and the experimental group III. The 3-periods-of-class instruction with the 5E learning cycle included different representation sequences in the last three phases, exploration, explanation, and elaboration in the four groups. The control group used static representations for all three phases of the 5E learning cycle (SSS); the experimental group I used a sequence of static representation, dynamic representation and static representation (SDS) along with the 3 phases of the 5E learning cycle; the experimental group II used a sequence of dynamic representation, static representation and dynamic representation along with the three phases of the 5E learning cycle (DSD); the experimental III group used dynamic representations for all three phases of the 5E learning cycle (DDD). Dynamic representations are in the form of animations, while static representations are in the form of pictures which are similar to the images used in the animations. Through comparing students’ conceptual understanding between the four groups, we further analyzed how different representation sequences in the 5E learning cycle affected students’ learning with gender differences. The results showed that: (1) compared with the control group, students in three experimental groups performed much better in the post-tests and delayed tests than in the pre-tests of conceptual understandings; this meant that the dynamic representations were better at helping students learn concepts and retain learning progress than the static representations; (2) the learning effectiveness in dynamic representations were significantly higher than in static representations in the phase of “explanation”; (3) after learning the concept “simple harmonic motion” with dynamic representations incorporated in the 5E learning cycle, female students made more progress in conceptual understanding than male students. Future studies can focus on developing embedded assessments in computer animations to understand how students construct relationships between the variables in simple harmonic motion such as time and velocity.

    第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究動機與背景......................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題......................................3 第三節 研究的重要性........................................4 第四節 名詞解釋...........................................5 第二章 文獻探討.............................................6 第一節 建構主義與探究教學的關係.............................6 第二節 5E探究式學習環的理論研究.............................8 第三節 表徵..............................................12 第四節 表徵順序的理論架構.................................15 第三章 研究方法............................................17 第一節 研究對象..........................................17 第二節 研究設計與流程.....................................19 第三節 課程研究設計.......................................23 第四節 研究工具..........................................26 第五節 資料處理與分析.....................................39 第六節 研究範圍與限制.....................................41 第四章 結果與討論..........................................42 第一節 學生在課程教學前後的簡諧運動概念變化情形..............42 第二節 不同表徵融入5E學習環對學生簡諧運動概念學習的影響.......44 第三節 不同性別對學生簡諧運動概念學習的影響..................50 第五章 結論與建議..........................................56 第一節 研究發現與結論.....................................56 第二節 綜合討論..........................................58 第三節 建議與未來研究方向..................................60 參考文獻...................................................62 附錄......................................................66 附錄一 簡諧運動課程教案(學校編號:A).........................66 附錄二 簡諧運動課程教案(學校編號:B).........................78 附錄三 簡諧運動概念測驗試卷.................................84 附錄四 學習過程紀錄單......................................90

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