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研究生: 李祈叡
Li, Chi-Jui
論文名稱: 以攝影測量方式建立無人機影像曜光模式之研究
Establishing Sun-glint estimation Model for Unnamed Aerial System Image through Photogrammetry
指導教授: 王聖鐸
Wang, Sendo
口試委員: 邱式鴻
Chio, Shih-Hong
Chen, Che-Ming
Wang, Sendo
口試日期: 2023/07/07
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 曜光無人機攝影測量飛行規劃
英文關鍵詞: Sun glint, Unnamed Aerial System, Photogrammetry, Flight planning
研究方法: 實驗設計法內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301565
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:62下載:4
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  • 當光線出射物質表面之角度和衛星或飛行器的感測器達成特定幾何關係,且光線入射表面之粗糙程度與波長達到特定關係時,便會在遙測影像中出現太陽曜光(Sun Glint / Sun Glitter)現象。太陽曜光會對遙測數據造成程度不等之影響,故過去衛星影像領域中已發展出多種太陽曜光偵測與改正的方法。但過去應用於衛星及航照影像的預估或改正模式,是否能有效應用於空間解析度高的無人機影像,仍需進一步驗證。儘管無人機影像領域中已開始有與改正曜光相關的研究正在進行,但目前應用與分析的軟體上還未有太多曜光改正的支援,且多數改正模式需搭配可見光以外之波段進行。

    Sun glint occurs when the angle at which sunlight hits and reflects off a surface aligns perfectly, creating a mirror-like reflection. This intense glare can obstruct crucial details in an image, making it challenging to distinguish objects or features on the Earth's surface. Nowadays, Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) imagery products also suffer from blurring and degradation caused by sun glint, resulting in reduced image contrast, color fidelity in photogrammetry, and compromised radiometric values in remote sensing applications. Various techniques, including detection methods and specialized algorithms, are used to minimize sun glint's impact in satellite imagery. However, it remains uncertain if the processing methods in satellite imagery can effectively applied to images with higher spatial resolution.
    By establishing the Geometric Relationship between the earth surface, sun, and sensor, a threshold will be set to determine the presence or absence of sun glint. The threshold determination will be based on past research findings and also on thresholds developed within this study, providing distinct threshold values for different computation methods. The research aims to grasp the impact of sun glint during various time periods by calculating the results before conducting the flight, with the objective of identifying the time period with the least occurrence of sun glint. Utilizing photogrammetric techniques to establish a sun glint prediction model provides users with insights into the distribution of sun glint throughout the entire image acquisition process during the planning phase. This enables the feasibility of planning flight schedules during periods of the day that offer higher efficiency in capturing useful images through adjusting the timing and exterior orientation.

    謝誌 I 摘要 II 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第1章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 3 第2章 文獻回顧 4 2.1曜光 4 2.2曜光偵測與預估 7 2.3航線規劃 9 第3章 研究方法 13 3.1研究區域 14 3.2蒐集曜光影像 15 3.3建立資料輸入模式 17 3.4曜光預估模式之計算 19 3.4.1曜光角 20 3.4.2光線向量角度差 21 第4章 實驗成果討論 23 4.1驗證曜光預估出現範圍 23 4.2不同條件下,曜光出現情形變化 30 4.2.1實驗區域與航帶設定 30 4.2.2時間變動下,曜光出現情形變化 32 4.2.3攝影傾角變動下,曜光出現情形變化 34 4.2.4航帶方向變動下,曜光出現情形變化 39 4.2.5以曜光水面點觀察曜光於實體空間分布情形 43 4.3 應用曜光預估模式於完成之飛行專案中 50 第5章 結論與建議 55 5.1 使用曜光預估模式,探究曜光出現範圍 55 5.2 討論不同攝影方式於不同時段下,曜光出現情形之變化 55 5.3 完成曜光預估模式之建立 56 5.4 後續研究建議 56 參考文獻 58 附錄:曜光預估模式應用於鹿角溪飛行專案模擬成果 65

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