簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 謝宛庭
Hsieh, Wan-ting
論文名稱: 吳濁流<波茨坦科長>英譯譯注
An Annotated Translation of Wu Zhuoliu’s Section Chief Potsdam
指導教授: 胡宗文
Hu, Zong-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 吳濁流祖國臺灣本土意識殖民
英文關鍵詞: Wu Zhuoliu, motherland, Taiwanese local consciousness, colonialism
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001248
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:7
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  • 吳濁流的一生跨越臺灣日治時期與二次戰後國民政府年代,自幼培養的豐厚日文與漢文素養,使其得以在兩種語言文化之間轉換自如。日治時期,吳濁流甘冒風險,以小說創作記錄殖民者的蠻橫不公、及身為臺灣人被殖民的哀愁。到了戰後光復年代,臺灣社會從一開始所抱持欣喜迎接國民政府、「回歸祖國懷抱」的情懷,到逐步認知來自祖國接收官員的貪污腐敗、巧取豪奪,乃至於二二八事件引爆的血腥衝突,在在凸顯了深受日本文化洗禮的臺灣人民與來自祖國大陸統治階層之間的矛盾。身處變動混亂的時代,吳濁流不改為歷史存真的勇氣,持續以文學創作,以寫實風格為光復後省籍矛盾的臺灣社會留下紀錄,作品充滿臺灣本土意識。此篇論文即以吳濁流戰後初期中篇小說<波茨坦科長>為題進行英譯譯注,旨在透過吳濁流筆下創作,讓不同語言文化的人士,亦能一窺臺灣那一段從被殖民過渡到類殖民的歷史時期與社會真貌。

    Born in 1900 in colonial Taiwan, Wu Zhuoliu's life spanned more than 70 years during which he underwent a regime transfer from Japanese ruling to Taiwan's restoration to its "motherland" China. Educated in both Japanese and Chinese in his childhood, Wu Zhuoliu acquired great language proficiency in both languages, which enabled him to involve in literary creation in both Japanese and Chinese. During Japanese colonial ruling, Wu Zhuoliu devoted himself to recording the injustice and oppression of the colonial society with his novelistic creation at the risk of being targeted by the Japanese authority. With Taiwan's “return to motherland" after World War II, Taiwanese people were expectant of a new life with no more discrimination. But it was not long before Taiwanese people found themselves experiencing yet another cultural conflict and oppression as they witnessed the corruptive and plundering nature of officials from mainland China. The 228 Incident highlighted such Taiwanese-mainland contradiction, which Wu Zhuoliu incorporated in many of his novels to give a vivid portray of that era. Living in a time of turbulence, Wu Zhuoliu, throughout his life, retained the courage to keep a genuine record of history, characterizing his works with a rich sense of local consciousness. Given such pretext, this paper gives an annotated English translation of Wu Zhuoliu 's novella Section Chief Potsdam, which was written and finished not long after Taiwan's restoration to China. The purpose of this paper is to allow people of different languages and cultural backgrounds to have a glimpse at Taiwan's historical transfer from colonial to quasi-colonial system over that period through Wu Zhuoliu's literary creation.

    Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1. Research background 1 2. Literature review 3 3. Wu Zhuoliu and his works 4 3.1 Characteristics of Wu Zhuoliu’s novelistic works 4 3.2 Publication and prohibition of Section Chief Potsdam 7 Chapter 2 Life of Wu Zhuoliu 10 1. Childhood 10 2. Education 11 2.1 Hsin-pu Kōgakkō 11 2.2 Taihoku Shihangakō(臺北師範大學) 13 3. Career as a Kōgakkō teacher 15 3.1 Chao-men Branch Campus Period(1920-1922) 15 3.2 Sih-hu Kōgakkō and Wu-hu Branch Campus Period(1922-1937) 17 3.3 Kuan-Hsi Kōgakkō Period(1937-1939) 20 3.4 Mawudu Branch Campus Period(1939-1940) 22 4. Career as a journalist 22 4.1 In Mainland China 22 4.2 Back in Taiwan 23 5. Director of Da-tong Industrial and Vocational School(大同工業學校) 26 6. Founder of Taiwan Literature and Art Magazine(臺灣文藝) 27 Chapter 3 Social and political circumstances of Section Chief Potsdam 29 1. Taiwan’s restoration: provincial identification and discrimination against Taiwanese people 29 2. Social circumstances at Taiwan’s restoration 31 3. Significance of Potsdam and Imagery of the Section Chief 32 Chapter 4 Translation: Section Chief Potsdam: Annotated English Translation 37 References 107

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