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研究生: 葉慈芬
Yeh, Tzu-Fen
論文名稱: 臺灣英語學習者英語輔音群之習得及優選理論之應用
Taiwan EFL Learners' Acquisition of English Consonant Clusters and the Optimality Theory
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
口試委員: 鍾榮富
Chung, Raung-Fu
Chen, Shu-Hui
Ning, Li-Hsin
Lin, Hui-Shan
Chen, Chun-Yin
口試日期: 2022/07/29
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 247
中文關鍵詞: 英語輔音群優選理論母語轉移普遍性標記性二語接觸二語習得
英文關鍵詞: English consonant clusters, Optimality Theory, L1 transfer, language universals, markedness, L2 exposure, L2 native-likeness, second language acquisition
研究方法: 實驗設計法比較研究現象分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201320
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:97下載:12
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  • 本研究通過量化分析(Quantitative Analysis),探究母語(國語)音韻系統的轉移、普遍性、英語接觸、英語母語化程度和標記之間的相互作用如何影響台灣以英語為外語的學習者對英語輔音群的習得。並在優選理論(Optimality Theory)的架構下,藉由說明標記性制約(markedness constraints)及信實性制約(faithfulness constraints)在制約排序(constraint ranking)的衝突解釋台灣以英語為外語學習者的中介語言(interlanguage)如何從母語(國語)的音韻系統過渡到英語(國語)的音韻系統。
    本研究藉由觀察72名台灣學習英語的小學生對24個具有不同標記程度輔音群英語單詞的感知及產製表現,得到以下結論: (1)由於國語的音韻系統中無複雜音節結構,因此台灣英語學習者在感知及產製英語輔音群時,需調整他們的感知及產製,以便符合母語(國語)的音節結構;(2)在感知及產製上所做的調整是根據所感知到的輔音表面語音特徵來處理,並且受普遍性的影響,例如用於簡化複雜音節結構的元音插入、用於異化相鄰相似輔音的輔音插入、用於同化相鄰相異輔音的輔音插入、字首(ICD)或字尾(FCD)的輔音刪除、替換與被替換輔音具有相似特徵的輔音;(3)除了母語轉移外,普遍性、接觸英語的量、母語水平和二語音節結構的標記性皆對台灣學習英語的學習者英語輔音群的習得有所影響,此外研究也發現學習者的感知與他們的產製有著顯著的正相關;(4)針對學習者對具有不同標記程度的英語輔音群的習得表現所歸納出的四個習得難度層級,對英語輔音群的習得順序具有教學上的意義;(5)分析三組學習者對英語輔音群的產製所得出的不同制約排序揭示了英語輔音群習得的四個發展性階段:從一開始標記性制約佔據在制約排序中的上層位置而信實性制約則相對佔據在制約排序中的中下層位置,到最後兩類制約互相調換在制約排序中的位置。

    This study investigated how the interaction among the transfer from the Mandarin phonological system, language universals, exposure to English, native-like proficiency of English, and markedness affected Taiwan EFL learners' acquisition of English consonant clusters by a quantitative analysis of the learners' perception and production and an Optimality Theoretic account of the conflict between the markedness and faithfulness constraints in the constraint ranking. Seventy-two Taiwan EFL elementary schoolers with different amount of exposure to English and/or English learning were recruited to perceive and produce twenty-four English words with consonant clusters in varying degree of markedness.
    The major findings obtained from this study were summarized as follows. First, the transfer from the prohibition of the Mandarin phonological system against complex syllable structures forced Taiwan EFL learners to modify their perception and production for the purpose of conforming the syllable structures of their L1. Second, the modifications the participants adapted were based on the surface phonetic features of the perceived consonants and affected by language universals, such as a vowel insertion for breaking complex syllable structures, a consonant insertion for dissimilating the adjacent similar consonants, bridging consonant clusters, word-initial (ICD) or word final (FCD) consonant deletion, and substitution of consonants with similar features to the replaced consonants in terms of articulation. Third, in addition to L1 transfer, language universals, amount of exposure to English, native-like proficiency of English, and markedness of the L2 syllable structure had the effects on Taiwan EFL learners’ acquisition of English consonant clusters, and the EFL learners’ perception had a significant, positive correlation with their production. Next, four levels of acquiring difficulty concluded from the participants’ performances on the English consonant clusters with varying degree of markedness had its pedagogical implication of the acquisition order of English consonant cluster. Finally, the OT account of the three groups of participants’ productions revealed four developmental stages of Taiwan EFL learners’ acquisition of English consonant clusters. From the beginning, the markedness constraints occupied the upper positions of the constraint ranking, while the faithful constraints occupied the relatively lower positions. With more exposure to English and/or English learning, the two types of constraints exchanged their positions in the constraint ranking.
    According to these findings, L2 learners’ acquisition can be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively and accounted within the framework of Optimality Theory (OT). With the analysis and account, teachers could have a more comprehensive understanding of what factors could affect learners’ L2 acquisition.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Theoretical Background 2 1.2.1 Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis 3 1.2.2 Markedness Differential Hypothesis 4 1.2.3 Optimality Theory 6 1.3 Research Questions 8 1.4 Significance of the Present Study 10 1.5 Definitions of the Terms Used in the Study 13 1.6 Organization of the Present Study 16 CHAPTER TWO THE SOUND SYSTEMS IN ENGLISH AND MANDARIN 18 2.1 A Comparison of Mandarin and English Phonetics and Phonology 18 2.1.1 Sound inventories 20 2.1.2 Consonant features 21 2.1.3 Syllable structures and phonotactics 23 2.2 Sound Transfer in Second Language Acquisition 26 2.2.1 Abstract versus surface transfer 27 2.2.2 Interaction of sound transfer and language universals 30 2.2.3 A proposed transfer route 33 2.3 Summary of Chapter Two 38 CHAPTER THREE LITERATURE REVIEW 40 3.1 Exposure Effects on Second Language Sound Acquisition 41 3.1.1 Age of exposure 42 3.1.2 Amount of exposure 45 3.2 Markedness in Second Language Phonology 48 3.2.1 Syllable positions 49 3.2.2 Sonority of consonant clusters 52 3.3 Second Language Learners' Sound Perception and Production 54 3.3.1 Factors affecting L2 sound perception and production 55 3.3.2 Correlation regarding L2 sound perception and production 58 3.4 Optimality Theory in Second Language Acquisition 63 3.4.1 Factors examined within the Optimality Theoretic framework 63 3.4.2 Interaction of factors in Optimality Theory 68 3.5 Summary of Chapter Three 70 CHAPTER FOUR METHODOLOGY 72 4.1 Participants 73 4.2 Materials and Instruments 75 4.2.1 Questionnaire 76 4.2.2 Letter-sound matching test 77 4.2.3 Perception and production tasks 78 words 79 Perception task 81 Production task 83 4.3 Procedures 84 4.3.1 Pilot study 84 4.3.2 Formal study 94 4.3.3 Scoring and data analysis 96 4.4 Summary of Chapter Four 100 CHAPTER FIVE MANDARIN TRANSFER IN THE ACQUISITION 102 5.1 The Transfer from the Mandarin Phonological System 103 5.2 The Modifications Resulted from the Interaction of Transfer and Language Universals 111 5.3 Phonological Environments Where the Transfer Occurred 119 5.3.1 Where segments are inserted 120 5.3.2 Where consonants are deleted 123 5.3.3 Where consonants are substituted 126 5.4 Summary of Chapter Five 130 CHAPTER SIX A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACQUISITION OF ENGLISH CONSONANT CLUSTERS 132 6.1 Three Factors Affecting the Acquisition 133 6.1.1 Amount of exposure 133 6.1.2 Level of markedness 137 6.1.3 Degree of native-likeness 145 6.2 The Relationships among the Variables 149 6.3 Summary of Chapter Six 157 CHAPTER SEVEN ACQUISITION OF CONSONANT CLUSTERS IN CONSTRAINT RANKINGS 159 7.1 Fundamental Constraints on the Acquisition of English Consonant Clusters 160 7.2 Constraint Ranking and Tableaux 165 7.3 Different Stages of the Acquisition of English Consonant Clusters 187 7.4 Summary of Chapter Seven 196 CHAPTER EIGHT CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION 199 8.1 Summary of the Major Findings 200 8.2 Pedagogical Implications 203 8.3 Limitations of the Present study and Suggestions for the Further Research 205 REFERENCES 208 APPENDICES 231

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