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研究生: 陳昶廷
Chen, Chang-Ting
論文名稱: 技術型高中學生跨域信念、跨域學習投入與跨域能力之關係
The Relationship among Interdisciplinary Beliefs, Learning Engagement, and Competence for Vocational Senior High School Students
指導教授: 李懿芳
Lee, Yi-Fang
口試委員: 李懿芳
Lee, Yi-Fang
Sung, Hsiu-Te
Lee, Long-Sheng
口試日期: 2024/07/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 技術型高中跨域課程跨域能力跨域學習投入跨域信念
英文關鍵詞: Vocational Senior High School Interdisciplinary Curriculum, Interdisciplinary Competence, Learning Engagement, Interdisciplinary Beliefs
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401663
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:22下載:3
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  • 本研究期望價值理論為基礎,探討技術型高中學生跨域課程的跨域價值信念、跨域能力信念、跨域學習投入與跨域能力之間的關係,據此建構影響技術型高中學生跨域能力模型,以了解影響學生跨域能力的關鍵因素。本研究採調查研究法,使用研究者編修之「技術型高中學生跨領域課程學習經驗問卷」進行資料蒐集,研究對象採立意抽樣,邀請學者專家推薦確實推動跨域課程且具成效之技術型高中為樣本學校,並由各校教師協助邀請校內曾於就讀期間修習至少一門跨域課程之技術型高中學生填寫問卷,共547名。回收問卷後排除無效問卷129份,有效問卷共418份。資料分析使用描述性統計分析、結構方程模型等統計方法。主要研究發現有:一、跨域價值信念與跨域能力信念具顯著正相關;二、跨域價值信念對跨域學習投入有顯著正向影響;三、跨域能力信念對跨域學習投入有顯著正向影響;四、跨域學習投入對跨域能力有顯著正向影響;五、本研究依據期望價值理論建構之影響技高學生跨域能力因素模型適配度良好。主要建議如下:一、教師可增進學生成功經驗並指導學生運用自我調整學習策略,增強跨域能力信念;二、教師宜設計與學生生活及職場有關之跨域課程與活動,提升學生跨域價值信念;三、學生宜積極參與跨域課程與活動,提升跨域能力。

    This study aimed to analyze the relationships among interdisciplinary value beliefs, interdisciplinary ability beliefs, and interdisciplinary learning engagement in interdisciplinary competence for vocational senior high school students. Accordingly, a model influencing interdisciplinary competence in vocational senior high schools was constructed to understand the key factors affecting students' interdisciplinary competence. This study adopted a survey research method, using the "Vocational Senior High School Students' Interdisciplinary Course Learning Experience Questionnaire" developed by the researchers for data collection. The study subjects were selected through purposeful sampling, with scholars and experts recommending vocational senior high schools that had effectively implemented interdisciplinary courses. Teachers from these schools assisted in inviting students who had taken at least one interdisciplinary course during their studies to complete the questionnaire. A total of 547 students participated in the survey. After excluding 129 invalid questionnaires, 418 valid questionnaires remained. Data analysis employed descriptive statistical analysis and structural equation modeling. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. There was a significant positive correlation between interdisciplinary value beliefs and interdisciplinary ability beliefs. 2. Interdisciplinary value beliefs had a significant positive influence on interdisciplinary learning engagement. 3. Interdisciplinary ability beliefs had a significant positive influence on interdisciplinary learning engagement. 4. Interdisciplinary learning engagement had a significant positive influence on interdisciplinary ability. 5. The model of factors influencing the interdisciplinary ability of vocational senior high school students, constructed based on expectancy-value theory, showed good fit. The suggestions of the study were as follows: 1. Teachers can enhance students' experiences of success and guide them in using self-regulated learning strategie to enhance students' interdisciplinary ability beliefs. 2. Teachers should design interdisciplinary courses and activities related to students' daily lives and future careers to enhance their interdisciplinary value beliefs. 3. Students should actively engage in interdisciplinary courses or activities to enhance interdisciplinary competence.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目 次 iv 表 次 vi 圖 次 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 第四節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 跨域課程與教學 9 第二節 跨域能力 16 第三節 期望價值理論 24 第四節 技術型高中跨域課程之規範與實施模式 32 第三章 研究設計與實施 37 第一節 研究方法與架構 37 第二節 研究對象 39 第三節 研究工具 40 第四節 研究流程 54 第五節 資料處理與分析 56 第四章 研究結果與討論 59 第一節 樣本背景與變項之分析結果 59 第二節 一階驗證性因素分析結果 64 第三節 整體結構模式分析結果 67 第四節 路徑關係分析 70 第五節 綜合討論 73 第五章 研究結果與討論 79 第一節 結論 79 第二節 建議 80 參考文獻 83 附錄 93

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