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研究生: 戴志岡
Dai Zhi-gang
論文名稱: 《繡房裡的哲學》薩德浪蕩美學之研究
Sadeian Aesthetics of Libertinage in Philosophy in the Boudoir
指導教授: 賴守正
Lai, Shou-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 薩德浪蕩美學《繡房裡的哲學》踰越論述浪蕩身體藝術品生存美學美感
英文關鍵詞: Sadeian aesthetics of libertinage, Philosophy in the Boudoir, the narrative of transgression, the libertine body, objet d'art, aesthetics of existence, the sense of beauty
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:418下載:7
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  • 本論文藉由分析《繡房裡的哲學》中踰越論述及身體呈現的樣態,帶領讀者理解此作品所蘊含的薩德浪蕩美學—情慾中的美感 (the sense of beauty) 呈現方式。首先,筆者嘗試以巴代耶 (Georges Bataille) 的「情色論述」(erotic discourse) 強調言談的踰越性作為美學表現的一種形式。其次,文中更進一步闡述薩德作品中的參與者透過傅柯 (Michel Foucault) 哲學概念中的「自我技術」(technologies of the self),將任何浪蕩身體的樣態視為情色藝術品 (erotic objet d’art),藉此展現其生存美學—踰越中的愉悅。最後,筆者以「薩德式美學」(Sadesthetics) —「踰越論述」及「情色藝術品」中的美感經驗,嘗試轉化作品裡的施虐性 (Sadism)。本論文著眼於「薩德式美學」中「踰越論述」及「浪蕩的身體樣態」的美感經驗分析,供讀者從美學角度解讀薩德作品。

    This thesis aims to figure out how Philosophy in the Boudoir manifests Sadeian aesthetics of libertinage through emotional responses in the narrative of transgression and extreme pleasure in the libertine body. First, I use Bataille’s erotic discourse to explicate how the narrative of transgression in the boudoir arouses the libertine’s emotional responses, signifying its aesthetic value. Then, I elaborate that the debauchee uses libertine technologies of the self to perfect their posture as erotic objet d’art, manifesting the roué’s aesthetics of existence—ecstasy in transgression. Last, I coin the word “Sadesthetics”—the sense of beauty in the narrative of transgression and erotic objet d’art, which sublimates sadistic immorality into sadesthetic amorality in the boudoir. My argument is that through Sadesthetics the sense of beauty of language and performance in transgression sublimates Sadism, which provides the reader with aesthetic interpretation.

    Table of Contents English Abstract 4 Chinese Abstract 5 Acknowledgements 6 Introduction 1 Libertinage in Sade’s Work: A Historical Survey 8 2 Philosophy in the Boudoir and Its Aesthetic Value 35 Chapter One Emotional Responses in the Narrative of Transgression 1 Sensuality in Blasphemy 43 2 Destruction in Egotism 46 3 Delight in Cruelty 51 4 Jouissance in Communication 57 Chapter Two Extreme Pleasure in the Libertine Body 1 Perfection through Libertine Technologies of the Self 66 2 Appreciation of Erotic Objet d’art 74 3 The Libertine’s Aesthetics of Existence: Ecstasy in Transgression 83 Chapter Three Sadesthetics—The Sense of Beauty in Sadistic Sensuality 1 Pleasing Expression in Sadistic Sensuality 92 2 Self-liberation in Avant-garde Posture 99 3 Sublimation of Sadism in the Sense of Beauty 108 Conclusion 117 Works Cited 120 Appendix The Marquis de Sade 127

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