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研究生: 陳勇安
Chen, Yung-An
論文名稱: 應用跨理論模式促進大專肢體障礙與腦性麻痺學生體適能之研究
A Study of Transtheoretical Model Application to Promote Physical Fitness of College Students with Physical Disability and Cerebral Palsy
指導教授: 闕月清
Keh, Nyit-Chin
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 身體活動行為與認知健康體適能身體活動量
英文關鍵詞: physical activity behavior and cognition, health-related fitness, level of physical activity
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204688
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:368下載:4
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  • 本研究旨在探討以跨理論模式的身體活動介入對大專肢體障礙與腦性麻痺學生在身體活動行為、認知及健康體適能之影響。研究參與者為5位大專學生(1位肢體障礙女生、2位腦性麻痺女生及2位腦性麻痺男生)。自變項為身體活動課程,依變項為身體活動行為與認知及健康體適能。課程介入三個月,並於課程結束後6個月進行後續追蹤。於研究開始、介入後及後續追蹤分別對身體活動行為、認知及健康體適能進行測量。量化資料以描述統計、視覺分析法與C統計進行分析;對運動指導員的相關資料進行社會效度。結果發現:(一)身體活動量、身體活動行為改變階段、自我效能與決策平衡於介入後有提升效果,運動改變方法則以意識覺醒、自我再評估及自我解放為主;(二)身體活動量、身體活動行為改變階段、自我效能與決策平衡於後續追蹤有維持效果,運動改變方法以自我再評估、社會解放及自我解放為主;(三)心肺適能、肌力與肌耐力與柔軟度於介入後有提升效果;(四)心肺適能、肌力與肌耐力與柔軟度於後續追蹤有維持效果。結論:(一)身體活動課程對身體活動量有介入與維持的效果;(二)身體活動課程對心肺適能、肌肉與肌耐力有介入與維持的效果。

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical activity intervention on physical activity behavior and cognition, and health-related fitness of college students with disability based on the transtheoretical model. Participants were five college students (one girl with physical disability, two girls with cerebral palsy, and two boys with cerebral palsy). The independent variable in this research was the physical activity program, and the dependent variables were physical activity behavior, cognition, and health-related fitness. Three months of intervention was conducted. Physical activity behavior, cognition, and health-related fitness were assessed at the beginning of the study, after 3 months of intervention, and follow-up assessments were conducted six months after the intervention. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, visual analysis, and C statistic. Qualitative data from the exercise instructors were evaluated for social validity. Results were as follows: (1) physical activity program interventions were effective in enhancing level of physical activity, physical activity behavior and stage of change, self-efficacy and decision balance. Process of change was mainly based on consciousness-raising, self-reevaluation and self-liberation; (2) physical activity program interventions showed long-term effects on the level of physical activity, physical activity behavior and stage of change, self- efficacy and decision balance in the follow-up assessments. Process of change was mainly based on self-reevaluation, social liberation and self-liberation; (3) program intervention was effective in improving cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility; (4) program intervention showed long-term effects on the cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility in the follow-up assessments. It was concluded that: (1) physical activity program had intervening and maintaining effects on the level of physical activity; (2) physical activity program had intervening and maintaining effects on the cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.

    口試委員與系主任簽字之論文通過簽名表 i 論文授權書 ii 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 謝誌 vi 目次 vii 表次 x 圖次 xii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 名詞解釋 4 第五節 研究範圍、限制與假定 5 第六節 研究重要性 6 第貳章  文獻探討 7 第一節  國內外適應體育發展 7 第二節 大專院校身心障礙學生現況 13 第三章 身心障礙學生體適能之探討 22 第四章 跨理論模式之探討 31 第參章 研究方法 36 第一節 研究架構 36 第二節  研究流程 37 第三節  研究參與者 39 第四節  介入內容 40 第五節  研究工具 42 第六節  資料處理與分析 48 第肆章 結果與討論 51 第一節 身體活動行為與認知的變化 51 第二節 健康體適能的變化 62 第三節 運動指導員的角色 93 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 99 第二節 建議 100 參考文獻 101 附錄 111 附錄一 參與研究同意書 111 附錄二 體適能檢測紀錄表 113 附錄三 運動紀錄表 114 附錄四 運動自覺量表 115 附錄五 七日身體活動回憶量表 116 附錄六 身體活動行為改變階段量表 117 附錄七 運動自我效能量表 118 附錄八 決策平衡量表 120 附錄九 運動改變方法量表 121

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