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研究生: 蔣英利
Ying-Li Chiang
論文名稱: 中小企業市場導向、企業家精神、創新能力與經營績效關係之研究-以經濟部創新研究獎獲獎企業為例
A Study on Relationship Between Market Orientation, Entrepreneurship,Innovation Capability and Business Performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises:Winners of Innovation and Research Awards of Small and Medium Enterprise of Ministry of Economic Affair
指導教授: 蘇友珊
Su, Yu-Shan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 市場導向企業家精神創新能力經營績效
英文關鍵詞: market orientation, Entrepreneurship, innovation capability, business performance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:20
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  • 我國中小企業正面臨技術轉型與產業升級階段,在政府產業創新條例等資源的挹注,及不斷鼓勵產業創新活動及提升產業核心競爭能力,這股動能及風潮在產、官、學、研帶動下所創造之經濟效益漸漸發酵。我國企業在「企業家精神」及「創新能力」的衡量性指標項目中,近年屢獲國際評比佳績機構認同的背景下,尤以中小企業更需再具備對於環境、市場、客戶、競爭者等判斷能力的「市場導向」下才能面面俱觀,進而在競爭激烈環境中求永續經營。本研究旨在探討中小企業市場導向、企業家精神、創新能力與經營績效關係之研究-以經濟部創新研究獎獲獎企業為例,並試圖尋找創新研究有成企業之共通特性。
    本研究以經濟部中小企業創新研究獎歷屆獲獎企業為研究對象,經樣本初步調查與整理,扣除重複獲獎及停止營業之企業後,共453家獲獎企業為調查之樣本,以郵寄問卷方式透過對企業中、高階管理者的填答資料來驗証本研究所推論之假設。回收有效樣本158 份,經由迴歸分析探討整體架構的u影響性;並藉由母群企業現況分析探討其共同特性。本研究結論如下:
    (七) 創新能力的技術創新在市場導向影響經營績效間具有中介效果。

    The small and medium enterprises in our country are confronted with technology transformation and industrial upgrading currently. With the Statute for Industrial Innovation etc. legal resources released by the government, continuous encouragement of industrial innovation and upgrade of industrial core competitive capabilities, the economic benefit resulted from this kinetic energy and trend has fermented gradually under the driving force of the industry, government, academic and research units. In recent years, our enterprises have been recognized by International Rating Agencies in the evaluation index of “entrepreneurship” and “innovation capability”. Under this background, enterprises, especially for the small and medium enterprises, should also possess “market orientation”, the ability to judge the environment, market, customer and competitor, then can seek sustainable operation in the highly competitive environment. This study explored the relationship between market orientation, entrepreneurship, innovation capability and business performance of the small and medium enterprises. Winners of Innovation & Research Awards of Small & Medium Enterprise of Ministry of Economic Affair were taken as examples, attempting to find out the common characteristics of successful innovative enterprises.
    The study objects were previous enterprises winning Innovation & Research Awards of Small & Medium Enterprise of Ministry of Economic Affair . After primary investigation and sorting, enterprises winning the award repeatedly or ceasing operations were excluded. 453 awarded enterprises were taken as study samples. Questionnaires were posted to the middle and high level managers in these enterprises. Their answers were used to verify the hypothesis inferred in this study. 158 effective samples were returned. Analysis of regression was performed to explore the correlation of the overall structures. The common characteristics were explored through analysis of current situation of enterprise population. The conclusions of this study were made as below:
    1.Market orientation has positive impact on entrepreneurship.Furthermore, the overall market orientation have significant positive effect on innovativeness. competition orientation and interfunctional coordination have significant positive effect on proactiveness.
    2.Market orientation has positive and significant effect on innovation capability.
    3.The higher the level of “competitor orientation” and “interfunctional coordination” in market orientation, the more likely to improve “business performance”.
    4.The higher the level of “proactiveness” in “entrepreneurship”, the more likely to improve “business performance”.
    5.The higher the level of “technology innovation” in “innovation capability”, the more likely to improve “business performance”.
    6.Entrepreneurship of proactiveness is proposed as a mediator of the effect of market orientation on business performance.
    7.Innovation capability of technology innovation is proposed as a mediator of the effect of market orientation on business performance.
    8.The analysis of the current situation of enterprise population indicates that enterprises involving in activities of innovation, research and development survive longer than other small and medium enterprises.
    9.The analysis of the current situation of enterprise population indicates that enterprises involving in activities of innovation, research and development have the phenomenon of industry cluster.

    誌 謝………………………………………………………………………i 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………ii 英文摘要……………………………………………………………………iv 目 錄………………………………………………………………………vi 表 次………………………………………………………………………viii 圖 次………………………………………………………………………x 第一章、緒論 ……………………………………………………………1 第一節、研究背景 ………………………………………………………1 第二節、研究動機 ………………………………………………………3 第三節、研究目的與預期貢獻 …………………………………………6 第四節、研究流程與範圍 ………………………………………………7 第五節、論文章節架構…………………………………………………11 第二章、文獻探討………………………………………………………13 第一節、中小企業定義與現況…………………………………………13 第二節、中小企業創新研究概況………………………………………16 第三節、市場導向………………………………………………………18 第四節、企業家精神……………………………………………………28 第五節、創新能力………………………………………………………34 第六節、經營績效………………………………………………………41 第七節、假設推論………………………………………………………45 第三章、研究方法………………………………………………………53 第一節、研究架構與假設………………………………………………53 第二節、變數之操作型定義與衡量問卷………………………………58 第三節、專家效度與預試………………………………………………66 第四節、抽樣與分析方法………………………………………………73 第四章、研究分析………………………………………………………81 第一節、基本資料之分布情形…………………………………………81 第二節、各研究變項之現況分析………………………………………86 第三節、共同方法變異檢測……………………………………………92 第四節、各構面間之關聯性分析………………………………………93 第五節、各主要構面之迴歸分析………………………………………99 第六節、中介效果分析…………………………………………………110 第五章、研究結論與建議………………………………………………118 第一節、研究結論………………………………………………………118 第二節、研究貢獻………………………………………………………124 第三節、研究限制………………………………………………………125 第四節、研究建議………………………………………………………127 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………130 中文部份…………………………………………………………………130 英文部分…………………………………………………………………131 網站部分…………………………………………………………………138 附 錄 …………………………………………………………………140 附錄一 經濟部中小企業創新研究獎內容 ……………………………140 附錄二 中小企業認定標準條文 ………………………………………143 附錄三 問卷 ……………………………………………………………145

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