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研究生: 蘇暉貿
Su, Hui-Mao
論文名稱: 單次健走與走路禪對大學生執行控制與自主神經的影響
The Effect of a single walking and walking meditation on executive control and autonomic nerve system of college students
指導教授: 方進隆
Fang, Chin-Lung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 心率變異認知功能身心運動走路禪
英文關鍵詞: Heart rate variability, Cognitive function, Body-Mind exercise, Walking meditation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:297下載:4
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  • 本研究的目的在比較大學生於30分鐘健走、30分鐘走路禪以及30分鐘休息時,三者在執行控制 (認知測驗之反應時間和答對率) 和心率變異之差異 (低頻百分比,LF%; 高頻百分比,HF%;和低高頻比值,LF/HF)。本研究招募30位健康且無規律運動之大學男生為對象,隨機分派至控制、健走和走路禪三組,每位受試者參與兩次實驗活動,一次進行實驗前解說與練習,另一次進行主實驗和測量。於實驗過程中受試者配戴Polar錶收集心率變異資料,於安靜休息10分鐘後,分別進行30分鐘休息、健走或走路禪 (過程放鬆心情、注意腳步並默數操場每圈步數) 活動,走路之運動為中等強度(自覺量表12-14)。於實驗15分鐘後,受試者接受聽力反應區辨測驗 (auditory Go/No-go test) 和sternberg工作記憶作業 (working memory task) 測驗。收集資料以單因子變異數分析和重複混合變異數分析,分別比較三組受試者認知測驗之差異和比較三組受試者之心率變異率分別在安靜、介入後和介入後15分鐘之差異。結果:1.走路禪組兩項認知測驗之反應時間皆快於健走與控制組,健走組皆快於控制組,但皆未達顯著 (p>.05),2.走路禪Go/No-go test之答對題數顯著高於控制組 (p<.05);健走組兩項認知測驗答對題數皆高於控制組,但皆未達顯著 (p>.05)。3.低頻比例 (LF%) 走路禪與健走組在介入後皆顯著高於控制組 (p<.05);4.高頻比例 (HF%) 走路禪組與健走組皆低於控制組,但未達顯著差異 (p>.05);5.低高頻比 (LF/HF) 走路禪與健走組在介入後與介入後15分鐘皆顯著高於控制組 (p<.05)。結論:單次三十分鐘走路禪改善部分認知功能,單次健走或走路禪

    The purposes of this study were to compare the differences in executive control (reaction time and accurate rate of cognitive test) and heart rate variability (low-frequency power, LF;
    high-frequency power, HF and LF/HF%) at single bout of 30-minutes walking, walking meditation
    and resting conditions of college male students. There were 30 healthy but no regular exercise habit
    male college students were recruited as the subjects and randomly assigned to control groups
    (CG),walking group (WG) and walking-meditation group (WMG). Each subject had asked to the lab
    twice for experimental explanation and practice and for testing. After 10 minutes of resting, each
    subject had carried the polar monitor system to perform either 30-minutes resting, walking, or walking
    meditation (focus on relaxation, step touching and counting.) The walking intensity was moderate
    (with 12-14 at 6-20 rate of perceived exertion). After 15 minutes of experimental activities, the subject
    was received the auditory Go/No-go test and Sternberg working memory task and the collected data
    were analzed with one way ANOVA and repeated- mixed ANOVA. Results: 1, The reaction time of
    WMG was faster than that of WG and CG and WG was faster than CG, but all not significant
    (p>.05).2,The numbers of accurate response of WMG was significantly higher than CG (p<.05) and
    WG was higher than CG. 3, The LF % of WMG and WG was significantly higher than CG after
    exercise (p<.05) . 4, The HF% of WMG and WG was lower than CG,but not significant (p>.05).
    5, The LF/HF of WMG and WG was significantly higher than that of CG group during exercise and
    after exercise (p<.05). Conclusions: The 30 minutes of walking meditation improve part of cognitive
    function and the 30 minutes walking and walking meditation have changed the automatic nerve

    中英文摘要..............................................a  目次..................................................i  圖次................................................iii  表次.................................................iv 第壹章 緒論.............................................1 第一節 問題背景.........................................1 第二節 研究目的.........................................3  第三節 研究假設........................................3  第四節 名詞操作性定義..................................3 第五節 研究範圍與限制....................................4  第六節 研究重要性......................................4 第貳章 文獻探討..........................................5 第一節 禪、冥想及走路禪之相關研究.........................5 第二節 走路、健走運動對身心益處之研究......................8 第三節 運動對大腦認知功能之影響..........................10 第四節 運動與心率變異之相關研究..........................14 第參章 研究方法與步驟...................................17 第一節 研究對象........................................17  第二節 實驗設計.......................................17  第三節 實驗時間與地點.................................18  第四節 實驗儀器.......................................19  第五節 實驗步驟與流程.................................20  第六節 資料收集與處理.................................23 第肆章 結果............................................24  第一節 參與者基本資料..................................24  第二節 執行控制測驗行為................................25  第三節 心率變異資料...................................28 第伍章 討論............................................39  第一節 健走、走路禪認知測驗之比較.......................39  第二節 健走、走路禪與心率變異之影響比較..................41 第陸章 結論與建議.......................................44 第一節 結論............................................44 第二節 建議............................................45 參考文獻................................................47    中文部分.........................................47    英文部分.........................................51 附錄    附錄一 參與者知情同意書...........................58 . 圖次 圖3-3-1 受試者於操場進行健走或走路禪活動..................18 圖3-3-2 受試者於光電科技研究所進行認知功能測驗............18 圖3-4-1 Polar RS800CX心率錶............................19 圖3-4-2 Polar RS800CX心率錶感應帶......................19 圖3-4-3 HRV Analysis Software v1.1....................19 圖3-4-4 統計程式SPSS17.................................19 圖3-5-1 實驗流程圖.....................................20 圖3-5-2 聽覺Go/No-go作業程序圖..........................21 圖3-5-3 Sternberg 工作記憶作業程序圖....................22 圖4-4-1 低頻比例 (LF%) 組間與組內作用圖..................31 圖4-4-2 高頻比例 (HF%) 組間與組內作用圖..................34 圖4-4-3 低高頻比 (LF/HF) 組間與組內作用圖................37 表次 表4-1-1 受試者基本資料..................................24 表4-1-2 各組基本資料...................................24 表4-2-1 聽覺Go / No-Go作業行為成績......................25 表4-2-2 聽覺Go / No-Go作業行為成績ANOVA變異數分析比較.....26 表4-2-3 答對題數Scheffe法事後比較檢定....................26 表4-2-4 Sternberg工作記憶作業行為.......................27 表4-3-1 安靜時HRV資料..................................28 表4-3-2 介入後HRV資料..................................28 表4-3-3 介入後15分鐘HRV資料.............................29 表4-3-4 LF變異數分析摘要表..............................30 表4-3-5 LF混合設計單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表............32 表4-3-6 HF變異數分析摘要表..............................33 表4-3-7 HF混合設計單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表............35 表4-3-8 LF/HF變異數分析摘要表...........................36 表4-3-9 LF/HF混合設計單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表.........38

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