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研究生: 許貿傑
Hsu, Mao-Chieh
論文名稱: 結合季長期天氣預報與標準化降雨指標建立有勝溪斷流預警系統
Combined seasonal forecast with Standardized Precipitation Index to construct river fragmentation warning system of Yousheng Creek
指導教授: 李宗祐
Lee, Tsung-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 間歇流伏流水上游流域生態保育
英文關鍵詞: intermittent flow, hypoheric flow, headwater catchment, ecological conservation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900338
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:99下載:7
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  • 近年來研究人員發現域外放流至羅葉尾溪的櫻花鉤吻鮭有向其下游的有勝溪擴張之趨勢,卻遭到有勝溪斷流事件的阻礙,羅葉尾溪成功的域外放流,卻可能因有勝溪頻繁地斷流事件而直接衝擊臺灣國寶魚棲地生態的完整性。因此,本研究欲藉由航遙測影像、雨量與流量資料之比對來探討有勝溪斷流發生機制,並結合季長期天氣預報與標準化降雨指標建立有勝溪斷流預警系統。

    Recently, the success in the reintroduction to the Louyewei Creek inspired researchers who have been working on the salmon conservation. The offspring of the reintrodueced the Formosan landlocked salmons (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) have a tendency to expand their habitat to the Yousheng Creek, the downstream of the Loyewei Creek. However, the habitat expansion was limited by the river fragmentation in the Yousheng Creek. In order to understand the occasions of the river fragmentation, we have collected and analyzed the historical satellite image, rainfall and streamflow data, also combined seasonal forecast with Standardized Precipitation Index to establish river fragmentation warning system of Yousheng Creek.
    It is found that after Aug., 2012, the flow direction was changed from the straight to the meandering, and the flow was braided. In this condition, i.e. meandering and braided, river fragmentation occurred while SPI-1<0 or streamflow less than 0.531CMS. The study therefore constructed the river fragmentation warning system according to the forecast of seasonnal long-term weather outlook of Central Weather Bureau (CWB). The thresholds of three outlook classes, i.e. A(Above), N(Normal) and B(Below), of Yousheng Creek’s monthly rainfall were modified firstly, ensuring the class of monthly Yousheng’s rainfall to match the class of the coresponding CWB weather station (one among Taipei, Taichung and Hualien station). Afterwards, the daily rainfall could be generated by Weather Generator (WGEN) according to the CWB’ outlook forecast and the rainfall statisitics for the outlook class of Yousheng’s rainfall. After generating the rainfall, the study utilized SPI-1<0 as the river fragmentation warning indicator to assessment fragmentation events after October, 2012. The accuracy of predicting fragmentation is 57%. Besides, IHA was used to assess the flow changes between 1996-2012 and 2013-2016. It is found that three was no statistically significant changes among the two peridos. It indicats that the frequency occurance of fragmention in the upstream could not be reflected by the streamflow data measured in the downstream watershed outlet. In-situ measurement in the fragmented reaches is therefore strongly suggested.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 2 2.1 氣候變遷對櫻花鉤吻鮭棲地之影響 2 2.2 間歇河與河溪生態之相關研究 2 2.2.1 河川斷流之發生原因 3 2.2.2 河川斷流之影響評估 4 2.3 河川流量與河溪生態之相關研究 4 2.4 天氣預報之相關應用 4 第二章 研究區域、材料與方法 7 第一節 研究區域 7 第二節 材料與方法 7 2.1 研究資料 7 2.1.1 衛星影像與航空照片 7 2.1.2 氣象與流量測站資料 8 2.1.3 魚群數量 8 2.1.4 中央氣象局季天氣長期展望資料 9 2.2 氣象資料合成步驟 11 2.2.1 選取歷年降雨分布特性最相似的季預報測站 11 2.2.2 合理修正有勝溪歷年月總雨量BNA的界定門檻值 12 2.2.3 氣象資料合成模式(WGEN) 13 2.3 標準化降雨指標(SPI) 14 2.4 IHA(水文改變指標) 14 第三節 研究流程 16 第三章 水文條件與有勝溪斷流之關係 19 第一節 有勝溪之歷史斷流事件 19 第二節 雨量與斷流之關係 24 第三節 流量與斷流之關係 28 第四節 斷流與魚群數量之關係 34 第四章 有勝溪斷流預警系統之建置 37 第一節 雨量相關性分析結果 37 第二節 有勝溪歷年月總雨量BNA門檻值之合理修正結果 38 第三節 結合季長期預報之雨量預報結果 39 第五章 流量分析指標與斷流之關係 49 第一節 IHA之分析成果 49 第二節 IHA與斷流之關係 54 第六章 結論與建議 55 第一節 結論 55 第二節 建議 56 參考文獻 59 中文文獻 59 英文文獻 60 附錄 63

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