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研究生: 王薾暄
Wang, Erh-Hsuan
論文名稱: 美國總統川普對外政策思維與實踐的研究-以貿易與同盟軍費分攤談判為例
Analyzing Trump's Foreign Policy Thinking and Practice: A Case Study of Trade and Alliance Defense Burden-sharing Negotiations
指導教授: 林賢參
Lin, Hsien-Sen
口試委員: 張登及 徐筱琦 林賢參
口試日期: 2021/06/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 東亞學系
Department of East Asian Studies
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 川普美國優先貿易政策同盟部署零和觀點國家中心
英文關鍵詞: Trump, America First, trade policy, strategic deployment, zero-sum view, state-centrism
研究方法: 歷史研究法文件分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101069
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:129下載:0
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  • 美國第四十五任總統川普是一位備受關注的政治人物,其言行與美國傳統政治人物具有極大的差異性,尤其是川普倡導的「美國優先」原則,以美國利益至上為對外政策考量。本論文以現實主義作為研究川普「美國優先」原則的途徑,分別從川普的對外經貿政策與同盟軍費分攤談判探討川普如何展現零和觀點以及國家中心主義。川普執政時期啟動美國貿易保護關稅,引起一系列與其他國家的貿易磋商與談判事件,本論文聚焦於川普時期的美韓、美歐、美墨加、美日以及美中的貿易關係,檢視川普如何於若干對外貿易關係中展現美國優先原則、依循美國優先原則與其他國家斡旋,最後取得其合意的貿易結果。

    The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, is a politician who has received much attention. His words and deeds are very different from those of traditional American politicians. In particular, the "America First" principle advocated by Trump, which puts American interests first as the foreign policy considerations. This research study uses realism to study Trump's "America First" principle, and discusses how Trump demonstrates his foreign trade policies and foreign alliance defense burden-sharing negotiations from the perspective of zero-sum view and state-centrism. Trump initiated the U.S. trade protection tariffs and triggered a series of trade negotiations with other countries. This research study focuses on the trade relations between the United States, South Korea, Europe, Mexico, Canada, Japan, and China. This study also examines how Trump demonstrated "America First" principle in certain foreign trade relations, mediated with other countries based on the thinking of U.S. priority, and finally achieved trade results that he agreed with.
    In addition to trade relations, this research study also explores how "America First" principle affects America’s relations with foreign allies. Trump’s foreign alliance establishment is based on benefit acqusition, especially the issue of military spending. Trump's request for South Korea, Japan, and NATO countries to increase the proportion of military expenditures and defense budgets is all out of safeguarding "America First" principle. However, Trump's excessive advocacy of "America First" has also led to the deterioration of relations between the United States and its allies. During Trump’s presidency, the "America First" principle became a major symbol of his. Although Trump did not succeed in being re-elected as president, he said that he would not give up running for president. Therefore, the future US foreign trade policy and alliance deployment will change with Trump’s political action.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究途徑與方法 7 第三節 文獻回顧 10 第四節 研究架構、範圍與限制 18 第二章「美國優先」原則之形成背景及實踐 23 第一節「美國優先」原則之形成背景 23 第二節「美國優先」原則之實踐狀況 31 第三節 小結 39 第三章 美國優先原則下的貿易政策: 以美韓、美歐、美墨加為例 43 第一節 美韓貿易關係 43 第二節 美歐貿易關係 52 第三節 美墨加貿易關係 60 第四節 小結 68 第四章 美國優先原則下的貿易政策: 以美日、美中為例 71 第一節 美日貿易關係 71 第二節 美中貿易關係 78 第三節 小結 89 第五章 美國優先原則下的同盟關係: 以美韓、美日、美歐同盟為例 91 第一節 美韓同盟關係 91 第二節 美日同盟關係 98 第三節 美歐同盟關係 109 第四節 小結 116 第六章 結論 119 第一節 研究發現 119 第二節 後續研究 129 參考文獻 131

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