研究生: |
袁宗芝 Chung-Chih Yuan |
論文名稱: |
青春期自閉症者的友誼發展與變異歷程之敘說探究 A Narrative Exploratory Study of Development and Change of Friendship on the Adolescences with Autistic Syndrome |
指導教授: |
Hu, Shin-Tzu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 172 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自閉症 、亞斯柏格 、高功能自閉症 、輕度自閉症 、青春期 、友誼 、敘說探究 、國中 |
英文關鍵詞: | autism, Asperger, high-funcational austism, mild autistic syndrome, adolescence, friendship, fnarrative inquiry, junior high shcool |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:653 下載:67 |
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3. 追求友誼的表現:青春期輕度自閉症者對追求友誼和趨近同儕,都表現了高度興趣,但也知覺到自己不受歡迎,而易感到孤單。選擇朋友的方式是覺察團體中對自己態度較友善者,會進一步趨近,想建立緊密的「朋友關係」,社會知覺能力佳者尤其明顯。亦會嘗試與異性同儕的往來,且會直接或請他人表達愛慕的心意,但欠缺交往的策略和行動,很難真的進行交往。通常對於班上的弱勢同儕,輕度自閉症者並沒有包容或想要結交的意圖,甚至有嚴重的批評。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the personal experience about friendship on the adolescences with mild autistic syndrome, including Asperger or high-function autism syndrome. Under the guideline of Narrative Inquiry, and through long time face-to-face interview and observation, this study collected numerous subjective discourse data and then edited as three individualized life-stories about the development and change of friendship on three participants, with mild autistic syndrome, who was studying in junior high school.
The major findings are as following:
1.The development and change of the three friendship stories:The three friendships developed and changed in quite different way and could be drawn as three kinds of curves to symbolizing the path. The first curve had only one peak which meant the first participant only had had one good friend and never tried to make another one after he refused him. The second curve had three peaks during four semesters and the last one still kept high. It represented the second participant sought new friend`s company when he lost one. The third curve looked like many ripples, because the third participant asked whoever gazed him to be his friend occasionally, but no friendly affection shared, nor real interaction occurred.
2.The definition of friendship: The three adolescence participants fully understood that a friend is not same as an ordinary peer, but each of they looked upon and depended on friends differently as well. The first participant cared about sharing, understanding, and encouraging etc., the second one relied on value, regulation, and royalty, and the third one enjoyed sharing objects, asking after.
3.The way for adolescences with mild autistic syndrome to find friends:All the three participants were fond of making friends and approaching peers, but felt lonely four not being popular with peers from time to time. They usually went to those kind peers and tried to develop close friendship. They were also interested in female peers, and would express adoration directly or indirectly. Lacking interaction stratages and action made they hard to make girlfriends after all. Meanwhile, those participants did not intend to make friends with other inferior peers in their class, two of them even criticized with no mercy.
Along the researching processing, data analysis, lots of personal introspection occurred on the researcher. Therefore, some suggestions were presented accordingly at end of this paper.
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