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研究生: 黃己娥
論文名稱: 小一學生學習障礙檢核表之編製研究
Development of the Checklist for First-grade Students for Identification of Learning Disabilities
指導教授: 王天苗
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 213
中文關鍵詞: 學習障礙學生學習障礙檢核表
英文關鍵詞: learning disabilities students, the checklist for identification of learning disabilities
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:205下載:32
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  • 本研究主要研究目的在於編製可供小一普通班教師篩檢學障學生的檢核表,考驗該工具的效度與信度,並分析小一學障學生學習問題的組型,以對小一學生的學習問題有更深入的了解。
    1. 本研究自編之「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」共58題,包括有:注意力向度9題,知覺辨別向度10題,記憶力向度10題,組織思考向度10題,表達向度10題,動作協調向度9題。
    2. 「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」各向度得分與總分之間皆呈現顯著中度至高度相關,相關值為.63~.81。
    3. 小一疑似學障學生和確認學障學生在「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」的各向度得分和總分沒有顯著差異。而小一疑似學障學生和確認學障學生在「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」的各向度得分和總分皆顯著大於一般學生。
    4. 「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」總分類正確率為75.4%,分類結果達到p<.01的標準。
    5. 低年級和中年級組學障學生在「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」的總分和各向度得分皆顯著高於高年級組學生。但低年級組和中年級組學障學生在「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」總分和各向度分數沒有差異。
    6. 小一學生在校國語期中考成績、數學期中考成績與「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」各向度分數皆呈現顯著負相關。
    7. 被教師評定為沒有學習問題的學生,在「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」的總分與各向度得分皆顯著低於有輕微學習問題學生和有嚴重學習問題學生。被教師評定為有輕微學習問題的學生,在「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」的總分與各向度得分也皆顯著低於有嚴重學習問題的學生。
    8. 「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」總分類正確率為72.8%,分類結果達到p<.01的標準。
    9. 「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」各向度得分總分類正確率以注意力向度分數最高,為88.9%,其餘依次是組織思考(85.7%)、知覺辨別(79.2%)、記憶力(85.2%)、表達(82.3%)、動作協調(79.0%),顯示分類正確性佳。
    10. 「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」整體的內部一致性係數為.94,各向度的內部一致性為.74~.88。普通班教師與資源班教師評量者信度為.38~.72。

    There were three purposes of the research. The first one was to develop “The checklist for first-grade students for identification of learning disabilities. (CILD) ” The second one was to construct and evaluate the reliability and validity of the checklist. The third one was to analyze patterns of the learning problems of the first-grade students with learning disabilities.
    The sample of the checklist for first-grade students for identification of learning disabilities consisted of 642 elementary school students in Taipei City, grade 1 to 6, including 384 general students, 67 students with suspected learning disabilities, 191 students with learning disabilities. Regarding the methods to process the data, they are listed as follows: Pearson product-moment correlation, nonparametric statistical test-Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks, discriminant analysis, point-biserial correlation, cluster analysis.
    The following were summarized the major findings of this research:
    1. CILD were composed of 58 items, which were divided into six major domains: attention, perception discrimination, memory, organization and thinking, expression, motor coordination。
    2. The total scores were positive correlated with the domains scores on CILD, the values were.63~.81。
    3. There are no significant differences between the total scores and domain scores on CILD of first-grade students with learning disability and with suspected learning disability. The first-grade students with learning disability and suspected learning disability gained higher total scores and domains scores on CILD than the normal ones.
    4. The total scores on CILD can correctly discriminate 75.4% first-grade students with learning disability and normal ones(p<.01).
    5. The Lower grade and Intermediate grade students with learning disability and suspected ones gained higher total scores and domains scores on CILD than the Higher grades ones. There are no significant differences between the total scores and domain scores on CILD of Lower grade and Intermediate grade ones.
    6. The midterm exam scores of Chinese and math of first-grade students were negative correlated with the domain scores on CILD.
    7. The total scores and domain scores on CILD of no learning problem students were lower than the ones of mild and severe learning problem.
    8. The total scores on CILD can correctly discriminate 72.8% different degree learning problem students(p<.01).
    9. The discrimination of different domain scores on CILD are listed as follows: attention 88.9%, perception discrimination 79.2%, memory 85.2%, organization and thinking 85.7%, expression82.3%, motor coordination79.0%.
    10. The internal consistency coefficients of CILD ranged from.74~.88.The coefficients of interjudge reliability between two teachers ranged from .38 to .72。
    11. The patterns of first-grade students with learning disability included four types: multiple and severe difficulties, multiple and mild difficulties, memory-sensory-motor, thinking-expression.
    Implications for CILD were discussed and some suggestions were provided for future studies and instruction.

    第一章 緒論 7 第一節 研究背景和動機 7 第二節 研究目的與問題 16 第三節 名詞釋義 19 第二章 文獻探討 21 第一節 學習障礙定義的討論 21 第二節 訊息處理理論、基本心理歷程能力與學習障礙的關係 35 第三節 學習障礙兒童的早期先兆與指標 44 第四節 臺北市學習障礙鑑定程序與內容 65 第三章 研究方法 71 第一節 研究設計 71 第二節 研究對象 75 第三節 研究工具 79 第四節 研究步驟 80 第五節 資料處理與分析 88 第四章 研究結果 91 第一節 「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」編製結果 91 第二節 「小一學生學習障礙檢核表」信效度檢驗結果 119 第三節 小一學生學習問題組型分析結果 133 第五章 討論與建議 143 第一節 討論 143 第二節 研究限制 152 第三節 研究建議 153 參考書目 158 附 錄 附錄一 訪談結果彙整 173 附錄二 審題題本 190 附錄三 審題專家名單 198 附錄四 審題題本題目增刪過程與結果 199 附錄五 試作題本 204 附錄六 試作題本題目增刪過程與結果 208 附錄七 正式題本 210

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