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研究生: 羅暐茹
Wei-Ju Lo
論文名稱: 靈性教育方案對高齡者靈性健康影響之研究
A Study on the Effects that Spiritual Education Program has on the Elderly Spiritual Health
指導教授: 黃富順
Huang, Fu-Shun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 169
中文關鍵詞: 高齡者靈性健康靈性教育
英文關鍵詞: the elderly, spiritual health, spiritual education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:231下載:63
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  • 本研究旨在探討靈性教育方案對高齡者靈性健康的影響,以行動研究進行六週共計六次12小時的靈性教育方案的教學,研究結論為:


    The theme of the study is to explore the effects that Spiritual Education Program has on the elderly spiritual health. Through a series of active research for 6 weeks, with 6 sessions and a total of 12 hours, the conclusion of the research application is outlined as follows.
    1. The contents of spiritual education program for the elderly:
    (1)Using the past, present and future as a timeline, and apply to it, the intentions of spiritual health.
    (2)The contents of spiritual education includes “life review”, “happy sharing”, “encourage the individual potential to enrich one’s life”, “believe in one’s mind”, “reunion” and “collection of memories”. These six activities are all suitable for the elderly to participate in the spiritual education program.
    (3)There were certain difficulties with the actual application of “Religious faith”
    (4)The elderly feel refreshed and interested in subject activities.
    (5)The elderly can examine themselves step by step, through a periodical development order of “Present→ Past→Present→Future.”
    2. The ways to implement spiritual education include life narrative, arts, dance movement, music and meditation.
    (1)The ways of life narrative, arts, dance movement, music and meditation all apply to spiritual education.
    (2)Using different ways of implementation to develop diverse teaching activities.
    (3)Making use of group dynamics to encourage interaction of the elderly.
    (4)Using warm-up games as activities to help the elderly warm-up physically and mentally.
    (5)Making use of different suitable methods to build a warm and positive atmosphere of learning.
    3. The implementation of Spiritual Education Program has had a significant impact on the elderly.

    According to the above conclusions, this research also provides suggestions which are outlined as follow:
    1. Suggestions for teacher of the elderly:
    (1)Implement spiritual education program to advance spiritual health of the elderly.
    (2)Combine courses with life narrative and life review to advance spiritual health of the elderly.
    (3)The teacher should actively attend conferences or workshops to enrich professional spiritual knowledge, guidance and conversational skills.
    (4)Use the way of life narrative, arts, dance movement, music and meditation with group dynamic to advance individual spiritual health.
    2. Suggestions for senior education organizations and government office:
    (1)Senior education organizations should offer spiritual health or mind enrichment courses.
    (2)Senior education organizations should cooperate with universities to hold workshops of spiritual education.
    (3)Government office should offer counseling services about spiritual education.
    3. Suggestions for the elderly:
    (1)Attend spiritual education program to advance spiritual health.
    (2)Find diverse learning ways to advance individual spiritual health.
    4. Suggestions for further research:
    (1)Extend the implemented program to be a 12 weeks schedule.
    (2)Using quasi-experimental design to understand the impact that spiritual education program has on spiritual health.
    (3)Select elderly from a wide variety of regions to do this topic.
    (4)Form a research group to study spiritual education programs.

    第一章 緒論 1  第一節 問題背景與重要性 1  第二節 研究動機與目的  3  第三節 研究方法與步驟  5  第四節 名詞釋義     7  第五節 研究範圍與限制  9 第二章 文獻探討             13  第一節 靈性健康之意義及重要性     13  第二節 靈性健康的內涵、相關研究及評量 20  第三節 靈性教育方案相關研究      29  第四節 靈性教育方案與靈性健康之關係  37 第三章 研究設計與實施  41  第一節 研究架構    41  第二節 行動研究設計  45  第三節 行動研究的實施 69  第四節 資料的處理   76 第四章 行動研究歷程發展的分析與討論     85  第一節 方案內容之分析與討論        85  第二節 方案實施方式之分析與討論      104  第三節 方案實施對靈性健康的影響      118  第四節 方案實施歷程中發生之問題與解決途徑 130 第五章 結論與建議 135  第一節 研究結論 135  第二節 研究建議 139 參考文獻 145 附  錄 153

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