簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 鄒春祥
論文名稱: 廢墟之美 鄒春祥繪畫創作
指導教授: 林仁傑
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 廢墟寫實主義超現實主義拉菲爾前派魏斯左營
英文關鍵詞: Ruins, Realism, Surrealism, Pre-Raphaelitism, Andrew Wyeth, Tsoying
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:112下載:30
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  • 摘要
    本論文研究的領域是探討廢墟建物描繪風格的形成與精神內涵。第一章,研究動機,最主要是檢視左營這一個地方,正面臨都市計畫改建,許多是筆者兒時的記憶角落,目前已遭破壞或消滅中,因此表達心中的感觸,而思考文明衝擊下所產生的廢墟。第二章,文獻探討,企圖從美術史中各個流派描述風景,人文的資料中尋找創作的材料。另外參考美學家所論述美的形式與語言,從中得到對自然界所下的定義差異作為比較。 第三章,創作技法和理論基礎以樸實、和諧為核心價值。分成英國風景繪畫、寫實主義、超現實主義、拉斐爾前派、魏斯水彩繪畫等五部分來做一說明。並藉由水彩,油畫繪畫媒材,表達個人對左營地區廢墟建物的關懷和生命的探討,同時也剖析個人在創作中所表達的作品含義。第四章,創作媒材和技法,介紹個人在運用媒材和技法的實驗心得和效果。第五章,作品解析。第六章,結論與未來展望。

    The development of modern civlization in our societies , on the one hand , inspires residents to build new constructions in the cities; on the other hand, eliminates traditional architecture preservation. My hometown – Tsoying, is one of the examples to demonstrate how local scenery and landscape devastated due to the compact of economic and social reforms. As a resident of Tsoying as well as an advocate to protect those historical buildings, I strongly believe the local traditional architecture should not be ignored or abandoned in the modern world. Instead, those traditional buildings must be regarded as mediums to evoke “common memory” of a society and furthermore connect residents’ hearts together. As long as residents of a society launch to appreciate the beauty of their traditional architecture, they cultivate unique aesthetic experience within and gradually create new art forms to reflect their identities.

    Based on statements above, my research object will mainly focus on Tsoying and its changing city face. By exploring traditional buildings in Tsoying and discussing their unique aesthetic elements , I would like to present the profound racial spirit on the land. Western drawing theories and aesthetics will be utilized to support my viewpoints. This thesis will be divided into five parts:First, introduction of writing purposes: Tsoying means more than a city to me and those who grow up from here. Residents of this city not only live in its development but also live with their memories of past. Through the traditional architecture, childhood memories preserved and local identity inspired. However, with the promotion of city renew projects, modern buildings replace traditional architecture gradually. The drastic disappearance of traditional architecture means drastic disappearance of our “common memory” to the hometown. Thus, in the first part, I will describe the recent condition of traditional architecture in Tsoying and analyses factors to threat it’s preservation .Secondly, based on reference in art history and theories in both art and humanity fields: What is “tradition”? How tradition influences modern societies and people? Through studying reference in different academic fields and comparing their explanations to certain key words, we conclude a definition about tradition. As the first part mentioned, traditional buildings are residents’ common recollection to their land. Thus, the more population cherish the old buildings, the deeper local identity rooted. In this part, I will focus on “tradition” in advance and discuss how tradition survives in a modern world.Third, by studying the English drawing traditions in scenery: we figure out the core value of western aesthetics is to look for the harmony between nature and manufacture. By presenting the spirit of the following art traditions: Picturesque﹐ Realism, Surrealism, Pre-Raphaelitism , the water color drawings of Andrew Wyeth and etc., we will understand how western art tradition present its admiration to “tradition” in works. And , moreover, I will pull back to my oil painting works and explain my viewpoints within.Forth, drawing techniques and utilized materials:briefly introduce techniques and materials utilized in works and review their efforts.
    Fifth, works analyses.Sixth, conclusion.Through this thesis and my works, I eager to evoke people’s concern to traditional buildings’ reservation. Old buildings are important properties to any races. Thus, when we reserve those ruins and architecture properly, we are saving treasure for next generations.

    廢墟之美─《鄒春祥繪畫創作》 目錄 頁次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1 第二節 名詞解釋 4 第三節 研究方法與範圍 7 第四節 創作研究步驟和創作表現方法 12 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 左營地區傳統建築 16 第二節 左營眷村文化的形成 21 第三節 左營廢墟之美 23 第四節 從風景繪畫探索廢墟繪畫的發展 26 第五節 藝術家筆下的廢墟風景繪畫 32 第三章 創作想法和理論基礎 37 第一節 創作想法 37 第二節 英國風景繪畫的洗禮 43 第三節 寫實的啟示 45 第四節 超現實主義的思想 48 第五節 拉斐爾前派美學影響 50 第六節 魏斯水彩畫的風格 52 第四章 創作媒材和技法 54 第一節 水彩畫媒材的應用 57 第二節 水彩畫技法 59 第三節 油畫媒材應用 61 第四節 油畫技法 62 第五章 作品解析 64 第一節 集體記憶系列 66 第二節 廢墟與文明系列 110 第三節 再生系列 122 第六章 結論與未來展望 134 參考書目

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