合作學習(Cooperative Learning)是一種小組學習,讓每位學生透過分工、小組成員互動過程中相互學習的所謂累積智慧 (Collective Interigence)的教學方法。此種方法可促進學習者的成就與正向的人際關係。進行合作學習活動需兼顧五項基本要素:建立積極的相互依賴關係、促進面對面的互動、強調個人績效責任、教導合作技巧、進行團體反省歷程。
The POE strategy is the Predict-Observe-Explain sequence which is both a probe to expose students' prior knowledge and a teaching strategy (Gunstone, 1992). Students' prior knowledge and beliefs can affect their observations and interpretations of new learning.
Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that student work together to maximize so called “Collective Intelligence” (CI) of their own and each other's learning. Cooperative learning produces higher achievement, more positive relationships among students. To be cooperative, a group must have clear positive interdependence, members must promote each other's learning and success face to face, hold each other personally and individually accountable to do his or her fair share of the work, use appropriately the interpersonal and small-group skills needed for cooperative efforts to be successful, and process as a group how effectively members are working together. These five essential components must be present for small-group learning to be truly cooperative.
The purpose of the study was to identify the learning condition and achievements of electric current chemical effect with combine the POE strategy with cooperative learning in nature curriculum .The study samples are the third year of junior high school (grade 9) students in Tao-Yuan county .We chose one class to be set the experimental group practicing combine the POE strategy with cooperative learning. Another class was set as the control group practicing ordinary group learning. During the research process, quantitative and qualitative methods are adopted by this study. Qualitative data includes students' learning reports, the records of the talks with students, the researcher's diary and interview transcription from the experimental group. Quantitative data includes questionnaire of attitudes toward science, achievements test of electric current chemical effect from the study samples.
The result shows:
1.In learning process﹐the students in the experimental group have more interactive chances and enhance students, attention. Most students enjoy working together for acquiring Collective Intelligence. Team competitions are the effective ways of increasing the achievement of cooperative learning.
2. Either the experimental group or the control group is practiced﹐a significant increase in the achievements of electric current chemical effect can be observed in students. There was no obvious parallel interaction between teaching methods and the academic achievements. In the main effect analysis, the students with high academic achievement is better than the students with low academic achievement(F=26.411,P=.000), the experimental group is better than the control group(F=6.484,P=.013). Maybe more chances for interactions is learning effect in the experimental group.
3. In learning attitudes, there exists no significant difference with t-test in different teaching methods. In learning methods, there was no obvious interaction between teaching methods and the academic achievements. In the main effect analysis, the experimental group is better than the control group(F=7.946,P=.006).
According to the finding of this study, commendations about the process in this study, science teaching and researches in the future were purposed.
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