簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳慕偉
Wu Mu-Wei
論文名稱: 臺灣產水玉黴屬生物學之研究
A Biological Study of the Genus Pilobolus in Taiwan
指導教授: 簡秋源
Chien, Chiu-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 水玉黴糞生菌
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:242下載:0
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  • 糞生菌水玉黴(Pilobolus Tode, 1784)為草食動物排遺中常見的一群真菌,是毛黴目(Mucorales)水玉黴科(Pilobolaceae)中的一個屬。關於臺灣水玉黴之形態、分類學之研究曾經被報導過,惟缺乏完整描述之記錄,而且國內對於生態學及生理學方面之研究尚付闕如。本實驗自臺灣地區各地採集草食動物排遺,分離出16個菌株,共鑑定出四種,分別為:結晶水玉黴(Pilobolus crystallinus Tode)、球孢水玉黴(Pilobolus sphaerosporus Palla)、乳突水玉黴(Pilobolus umbonatus Buller)及鹿角水玉黴(Pilobolus comutus Wu & Chien)。乳突水玉黴為臺灣新記錄種,而鹿角水玉黴為新種。於實驗期間,分別採集臺北市立動物園與墾丁社頂地區各三種草食動物排遺做分離、培養、觀察及記錄一個月,實驗結果顯示:墾丁社頂梅花鹿排遺長出之水玉黴數量最多,出現頻率則以動物園梅花鹿排遺為最高,數量及頻率皆以台灣野兔最低。水玉黴出現高峰期以山羌最早,僅須3天﹔最遲出現者為台灣野兔,須多於10天。反芻動物排遺上水玉黴數量及頻率顯著高於非反芻動物(p < 0.001)﹔出現高峰期亦早於非反芻動物(p < 0.01)。臺灣北部梅花鹿排遺之水玉黴出現頻率顯著高於南部者(p < 0.001)。以測量菌落直徑來瞭解水玉黴生理特性,採用含100 - 150 ml糞物抽出物/1L蒸餾水之培養基,於25 - 35℃之溫度、pH 6 - 9之酸鹼值及完全黑暗之培養環境下最為適合水玉黴之生長。以10 ml糞物抽出物/1L蒸餾水培養基為水玉黴生長所須最低量之培養基。本實驗中人工培養上述四種水玉黴,生長速率最快的為球孢水玉黴,而鹿角水玉黴最為緩慢。

    Pilobolus (Tode, 1784) is a common group of coprophilous fungi which habitat on herbivorous faeces, and as a member of Pilobolaceae in the Order of Mucorales. Although the morphological and taxonomic studies of Pilobolus in Taiwan has been reported since 1972, but there hasn't been completely record. Furthermore, there have never been ecological and physiological studies in Taiwan. I collected herbivorous faeces from several sampling sites including Taipei Zoo and Keng Ting etc. in Taiwan and obtained 16 strains. Totally, four species are successfully examined and identified. They are namely: Pilobolus crystallinus Tode, Pilobolus sphaerosporus Palla, Pilobolus umbonatus Buller and Pilobolus comutus Wu & Chien. Pilobolus umbonatus is a new record in Taiwan and Pilobolus comutus is a new species. During my experimental study, isolation, cultivation and examination were proceeded over 30 days. The result indicated that the highest number of sporangia discharge was sika deer dung collected in Taipei Zoo, the highest appearance of frequency is sika deer's, and the lowest is hare's in Keng Ting. Above two criteria, the earliest of the date of climax is muntjac feaces within 3 days, the longest is hare's more than 10 days. Both number of Pilobolus sporangia discharge and appearance of frequency of ruminant feaces are significantly higher than non- ruminant's ( p < 0.0001), and the date of climax is earlier than non- ruminant's ( p < 0.01). The appearance of frequency of sika deer dung in northern Taiwan is significant higher than southern (p < 0.001). The diameter of colonies were measured to analyze the mycelial growth characters of Pilobolus sphaerosporus. The medium containing 100-150 ml dung extract per 1 liter distilled water under 25 - 35 ℃, pH 6 - 9 and complete darkness conditions were detected as optimum growth, and the lowest concentration for Pilobolus growth was determined by using 10 ml dung extract per 1 liter distilled water. Above 4 species of Pilobolus were successfully inoculated onto artificial medium and among these, Pilobolus sphaerosporus shown the fastest growth rate, and Pilobolus comutus the slowest.
