研究生: |
莊惠雯 |
論文名稱: |
大學生時間分配、社會支持來源、心理狀態、健康行為與自覺安適狀態之相關因素研究 |
指導教授: |
Guo, Jong-Long |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 127 |
中文關鍵詞: | 時間管理 、社會支持 、自覺壓力 、自覺憂鬱 、健康行為 、自覺安適狀態 |
英文關鍵詞: | time management, social supports, perceived stress, perceived depression, health behavior, well-being |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1652 下載:211 |
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一、 研究對象課餘時間分配的總時數平均為22.65小時,幾乎96.6%的人都會花費時間在娛樂上,但僅少數人會參加有意義的活動,如宗教活動(15.9%)、當義工(14.5%)。會影響研究對象時間分配之因素有「學校」、「類組」、「性別」、「居住情況」。
二、 研究對象獲得約中等程度的社會支持。主要來自家人與同儕。主要影響社會支持來源的因素與時間分配相同。
三、 研究對象自覺壓力平均屬於中等程度,而約有八成一的人有憂鬱傾向。自覺壓力的顯著預測因子為「性別」、「年級」;自覺憂鬱與所有個人因素皆無顯著的關係;且自覺壓力與自覺憂鬱間有顯著相關性。
四、 研究對象的週吸菸率為7.2%;飲酒率為6%;有規律運動習慣者佔32.5%,完全沒運動者佔35.8%;飲食習慣尚可,表現較差的行為包括:沒有服用維生素或礦物質補充劑、沒有吃適量奶類、適量水果以及常吃宵夜及零食等;平均睡眠時數屬於正常範圍,但作息不正常、熬夜的情形很普遍。整體健康行為之顯著預測因子為「身體質量指數」、「居住情況」、「社經地位」;吸菸行為之顯著預測因子為「學校」、「居住情況」、「性別」、「類組」;飲酒行為之顯著預測因子為「社經地位」、「性別」;飲食行為之顯著預測因子為「社經地位」;運動行為之顯著預測因子為「性別」;睡眠行為之顯著預測因子為「居住情況」。且有無吸菸、飲酒、飲食、運動與身體質量指數皆呈正相關。睡眠行為與自覺壓力及自覺憂鬱都呈負相關。
五、 研究對象的自覺安適狀態整體程度並不佳,比美國大學生差,各層面以「生理」層面自覺最佳,最差的則為「社會」層面。而顯著影響研究對象自覺安適狀態之因素有「身體質量指數」、「性別」;且社會支持來源、健康行為與自覺壓力都與自覺安適狀態有顯著正相關。
六、 研究對象健康行為的重要預測變項依影響力大小排序:以「社會支持來源」最具有解釋力,其次是「居住情況」及「成績」,其餘依次為身體質量指數正常者、性別、學校、父母社經地位、自覺憂鬱、身體質量指數過重者、年級。
七、 研究對象整體的健康行為與自覺安適狀態有顯著正相關。但各分項健康行為可解釋各分項自覺安適狀態的變異量並不高。
The purpose of this study was to realize time management, social supports, psychological status, health behaviors and well-being, and the related factors among college students. The data was collected by structured questionnaire. The sample consists of 1422 college students from the 1st grade to 4th grade of 11 colleges and universities in Taiwan in 2002. 1299 of valid samples were collected. The main findings were as follows:
1. The average available time of college students per week was approximate 22.65 hours. 96.6% students reported that they spent time on recreation, but there were only 16% students participated in the religious activities and about 15% students served as volunteers. The significant factors of time management were difference among “school location”, “major”, “gender”, and “living situation”.
2. Subjects gained middle range social supports. Among three social supports, they received social supports mainly from families and friends. The significant factors of social supports were “school location”, “major”, “gender”, and “living situation”.
3. Subjects reported that they perceive middle level stress, and about 80.1% of students were more likely to have depression. Just nearly 10.9﹪of them were nondepressed. The significant factors of perceived stress were “grade” and “gender”. There is no significant predictor for perceived depression.
4. 7.2% of subjects had smoked cigarettes regularly per week; 6% of subjects had drank alcoholic beverage regularly per week; 32.5% of subjects did regular exercise, and 35.8% of subjects never did. Some unideal diet habits, such as “not taking vitamins or mineral”, “not drinking enough milk”, “not eating enough fruits” and “eat at late night or between meals” were more likely to be reported. Average sleep time was in normal range, but there were 43% of subjects slept more than seven hours on weekdays, 87.2% of subjects slept more than seven hours on weekends. About 50% of subjects stayed up late. The significant factors of health behaviors were “BMI”, “living situation” and “socioeconomic status”. The significant factors of smoking cigarettes were “school location”, “living situation”, “gender”, and “major”. The significant factors of drinking alcoholic beverage were “socioeconomic status”, and “gender”. The significant factor of diet behaviors was “socioeconomic status”. The significant factor of exercise behavior was “gender”. The significant factor of sleep behavior was “living situation”. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcoholic beverage, diet behaviors, and exercise behavior were positively correlated with BMI significantly.
5. Subjects’ well-being was not ideal. Of six dimensions, physical well-being was the best, and social well-being was the worst. The significant factors of well-being were “BMI”, and “gender”. Social supports, health behaviors and perceived stress were positively correlated with well-being significantly.
6. The important predictors of health behaviors were social support, living situation, academic performance, normal BMI, gender, school location, socioeconomic status, perceived depression, over-weight BMI, and grade. Social supports was the most powerful predictor.
7. Based on canonical correlation analysis, health behaviors were positively correlated with well-being significantly, however only minor amount of well-being can be accounted by health behaviors.
Based on these results, subjects’ well-being was not ideal, even worse than American college students. Thus, we suggest that university administration should adapt the concepts of the “Health Promoting School location”, encourage their students to promote health behaviors and well-being through the supports from staff under the school location structures.
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