簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林宜萱
Yi-Xuan Veronica Lin
論文名稱: 論量化詞範域之歧義性:英文第二語言習得中,台灣學生對於英文量化詞的詮釋
On Scope Ambiguity: An Experimental Study of Taiwanese Students' Interpretations of English Quantificational Noun Phrases in L2 Acquisition of English
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 191
中文關鍵詞: 第二語言習得邏輯形式全稱量化詞範域句法學偏稱量化詞
英文關鍵詞: L2 Acquisition, Logical Form, universal quantifier, scope, syntax, existential quantifier
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:149下載:23
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  • 本論文旨在探討台灣學生對不同句法結構(如:簡單主動句、簡單被動句、雙賓結構、授予結構、主語控制句、賓語控制句)中英語量化詞的詮釋。本實驗共設計兩種測驗(即問答題和圖片選擇題),受試對象為就讀於臺灣師範大學英語學系的30名大二學生及就讀於高雄中學一年級的30名高中生,他們須就出現於六種結構中不同順序(全稱量化詞在偏稱量化詞之前及偏稱量化詞在全稱量化詞之前)的英語量化詞加以詮釋。另外,本實驗尚有18名以英語為母語的人士及15名國文系學生分別擔任兩組控制組。所收集的資料是以SPSS統計軟體裡的卡方檢定與事後比較來分析。
    實驗結果顯示:(1)母語影響顯著,且高成就與低成就學生在解讀英語量化詞時並沒有顯著差異;(2) 不同的測驗題型對於受試者在解讀英語量化詞上有顯著影響;(3)受試學生對於量化詞的詮釋受到句法結構的影響,句法結構對臺灣學生與英語母語者的影響有顯著差異;(4) 量化詞的先後順序也對受試學生詮釋量化詞有顯著影響。因此,依本研究結果來看,發展英語教學理論輔助學生習得英語量化詞是必要的;為能對英語量化詞的實證結果提供一個合理的解說,句法學與語意學理論適度的修正亦是必要的。

    This thesis aims at investigating Taiwanese students’ interpretations of English quantificational noun phrases (QNPs) in six constructions (i.e., simple active, simple passive, double object, dative, subject control, and object control constructions). Two experimental groups (one consisting of thirty sophomores from the English Department in NTNU, and the other, thirty first-year high school students from Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School) were asked to interpret sentences with two sequences of QNPs (a universal QNP preceding an existential QNP and an existential QNP preceding a universal QNP) in the six constructions. In addition, there were eighteen English native controls and fifteen Chinese native controls. The experiment consisted of two tasks: a picture-selection task and a problem-solving task. Every response was entered into the SPSS statistics package. The Chi-square test and posterior comparisons were applied for data analysis.
    The results showed that: (1) L1 influence was significant, and the high achievers and low achievers did not exhibit any significant differences in interpreting QNPs; (2) There was a methodology effect on the subjects’ interpretations of QNPs; (3) There were construction effects on the English learners and on the English native controls; (4) A sequence effect on the subjects’ interpretations of QNPs was obvious. Based on the results, the present study suggests that the development of TEFL theories to help Taiwanese students acquire English QNPs be necessary and that syntactic and semantic theories need to be revised to capture the present empirical findings.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGLISH ABSTRACT…………………………………………………….i CHINESE ABSTRACT……………………………………………………ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………iii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………iv LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………viii LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………..xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………..………xiii 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………1 1.1 Motivation………………………………………………..1 1.2 Theoretical Background…………………………………2 1.2.1 The SLA Framework………………………………...……2 1.2.2 Language Typology………………………………………4 1.2.3 The Linguistic Framework…………………………….6 1.3 Research Questions……………………………………10 1.4 Organization of the Thesis…………………………10 2. LINGUISTIC PROPERTIES AND PREVIOUS STUDIES OF QNPs...................................................12 2.1 Linguistic Properties of QNPs…………….………12 2.1.1 Simple Active Constructions………………….……12 2.1.2 Simple Passive Constructions………………………15 2.1.3 Double Object Constructions…………….…………17 2.1.4 Dative Constructions…………………………………19 2.1.5 Subject Control Constructions……………….……21 2.1.6 Object Control Constructions………………………24 2.1.7 A Comparison of QNPs in English and Chinese Syntactic Constructions…………………………………...….26 2.2 Syntactic Analyses of QNPs……..…………………27 2.2.1 Aoun and Hornstein (1985)…………………….……28 2.2.2 Aoun and Li (1989)……………………………………31 2.2.3 Kuno et al. (199………………………………………39 2.3 Previous Empirical Studies of QNPs………………45 2.3.1 Lee (1991)………………………………………………45 2.3.2 Crain et al. (1996)…………………………….……52 2.4 Summary of Chapter Two………………………………58 3. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND RESULTS………….………60 3.1 Subjects………….…………………………………….60 3.2 Methodologies and Material…………………………61 3.3 Procedures………………………………………………66 3.3.1 Pilot Study…………………………………………….67 3.3.2 Formal Testing…………………………………………69 3.3.3 Scoring…………….……………………………………69 3.4 Results………………………………….………………70 3.4.1 The Problem-Solving Task……………………………70 Simple Active Constructions………………….……70 Simple Passive Constructions………………………73 Double Object Constructions……………………….76 Dative Constructions…………………………………78 Subject Control Constructions……………….……80 Object Control Constructions………………………83 3.4.2 The Picture-Selection Task…………………………85 Simple Active Constructions……………………….85 Simple Passive Constructions………………………88 Double Object Constructions……………………….90 Dative Constructions…………………………………92 Subject Control Constructions…………………….95 Object Control Constructions………………………97 3.5 Summary of Chapter Three…………………………..99 4. DISCUSSION……………………………………………..101 4.1 SLA Issues………………………………………………101 4.1.1 L1 Transfer…………………………………………….101 4.1.2 Methodology Effect……………………………….….110 4.2 Linguistic Implications…………………………….113 4.2.1 Construction Effect………………………………….114 4.2.2 Sequence Effect………………………..…………….122 4.3 Summary of Chapter Four…………………………….125 5. CONCLUSION………………………………………………126 5.1 Pedagogical and Linguistic Implications….……126 5.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Research….................................127 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………….…………128 APPENDIX A: Questionnaire for the Subjects’ Background Information…………....................................134 APPENDIX B: The Picture-Selection Task………….…………135 APPENDIX C: The Problem-Solving Task……………………….171 APPENDIX D: The Chinese Test Sentences with “you” Preceding an Existential QNP in the Subject Position...183 APPENDIX E: The Consent Form…...………………………..…188 APPENDIX F: The Results of Two Tasks in the Pilot Study189


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