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研究生: 鄭瑞芝
Jui-chih Cheng
論文名稱: 九十八年學測閱讀測驗考生作答策略之初探
Strategies in Response to the Reading Comprehension Items on the 2009 General Scholastic Ability English Test
指導教授: 張武昌
Chang, Wu-Chang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 252
中文關鍵詞: 閱讀測驗作答策略閱讀策略考題難度高中低成就考生命題效度外語評量學科能力測驗中成就考生低成就考生
英文關鍵詞: reading comprehension, test-taking strategy, reading strategy, item difficulty, high achiever, validity, second language assessment, GSAET, average achiever, low achiever
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:21
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  • 本研究探討高三考生在2009 年學科能力測驗閱讀測驗部分的作答過程與
    用、以及難易度不同考題的策略使用進行分析與探討。2009 年學科能力測驗閱讀測驗部分共有四篇文章,每篇文章長度約248 至298 字。十八位高三考生(高、中、低程度考生各六位)於2009 年學科能力測驗結束後兩天之內參與本研究。在資料採集的過程中,十八位高三考生針對同樣一份考題的閱讀測驗部分進行作答,並詳細口述其閱讀過程、每題作答過程與選項依據。研究者參酌並修正Cohen與Upton 於2006 年所作的閱讀及考題作答策略分類表,將十八位高三考生的口述語料進行閱讀及考題作答策略分類,並做進一步的分析與探討。
    研究發現十八位高三考生在2009 年學科能力測驗閱讀測驗十六道考題的
    回答2009 年學測閱讀測驗難度極低的一道考題(第48 題)時,考生需要在
    本研究發現程度不同的考生在2009 年學測閱讀測驗文章的閱讀與作答的

    This study describes the responding strategies that test takers used on the reading comprehension subtest of the 2009 General Scholastic Ability English Test [GSAET]. The investigation focused on the examinees’ response strategies for: (1) 16 reading comprehension items in general; (2) 7 types of reading comprehension items; and (3) the most and least challenging test items. Verbal report data were collected from 18 12th graders across proficiency levels, i.e., 6 high achievers, 6 average achievers, and 6 low achievers. Participants worked on the reading comprehension subtest of the 2009 GSAET, containing four 248-298 word passages with four items. Participants’ verbal report was evaluated to determine strategy use based on the modified versions of Cohen and Upton’s reading and test-taking strategies coding rubrics (2006).
    The participants used a total of 18 reading strategies and 36 test taking strategies in response to the 16 reading comprehension items. The high achievers selected or discarded the options through textual meaning 80% of the time; the average achievers, 50% of the time; and the low achievers, only 30% of the time.
    In response to the reading comprehension items, the high achievers generally showed a consistent pattern in the use of the main response strategies for different types of questions, whereas the average and low achievers resorted to a variety of test taking strategies.
    In response to global questions, e.g., questions on the main idea or purpose of the passage, the high achievers generally selected the options through passage overall meaning. In response to local questions, e.g., questions asking for vocabulary meaning, a specific referent, inference, specific information, cause-effect relationship, or details of the passage, the high achievers generally went back to the passage, read carefully for the clues, and selected the options through vocabulary, sentence, or paragraph meaning. They generally selected or discarded the options through textual meaning instead of test-wiseness strategies.
    In response to the most challenging question, Q44, which required the respondents to integrate information conveyed across paragraphs and justify the correctness of the statements in four options, most of the participants read the question and then went back to the passage, carefully reading a potion of the passage to look for clues. While the high achievers generally selected and discarded options through textual meaning, none of the average and low achievers selected the option through textual meaning. Showing difficulty comprehending the passage and wrestling with the option meaning, the average and low achievers used more test-taking strategies in response to the question. They relied more on their background knowledge and the key word association strategy in their option selection.
    In response to one of the least challenging items, i.e., Q48, all of the participants manipulated relatively fewer response strategies and successfully selected the option. But the strategy of verifying the referent was used at a much lower frequency rate than the test-wiseness strategy of key-word matching among the average and low achievers. Half of the average achievers and all of the low achievers selected the option through key-word matching strategy. The response strategies thus did not seem appropriate for the purpose of the item and provided weak evidence for theory-based validity.
    This study showed that examinees of different proficiency levels processed the passages/tasks differently. The high achievers, whose English proficiency had reached a certain level required of the 2009 GSAET, were able to read the passages efficiently and completed most of the test items successfully. The low achievers, whose English proficiency had not reached a certain level to cope with most of the test items, wrestled with the meanings of the words in the passages/tasks and failed to process the passages/tasks globally.
    The findings provide insights into the construction of L2 reading tests. They suggest that questions with the correct option containing key words in the passage are likely to be easier than questions without; questions with distracters containing words in the passage but describing something irrelevant to the passage are likely to be more challenging than those without; and questions with options involving statements which can be judged wrong from the examinees’ background knowledge do not make attractive distracters. They also confirm the importance of sequencing test items by difficulty, with easy items preceding challenging ones.
    The findings also provide pedagogical implications, suggesting that L2 teachers may assist learners to cope with difficulties in reading by improving word-level competences and promoting use of comprehension strategies from a range of texts appropriate to learners’ proficiency levels.

    Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………. vi List of Tables…………………………………………………………………... x List of Figures…………………………………………………………………. xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION……………………………………. Background and Rationale……………………………………………. .. Purposes of the Study…………………………………………………… Significance of the Study……………………………………………….. 1 2 4 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………...... Validity in Assessment………………………………………………….. Downing’s Framework for Test Development…………………… Weir’s Framework for Language Test Development…………….. Research in Second Language Reading………………………………… Reading Comprehension and Strategy Use………………………. Issues in Second Language Reading……………………………… Research in Second Language Reading Assessment………………. …... Construct of Second Language Reading Tests…………………… Verbal Report in Assessment…………………………………. …. Individual Differences in Strategy Use…………………………… Item Difficulty in Assessment……………………………………. General Scholastic Ability English Test (GSAET) & Department Required English Test (DRET)…..………………………… Characteristics of GSAET & DRET……………………………… Main Statistical Specifications on Item Analysis in GSAET & DRET………………………………………………. Test Specifications of 2009 GSAET & 2009 DRET………. ……. 8 8 9 12 15 15 18 21 21 24 26 29 35 35 37 38 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………….. Participants……………………………………………………………… Instruments……………………………………………………………… Reading Comprehension Subtest of the 2009 GSAET…………… Vocabulary Levels Test: Test B…………………………………… 44 44 48 49 52 Data Collection Procedures……………………………………………... Data Analysis……………………………………………………………. 52 57 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION…………………….. Strategy Use in Reading Comprehension Subtest of the 2009 GSAET………………………………………………………… Strategy Use in General…………………………………………... Distribution of Response Strategies……………………………… Response strategies among the high achievers……………. Response strategies among the average achievers………… Response strategies among the low achievers…………….. Response Strategies for Different Item Types…………………………... Response Strategies for Questions on Main Idea or Purpose…….. Response Strategies for the Question on Vocabulary Meaning…... Response Strategies for Questions on a Specific Detail………….. Response Strategies for the Question on Referent……………….. Response Strategies for Questions on Inference…………………. Response Strategies for Questions on Multiple Details………….. Response Strategies for Questions on Cause-Effect Relationship... Response Strategies for the Most/Least Challenging Items…………….. Response Strategies for the Most Challenging Items……………. Response Strategies for the Least Challenging Items……………. Passage with the Most Challenging Items………………………... Passage with the Least Challenging Items……………..………… Perceived Difficulty of Test Items………………………………... 70 70 70 80 83 86 89 92 92 106 116 125 129 138 148 156 158 169 177 179 181 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION……………………..………………... Responses to Research Questions……………………………….………. Response to Research Question 1.………………………………... Response to Research Question 2………..……………….………. Response to Research Question 3……..………………….……… Concluding Remarks………...………………………………….………. Implications……….………………………………………….………… Limitations………………..……………………………….……………. Suggestions for Future Studies…………………………………………. 185 185 185 189 193 196 204 206 207 REFERENCES………………………………………………………….. ……. 208

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