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研究生: 許益得
YiTe Hsu
論文名稱: SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件機械性質及腐蝕磨耗行為之研究
Studies on the Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Wear Behavior of SiC<p>/A390 Al-matrix Composites
指導教授: 邱弘興
Chiou, Horng-Shing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: A390鋁合金鋁基複合材料機械性質腐蝕磨耗
英文關鍵詞: A390 Aluminum Alloy, Al-matrix Composites, Mechanical Properties, Corrosion Wear
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:495下載:0
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  • 本研究主要在探討SiC<p>之粒徑(46μm、80μm)及添加量(5wt%、10wt%)、固溶處理(480℃,3小時)、人工時效處理時間(150℃,1、3、10小時)及腐蝕磨耗環境(蒸餾水及3.5wt%鹽水)等實驗條件不同時,對於SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件機械性質及腐蝕磨耗行為之影響。

    The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of SiC particles (SiC<p>) size (46μm、80μm ) and the amount of reinforcements (5wt%、10wt%), solid solution treatment (480℃,3 hours), articificial aging (150℃, 1、3、10 hours) and the environments of corrosion wear (distilled water、3.5wt% NaCl solution) on the mechanical properties and corrosion wear behavior of SiC<p>/A390 Al-matrix composites.
    The results show that the increasing of SiC<p> size and the amount of reinforcements increased the hardness and the corrosion wear resistance of SiC<p>/A390 Al-matrix composites. At 5wt% reinforcements , the increasing of the SiC<p> size increased the tensile strength, but at 10wt% the tensile strength was decreased.
    The tensile strength of A390 aluminum alloy was increased with the increasing of the holding time of artificial aging. For SiC<p>/A390 Al-matrix composites, the holding time of artificial aging has no significant influence on the tensile strength and the corrosion wear resistance.
    The corrosion wear resistance of SiC<p>/A390 Al-matrix composites and A390 aluminum alloy in the distilled water was better than that in the 3.5wt% NaCl solution. However, the corrosion resistance decreased with the increasing of the amount of the SiC<p> reinforcements.

    第一章 前 言………………………………………………………1 1-1 研究動機…………………………………………………1 1-2 研究目的…………………………………………………2 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………4 2-1 AMCs之融體鑄造…………………………………………4 2-1-1 AMCs之融體鑄造基本理論…………………………4 2-1-2 AMCs之融體鑄造攪拌方法…………………………5 2-1-3 AMCs之融體鑄造除氣方式…………………………6 2-2 AMCs之融體鑄造強化材之分散性………………………6 2-3 AMCs之融體鑄造的潤濕性………………………………9 2-4 AMCs之融體鑄造的流動性………………………………11 2-5 熱處理……………………………………………………12 2-5-1 鋁合金之析出強化處理………………………………12 2-5-2 複合材料之熱處理……………………………………14 2-6 AMCs之強化機構………………………………………15 2-7 AMCs之磨耗性質………………………………………17 2-8 AMCs之腐蝕問題………………………………………19 第三章 實驗方法及步驟…………………………………………21 3-1 實驗材料…………………………………………………21 3-2 實驗設備及裝置…………………………………………22 3-3 實驗配置…………………………………………………24 3-4 實驗流程…………………………………………………24 3-4-1 SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料熔煉與澆鑄…………24 3-4-2 熱處理………………………………………………26 3-4-3 試片製作……………………………………………26 3-4-4 機械性質試驗…………………………………………27 3-4-5 腐蝕磨耗試驗…………………………………………28 3-4-6 顯微組織觀察………………………………………28 3-4-7 抗拉試驗破斷面、腐蝕磨耗面及磨屑觀察…………29 第四章 實驗結果與討論…………………………………………30 4-1 製程參數對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件顯微組織之影響……………………………………………………30 4-1-1 SiC<p>粒徑及添加量對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件顯微組織之影響……………………………30 4-1-2 人工時效處理時間對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件顯微組織之影響………………………………………31 4-2 製程參數對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件機械性質之影響……………………………………………………31 4-2-1 SiC<p>粒徑及添加量對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件機械性質之影響……………………………31 4-2-2 人工時效處理時間對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件機械性質之影響………………………………………35 4-3 製程參數對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件腐蝕磨耗行為之影響…………………………………………………36 4-3-1 SiC<p>粒徑及添加量對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件腐蝕磨耗行為之影響………………………36 4-3-2 人工時效處理時間對SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件腐蝕磨耗行為之影響…………………………………38 4-3-3 SiC<p>/A390鋁基複合材料鑄件在蒸餾水及3.5wt%鹽水中之腐蝕磨耗行為及其差異…………………38 第五章 結論…………………………………………………………42 參考文獻………………………………………………………………45

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    7. 譚安宏、李勝隆、鄭榮瑞及林於隆, "Al-Si-Mg鑄造鋁合金之熱處理",鑄工季刊第86期,民國84年,pp68-74。
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    12. 蘇武忠, "半熔融A380鋁合金之攪拌速率對其凝固組織與機械性質的影響",鑄工第67期,民國79年,pp43-52。
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