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研究生: 齊祿祥
論文名稱: 利用衛星資料推估中國大陸與台灣地區地表反照率研究
指導教授: 陳國彥
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 反照率灰度值濾雲法亮度溫度
英文關鍵詞: Albedo, Grey Scale, Cloud Filtering, Brightness Temperature
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:136下載:19
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  • 摘要
    經NCEP氣候資料庫的5年平均氣候反照率數據資料的再分析,與同步衛星平均窄頻反照率之統計分析,顯示兩者具有高度正相關結果,相關係數r=0.94,迴歸方程為αNCEP = 1.675 + 0.875αGMS 。由此迴歸修正方程可訂正衛星窄譜反照率資料,得到寬譜之平均地表反照率。

    The estimation of the narrow-band albedo from the visible channel of the GMS Satellite can be made by deciding the gray scale, which can be derived from the different distribution characteristics of the albedo ranges for the surface and the cloud systems in the atmosphere. In order to get the albedo of the fair-sky surface, the disturbances caused by the cloud systems should be eliminated, and at the same time, the temperature of the infrared channel surface brightness and the method of the cloud filtering on the temperatures of the actual surface observations should be included. From the amounts of the temperature deviations between the two, the albedo of the cloud-affected areas of the visible channel can be eliminated, and the fair-sky average surface albedo of the narrow-band can be gained.
    Through reanalysis of the 5-year average climatological albedo data from the NCEP Climatological Database and the statistical analysis of the average narrow-band from the GMS Satellite, it appears that there exists a highly correlated relationship between the two, and the correlation coefficient r=0.94, the regression equation is αNCEP = 1.675 + 0.875αGMS. By applying this corrected regression equation, the data from the satellite narrow-band albedo can be corrected and the average surface albedo of the broad-band can be gained.
    There is a significant interrelationship among the distribution of the surface albedo, precipitation, meteorological conditions and the surface conditions. The Tibetan Plateau of the Mainland China Her-teau, interior Mongolia and the northeastern area of the Mainland China keep a phenomenon of deficient precipitation with also high albedo areas of dry surfaces; therefore, areas around Herteau and interior Mongolia appear to be the source places for the spring sandstorms. Areas to the south of the central Mainland China, it is due to the result of the concentration of the precipitation which makes the humidity of the soil to elevate, and the colors of the soils are getting darker; therefore, the surface albedo significantly deviates toward a low value.
    From the estimation results of the satellite, it appears that the albedo of the water is 3~10%, damp area is 8~ 15% and arid area is 12~27%. The highest albedo values, which rank 33~79%, in the atmosphere belong to the convective clouds; the second place whose albedo is 23~58% goes to the fog areas and the stratus; due to the transparency of the cirrus clouds, it has a lower albedo, about 15-42%.

    摘要Ⅰ 目錄Ⅲ 圖目Ⅴ 表目Ⅶ 第一章前言1 第一節研究動機與研究目的…………………………………………1 第二節相關研究之文獻回顧………………………………………4 第三節可見光與反照率……………………………………………11 第二章資料處理與研究方法18 第一節資料來源…………………………………………..………18 第二節衛星資料的修正……………………………………..……25 第三節研究方法與研究步驟……………………………………..30 第四節可見光頻道地表反照率門檻值………………….……..…33 第五節溫度偏差濾雲法……………..….………………..……..…34 第六節地面觀測站氣溫之內差網格客觀分析………….……….38 第七節小結…………………….………………….…………….40 第三章地球同步衛星單頻道表面反照率特徵41 第一節不同表面特性之灰度值分布情形……………………..…41 第二節可見光頻道初步反照率門檻值選取……………………..60 第三節小結………………………….…………….…………….62 第四章晴空地表氣溫與紅外線表面亮度溫度關係…...…63 第一節亮度溫度…………………………………………………..63 第二節傳統表面觀測溫度與衛星觀測亮度溫度之關係…....……65 第三節晴空地表氣溫與紅外線亮度溫度統計相關……………..69 第四節可見光頻道反照率推估分析個案………….…...………..74 第五節小結………………………..……………….…………….78 第五章寬譜之地表反照率推估79 第一節美國國家環境預報中心簡介……………………………..79 第二節美國國家環境預報中心氣候數據資料再分析…………..82 第三節同步衛星窄譜反照率與NCEP氣候資料庫反照率….......86 迴歸修正方程 第四節小結………………………………………….…………….90 第六章結果與討論91 第一節衛星可見光單頻道月平均反照率……..…………………91 第二節修正後之地表月平均反照率……...…....…………………98 第三節不同性質表面特性之反照率……………………………108 第四節台灣地區月平均反照率分佈情形…….……………..…111 第五節小結……………….….……………………………………119 第七章結論與檢討121 第一節結論………………………..……………..……………121 第二節檢討………..………………………...…....……………124 參考文獻125 一、中文部分……………………………………………………125 二、英文部分……………………………………………………127 三、website網址………………………………………………132 致謝133

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