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研究生: 林宛柔
Lin, Wan-Jou
論文名稱: 數位遊戲應用於英語詞彙學習之範域文獻回顧
A Scoping Review of Digital Game-based Vocabulary Learning
指導教授: 朱錫琴
Chu, Hsi-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
英文關鍵詞: Digital game-based vocabulary learning
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100288
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:402下載:9
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  • 近年來,數位遊戲應用於字彙學習的研究不斷增長,其研究成果也顯現學習成 效良好。許多學者已透過歸納或量化此領域相關研究來呈現總體效果和發現。然而,研究數位遊戲字彙學習可從不同的理論觀點來探討。不同於過去文獻所呈現的,本研究以範域文獻回顧的方式專注於探討學習者在學習過程中的情緒投入,認知心力,以及目標知識成就,以期待能對現有的領域文獻進行更全面的審視及理解。因此,本研究旨在回顧實徵研究如何探究學習者的學習動機,參與度,以及字彙知識學習成果。研究樣本為 44 篇實徵研究,分析結果顯示,在學習動機方面,數位遊戲應用於字彙學 習有效提升學習者的學習興趣,自我效能,以及自主學習。另外,情境化設計,互動性,多媒體應用,和適當的認知負荷量可以增強學習參與度。整體而言,數位遊戲有 助於字彙學習,且探討認知詞彙學習的研究顯著多於應用詞彙。值得注意的是,研究也發現規律使用遊戲學習和獲得較高字彙測驗成績之間存在相關性,不同性別對於使用數位遊戲學習字彙成效或意願有差異,進行字彙學習的同時也發現能夠間接發展其他語言相關能力。依此研究成果,本研究提供有關課室字彙教學以及教育性遊戲設計之建議。

    A continuously growing volume of research on the effect of digital games based vocabulary learning (DGVL) has reported positive results. Scholars have managed to quantify, generalize and provide an overview of the overall effects of DGVL research issues and findings. However, researchers have yet to approach the aspects of DGVL from different theoretical points of view. Unlike previous studies, the present study undertakes a scoping review of the instrumentation in DGVL, focusing on learners affective learning outcome, cognitive efforts, and knowledge achievement to contribute a more holistic review of the existing DGVL literature. Therefore, this study investigates how studies measure and enhance learner’s motivation and engagement change, and achieve vocabulary knowledge transfer. On this basis, the characteristics and measurements of 44 DGVL empirical studies are reviewed and analyzed in relation to (a) motivation; (b) engagement; and (c) vocabulary learning outcome. In relation to motivation, the findings reveal that digital games result in gains of learner interest, self-efficacy and autonomy. Additionally, factors such as contextualization, interactivity, multimedia, appropriate cognitive load help to foster learner engagement. Generally, the DGVL studies found positive results and measured more receptive than productive vocabulary outcomes, by calculating word knowledge in terms of form and meaning. Notably it was found in the literature that there is a correlation between playing games regularly and higher vocabulary scores, gender difference plays a role in DGVL learning, and that playing vocabulary games leads to additional skill development. Accordingly, these findings will help render meaningful suggestions for vocabulary teaching in practice and future game design.

    摘要i Abstract ii Acknowledgements iv List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Chapter One Introduction 1 Background and Motivation 1 Research Purpose 3 Significance of the Study 5 Chapter Two Literature Review 6 Vocabulary Acquisition in Second or Foreign Language 6 The Importance of Vocabulary Acquisition 6 Aspects of Word Knowledge 8 Digital Game-based Learning 10 Definition of Digital Game-based Learning (DGBL) 10 Growing Trends of DGBL 11 Engagement and Motivation in Game-based Learning 13 Previous Review Studies of Digital Game-based Language Learning 16 Research Questions 22 Summary 22 Chapter Three Methodology 24 Data Sources and Search Strategy 25 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria 26 Coding Scheme 27 Categorization of motivation and engagement measurements 27 Categorization of motivation construct in research studies 28 Categorization of engagement aspects in research studies 29 Categorization of vocabulary learning aspects 30 Categorization of vocabulary outcome measurement 30 Data collection and analysis 30 Chapter Four Results and Discussion 33 Motivation (RQ1) 33 Engagement (RQ2) 40 Vocabulary (RQ3) 51 Chapter Six Conclusion 61 References 65 Coded Papers 73 Appendix 82 Table of Papers Reviewed 82

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