研究生: |
蘇育萱 Su, Yu-Hsuan |
論文名稱: |
視覺經驗對於青少年前期全盲兒童在視覺寫實階段之繪畫影響 The effects of visual experience on pseudo-naturalistic stage drawing of totally blind children during early stage of puberty. |
指導教授: |
I, Bin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 118 |
中文關鍵詞: | 分化 、全盲兒童 、教學策略 、擬自然寫實階段 、繪畫發展 |
英文關鍵詞: | differentiation, totally blind children, teaching strategy, quasi-naturalistic stage, drawing development |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203705 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:342 下載:21 |
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1. 問答互動有助於參與者畫出更多細節。
2. 不執著全盲者難以理解的高階透視教學以免讓參與者失去信心。
3. 給予多練習的機會讓參與者熟能生巧。
4. 教學者耐心傾聽可以建立與參與者良好的互動。
5. 教學環境安靜舒適可以提升學習成效。
6. 設計個人化教具引起動機,提升兒童的繪畫興趣。
7. 因應高年級兒童能力可設計較困難的主題,使表現更多細節。
In this study, three totally blind 12-year-olds who were drawing beginners were invited to participate in a drawing course that lasted for one academic term. The drawing development of the subjects was observed to propose strategies for teaching drawing to visually-challenged or impaired students. The participants were sixth-graders at public primary schools. They were asked to take a preest in which their initial drawing capability was determined. A 1-hour, one-to-one drawing course that spanned 16 weeks was designed on the basis of the pretest results. During instruction, the subjects were taught drawing skills at a level lower than that of their sighted counterparts of the same age. Perspective drawing in naturalism, which is difficult for the blind to learn, was excluded from the course.All the participants improved their drawing capability. Notably, Participant B, who were born without light or colour perception, made the most significant improvement and was capable of drawing the details of human figures with precision through orthogonal projection, differentiating the attributes of different figures, applying multibaseline techniques in spatial configuration, utilising partial occlusion to draw objects at proper heights and distances, and employing graphic symbols to convey thematic and emotional elements. In the final stage of their drawing development, all subjects learned redifferentiation instead of projection methods (which are challenging for the blind) and used monocular static depth cues during drawing composition to replace pictorial depth cues created through the methods. In sum, totally blind children who are just starting to learn drawing can be equipped with orthogonal projection (the most intelligible and learnable drawing method for the blind) to portray objects. They can also be instructed to create drawings that depict sophisticated static objects from their everyday lives and be exposed to different visual stimuli to improve their observational capabilities. Moreover, teachers can adopt the following strategies to facilitate blind students’ learning of drawing:
- Helping the students to draw in greater detail through question-and-answer activities.
- Avoiding causing frustration among the students when teaching perspective drawing, which is elusive to the totally blind.
- Providing ample opportunities for the students to hone their drawing skills.
- Listening attentively to the students whenever necessary to cement the teacher–student relationship.
- Building a quiet, comfortable teaching environment to improve learning outcomes.
- Using customised teaching materials to motive the students.
- Designing challenging themes for blind students in higher grades to learn to capture finer details when drawing
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