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研究生: 馬萳希
Nancy Carolina Martinez Madrid
論文名稱: Work Stress, Organizational Commitment and Personality of Employees at the Maquila Industry in Honduras
Work Stress, Organizational Commitment and Personality of Employees at the Maquila Industry in Honduras
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: Work stressOrganizational commitmentPersonalityMaquila Industry
英文關鍵詞: Work stress, Organizational commitment, Personality, Maquila Industry
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:316下載:14
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  • Nowadays, work stress and organizational commitment has become an important issue for the organizations all over the world, because of the effect that these ones have on the employees’ well being and their performance in the organization. Due to the importance of it this study explored and discussed the relationship between employee’s work stress and organizational commitment. Moreover, it also analyzed the moderator effect that the employee personality has on the relationship between work stress and organizational commitment. In order to reach this goal the present study was focused in the important Maquila Industry at Central America, which represents a 17.3% of the total economic activity of Honduras. Despite of, the importance and influence that this industry has on the Honduran economy, still the research using as an object of analysis the employees that work on the production department of this industry is really limited. On this study the SPSS software was used to analyze that data gathered among the production department employees at the Maquila Industry in Honduras. The correlation and hierarchical regression gave evidence that work stress and its variables have an effect on the employees overall organizational commitment. On the other hand, work stress is negatively related to the affective and continuance commitment but it showed no relation to normative commitment. Finally, only one of the five personality traits: conscientiousness show to have a moderator effect on the relationship between work stress and organizational commitment. This study contributes and gives more information to the organizations in the Maquila Industry in order to help them to know more in deep the real situation of their employees at the production department.

    Nowadays, work stress and organizational commitment has become an important issue for the organizations all over the world, because of the effect that these ones have on the employees’ well being and their performance in the organization. Due to the importance of it this study explored and discussed the relationship between employee’s work stress and organizational commitment. Moreover, it also analyzed the moderator effect that the employee personality has on the relationship between work stress and organizational commitment. In order to reach this goal the present study was focused in the important Maquila Industry at Central America, which represents a 17.3% of the total economic activity of Honduras. Despite of, the importance and influence that this industry has on the Honduran economy, still the research using as an object of analysis the employees that work on the production department of this industry is really limited. On this study the SPSS software was used to analyze that data gathered among the production department employees at the Maquila Industry in Honduras. The correlation and hierarchical regression gave evidence that work stress and its variables have an effect on the employees overall organizational commitment. On the other hand, work stress is negatively related to the affective and continuance commitment but it showed no relation to normative commitment. Finally, only one of the five personality traits: conscientiousness show to have a moderator effect on the relationship between work stress and organizational commitment. This study contributes and gives more information to the organizations in the Maquila Industry in order to help them to know more in deep the real situation of their employees at the production department.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS III LIST OF TABLES V LIST OF FIGURES VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 6 Significance of the Study 6 Delimitations of the Study 7 Definition of Terms 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Work Stress 9 Maquila Industry 14 Organizational Commitment 16 Personality 20 Work Stress and Organizational Commitment 21 Work Stress, Organizational Commitment and Personality 21 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS 25 Research Framework 25 Research Hypotheses 26 Data Collection 27 Research Procedure 28 Research Sample 30 Research Instrument 30 Control Variables 35 Instrument Validity 37 Data Analysis 40 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 41 Reliability 41 Descriptive Statistics 42 Correlation among Work Stress, Organizational Commitment and Personality 44 Relationship between Work Stress and Organizational Commitment 50 Moderating Effect of Personality 56 Discussions 59 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 63 Conclusions 63 Implications 66 Suggestions for Further Study 67 Research Limitations 67 REFERENCES 69 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONNAIRE ENGLISH/SPANISH VERSION 75 APPENDIX B. PEER AND EXPERT REVIEW SUGGESTIONS 81 LIST OF TABLES Table 2. 1 Diverse Findings on the Relationship between Stress and Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment 22 Table 3. 1 Work Stress Measurement 31 Table 3. 2 Organizational Commitment Measurement 32 Table 3. 3 The Big Five Inventory (BFI) 34 Table 3. 4 Reliability for Work Stress Scale (N=44) 39 Table 3. 5 Reliability for Organizational Commitment Scale (N=44) 40 Table 4. 1 Reliability for Work Stress Scale (N=116) 41 Table 4. 2 Reliability for Organizational Commitment Scale (N=116) 42 Table 4. 3 Demographic Information of the Sample (N=116) 44 Table 4. 4 Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlation of the Control, Work Stress, Organizational Commitment and Personality Variables 46 Table 4. 5 Hypothesis Pearson Correlation Results 50 Table 4. 6 Results of Regression Analysis for Work Stress and Organizational Commitment (N=116) 51 Table 4. 7 Results of regressions analysis for Control Variables and Work Stress Variables on Organizational Commitment (N=116) 53 Table 4. 8 Results of Regressions Analysis for Control Variables and Work Stress on Organizational Commitment Variables (N=116) 55 Table 4. 9 Results of Regressions Analysis for the Moderating effect of Personality on the Relationship between Work Stress and Organizational Commitment (N=116) 57 Table 4. 10 Hypothesis Regression Analysis Results 58 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3. 1. Research framework 26 Figure 3. 2. Research procedure 29

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