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研究生: 賴又禎
LAI, Yu-Chen
論文名稱: 探討家庭社經背景對零至兩歲嬰幼兒飲食及生長發育追蹤世代之影響
Examination of family socioeconomic status on dietary intakes and growth development by a follow-up cohort study from birth to two years
指導教授: 盧立卿
Lyu, Li-Ching
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 183
中文關鍵詞: 世代研究家庭社經背景哺餵方式營養素攝取
英文關鍵詞: cohort study, family socioeconomic status, feeding pattern, nutrient intake
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:159下載:23
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  • 本研究探討不同家庭社經背景之嬰幼兒其哺餵方式、飲食攝取、生長、動作發展及健康之相關資料。此研究合併了三世代資料,受試者分別是於民國91年、93年及98年間於台北市立婦幼醫院及台大醫院進行招募。研究工具以問卷為主,內容包括飲食資料(24小時飲食回憶)、飲食歷史、健康情形等,主要以面對面及電訪方式追蹤,分析399名出生至2歲嬰幼兒其哺餵方式、營養素攝取、體型生長、動作發展及健康情況,依家庭社經背景分成低社經組、中社經組及高社經組三組。資料使用SPSS 19.0及 STATA 8.0版進行統計分析。
    嬰幼兒第6個月時,配方奶哺餵率以高社經組顯著最低(42%, p=0.03),而母乳哺餵率以高社經組母乳哺餵率為最高(33%, p=0.06);嬰幼兒2歲時,不同的哺餵方式其三組間皆未達顯著差異。嬰幼兒家庭社經背景因子多與完全哺餵母乳月數是呈顯著正相關,而與完全哺餵配方奶月數呈顯著負相關,並且母乳哺餵時間以高社經組的為最高(約為6個月)。在副食品開始添加之月齡方面,三組間有達顯著差異(p<0.01),其中高社經組添加月齡為第5.9個月,最接近6個月大,也發現嬰幼兒家庭社經背景因子皆與副食品開始添加月齡呈顯著正相關。另外,完全哺餵母乳月數與副食品開始添加月齡呈顯著正相關。在健康及發展方面,嬰幼兒哺餵母乳月數多與嬰幼兒動作發展月齡、感冒感染天數、生病頻率呈顯著負相關;而嬰幼兒副食品開始添加時間多與嬰幼兒動作發展月齡、生病頻率呈顯著正相關。

    We examined the family socioeconomic status on feeding patterns, nutrient intakes, growth development, motor development and health of infants. The data from three cohort studies were combined. Participants were recruited from Taipei Municipal Women’s and Children’s Hospital and National Taiwan University Hospital between from 2002 to 2009. The methodology adopted the questions asked in the three cohorts were identical. Information including nutrient intakes by 24 hours recalls, dietary history, development and health status was obtained by face-to-face and telephone interviews. We analyzed the dietary intakes from milk and complementary food, nutrient intakes, growth development and health of 399 infants from birth to two years. These participants were divided into three groups according to the family socioeconomic status: low socioeconomic status, adequate socioeconomic status, and high socioeconomic status. The software packages of SPSS 19.0 and STATA 8.0 were used for all statistical analyses.
    The result indicated that the growth development (weight, length and head circumference) of infants from age 0 to 1 was dramatically fast, but was significantly smaller changes from age 1 to 2. The growth indicators (weight, length and head circumference) of infants between the three groups were not significantly different from age 0 to 2. The mean daily caloric intake of 2-year-old was 1094 Kcal. It’s lower than the DRIs (1150~ 1350Kcal). The average dietary intakes of protein, fat and carbohydrate were 37g, 31g and 167g, respectively, and the total energy was 14% from protein, 25% from fat, and 61% from carbohydrates. The average dietary intakes of protein is higher than the DRIs (20g). The nutrient intakes of infants between the three groups were not significantly different at age 2. We also found that multiple nutrient intakes was negatively associated with the duration of exclusive breastfeeding, but was positively associated with the duration of exclusive formula feeding.
    At 6 th month, the rate of formula feeding with high socioeconomic group was significantly lowest (42%, p=0.03), and the rate of breastfeeding with high socioeconomic group was highest. The feeding methods of infants between the three groups were not significantly different at age 2. Many factors of family socioeconomic status were positively associated with the duration of exclusive breastfeeding, and were negatively associated with the duration of exclusive formula feeding. The duration of exclusive breastfeeding with high socioeconomic group was significantly highest (about 6 months).
    The month of infants started consuming complementary food between the three groups were significantly different (p<0.01). The high socioeconomic group started consuming complementary food at 5.9th month, almost 6th month. We also found that many factors of family socioeconomic status were positively associated with the month of infants started consuming complementary food. Besides, the duration of exclusive breastfeeding was positively associated with the month of infants started consuming complementary food. Regarding the health status and motor development, the duration of breastfeeding showed a negative correlation with the age of motor development and the frequency of illness. The month of infants started consuming complementary food showed a positive correlation with the age of motor development and the frequency of illness.
    The family socioeconomic status for infants from birth to two years of feeding patterns caused a strong influence, and in the two-year-old nutrient intakes did not show significant differences. It is showed in Taiwan today that different family socioeconomic status, their feeding situation may be different, but it does not make infant nutrition intake has significant differences. The nutrient intakes of infants between the three groups were not significantly different, and it made the same situation of the growth development.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 2 第三節 名詞解釋 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 家庭社經背景評定方式之相關研究 6 第二節 家庭社經背景與哺餵歷史之探討 15 第三節 家庭社經背景與嬰幼兒哺餵方式相關研究探討 17 第四節 家庭社經背景與嬰幼兒生長發育相關研究探討 22 第三章 研究方法 28 第一節 研究架構 28 第二節 研究設計與實施程序 30 第三節 研究對象 33 第四節 研究工具 35 第五節 訪員訓練與資料蒐集 38 第六節 資料處理 39 第七節 統計分析 42 第四章 研究結果 44 第一節 嬰幼兒零至二歲基本資料分析 44 一、家庭社經背景資料分組 44 二、民91、民93與民98嬰幼兒之家庭背景 45 三、不同家庭社經背景嬰幼兒之家庭資料比較 49 第二節 嬰幼兒零至二歲生長情形 53 ㄧ、嬰幼兒零至二歲生長情形分析 53 二、探討嬰幼兒零至二歲體型增加倍數及體型增加百分比 61 三、家庭背景資料與嬰幼兒生長情形之相關分析 67 第三節 嬰幼兒零至二歲營養素攝取情形與哺餵情形 71 一、嬰幼兒一歲及兩歲時營養素攝取情形 71 二、不同家庭社經背景嬰幼兒哺餵方式及哺餵時間之探討 92 三、不同家庭社經背景嬰幼兒副食品開始添加月齡之探討 102 第四節 嬰幼兒動作發展及健康情形 108 一、嬰幼兒動作發展情形之描述 108 二、嬰幼兒健康情形之描述 120 第五章 討論 127 第一節 嬰幼兒基本資料及家庭社經背景分組狀況 127 第二節 嬰幼兒生長狀況 129 一、整體嬰幼兒出生至2歲之生長情形 129 二、不同家庭社經背景嬰幼兒出生至2歲之生長情形 132 第三節 嬰幼兒飲食營養攝取及哺餵狀況 133 一、嬰幼兒營養素攝取情形 133 二、嬰幼兒哺餵情形 136 三、嬰幼兒副食品開始添加月齡 139 第四節 嬰幼兒發展狀況及健康狀況 141 一、嬰幼兒發展情形 141 二、嬰幼兒健康情形 144 第六章 結論 146 第七章 研究限制與未來展望 152 參考文獻 155 附錄 164 附錄一 研究調查同意書(幼兒) 165 附錄二 研究調查同意書(母親) 166 附錄三 幼兒二歲及家庭問卷 167 附錄四 中南部問卷品質檢查表 174 附錄五 幼兒二歲及家庭問卷相關變項編碼 175

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