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研究生: 洪崇峻
Hung, Chung-Chun
論文名稱: 鑑別並量化台灣資訊電子工業之重大性氣候風險
Identifying and Quantifying the Materiality of Climate Risks in the Information and Electronics Industry in Taiwan
指導教授: 葉欣誠
Yeh, Shin-Cheng
口試委員: 彭啟明
Peng, Chi-Ming
Lee, Chien-Ming
Yeh, Shin-Cheng
口試日期: 2023/06/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: TCFD台灣資訊電子業重大性氣候風險事件氣候風險管理企業永續
英文關鍵詞: TCFD, Taiwan's Information and Electronics Industry, Materiality Climate Risk Events, Climate Risk Management, Corporation Sustainability
研究方法: 主題分析內容分析法主題分析法層級分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300875
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:78下載:5
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  • IPCCAR6報告發布後,人為引致氣候變遷的確定性升高,氣候變遷對企業帶來的風險卻愈發不確定,並影響全球金融穩定,其中的關鍵點為氣候變遷各面向資訊的缺乏,尤其是氣候風險的鑑別。台灣資訊電子工業以出口為主,且該行業為全球近年來的重大產業,台灣在其中為關鍵角色。然而,缺乏氣候風險對台灣企業的影響的實證研究,資訊電子產業面臨的氣候風險仍不明確。現行全球用來進行氣候相關財務揭露的TCFD雖提供實體和轉型風險的列表,但應用性及細緻度不足,無法反映台灣企業面臨的氣候風險。即便是依循TCFD建立的最新的永續性框架,IFRS S2,也提及各單位需要自行鑑別更具體的氣候風險。

    Following the release of the IPCC AR6 report, there is growing certainty of human-induced climate change. However, the risks posed by climate change to corporations have become increasingly uncertain, affecting global financial stability. This uncertainty is largely due to the lack of information on various aspects of climate change, especially the identification of climate risks. Taiwan's information electronics industry, a significant global player in recent years, primarily relies on exports. However, there is a dearth of empirical research on the impact of climate risk on Taiwanese corporations, rendering the climate risks faced by the information electronics industry ambiguous. Although the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) offers a list of physical and transition risks, its applicability and granularity are insufficient to reflect the climate risks faced by Taiwanese corporations. Even the latest sustainability framework established in accordance with TCFD, the IFRS S2, mentions that individual units need to independently identify more specific climate risks.
    Extant literature underscores that TCFD is a novel research domain where almost all necessary research is lacking, particularly studies on the core strategy of how corporations implement TCFD. The absence of identification of climate risks in this strategy further impedes subsequent climate risk management. The quality and quantity of corporate climate scenario analyses are constrained by the consulting services they rely on, the tools they use, and the way they disclose information. Therefore, integrating the climate risk assessment results of different corporations can help clarify the full picture of climate risk events.
    This study follows the framework of climate scenario analysis and categorizes the types, items, and event levels of climate risks according to TCFD. It focuses on identifying and prioritizing significant climate risk events. This study employs qualitative and quantitative research methods, using thematic content analysis to analyze 191 TCFD qualitative content from Taiwanese corporations and summarize 49 climate risk events. These summarized risk events expand the original TCFD climate risk list. Then, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is utilized to allow experts to evaluate the operational impact and likelihood of these climate risk events in the information electronics industry. Finally, combining the vulnerability dimension with the definition of climate risk from the IPCC, a prioritization of risk events is conducted after quantification. The use of these two research methods, which align with practices of corporation sustainability while maintaining academic rigor, is one of the important values of this study.
    The results of this study corroborate academic literature's view on the dominance of short-term physical risks, a phenomenon also observed in Taiwan's information electronics industry. Future researchers are recommended to focus on exploring issues related to transition risks. In situations where risk disclosure is insufficient, it's difficult to effectively reduce risk vulnerability, which in turn weakens climate risk management. This study fills the academic gap in TCFD strategy and its findings contribute to a deeper understanding of climate risks under the TCFD framework by financial regulatory agencies, climate-related research units, corporations, sustainability consulting firms, and financial-related units, enhancing information exchange. This not only reduces misuse of the TCFD and knowledge disparity among stakeholders, but also lays the foundation for establishing climate scenario analyses and climate financial impact models in Taiwan's information electronics industry in the future.

    第一章、緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 一、 氣候變遷引起企業關注氣候風險 1 二、 永續金融與氣候金融的歷史脈絡 2 三、 TCFD成立起源與目的 4 第二節 研究動機 5 一、 TCFD為氣候金融系統轉型的關鍵框架 5 二、 TCFD的全球趨勢 7 三、 台灣執行現況 8 第三節 研究目的 10 第二章、文獻回顧 14 第一節 氣候風險來源 14 一、 實體風險 14 二、 轉型風險 15 第二節 台灣的資訊電子工業 16 第三節 重大性分析 17 第四節 企業氣候風險管理與韌性 19 一、 強化ESG表現 19 二、 企業氣候風險的管理 20 三、 企業的組織韌性 21 第五節 氣候風險的揭露透明度 22 一、 資訊揭露及透明度 22 二、 TCFD增進氣候風險揭露透明度 23 第六節 情境分析之重要性 24 第三章、研究方法 26 第一節 本研究選擇樣本的依據 28 第二節 主題分析法(Thematic Analysis, TA) 29 第三節 本研究的主題分析法進行步驟 30 第四節 層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 35 第五節 氣候風險量化 41 第四章、結果及討論 44 第五章、結論 55 參考資料 59 附錄壹、跨產業的氣候風險事件編碼表 69 附錄貳、資訊電子業重大性氣候風險排序專家問卷 72 附錄參、發生可能性層級分析法之統計一致性(C.I.) 91 附錄肆、營運衝擊層級分析法之統計一致性(C.I.) 94

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