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研究生: 王彥邦
Wang, Yen-Pang
論文名稱: 國小體育教師實施融合式體育教學之困境與解決策略
The Difficulties and Solutions of Elementary School Physical Education Teachers' Implementation of Inclusive Physical Education
指導教授: 程瑞福
Chen, Jui-Fu
口試委員: 程瑞福
Chen, Jui-Fu
Keh, Nyit-Chin
Chiang, I-Tsun
Pan, Chien-Yu
Lee, Wei-Ching
口試日期: 2024/01/11
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育與運動科學系
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 218
中文關鍵詞: 融合教育體育教師體育課適應體育教學困境
英文關鍵詞: Inclusive Education, Physical Education Teachers, Physical Education Classes, Adapted Physical Education, Teaching Difficulties
研究方法: 主題分析深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400431
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:88下載:14
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  • 近年來世界各國倡議融合教育,讓特殊生回歸普通班級,而體育教學亦是如此,依據法規的沿革與政策擬定下,融合教育雛型逐漸成形,也受到越來越多學者的關注,然而目前許多研究皆圍繞在探討融合式教育與社會關係之連結,或是特殊生於課堂中同儕接納情形,研究對象皆為學生,較少針對教學者之研究。據此,本研究以半結構式深度訪談,進行兩階段之研究,於第一階段訪談9位小學教師實施融合式體育教學之現況與困境,經歸納後於第二階段訪談7位專家學者提出解決之策略。研究結論為一、目前缺乏融合式體育教師之培育系統且現職教師參與研習阻礙高;二、班級人數多致教學內容不易調整,且缺乏教學人力協助;三、校園特教相關議題與知識闕如,適應體育業務分工不明確;四、師培端「適應體育」課程結合理論與實務,學校端設立校內教師專業社群,局端辦理研習可採混成式方式辦理;五、教學目標首重身體活動,教師可善用PSI教學方案規劃課程營造友善的班級氛圍;六、固定業務承辦專責組長,定期舉辦宣導活動強化師生知能。希冀透過困境提出及解決策略之對應,提供教師、師培單位、學校行政及公部門規劃課程、研習及訂定相關政策之參酌,共創友善教學環境。

    In recent years, countries worldwide advocated for inclusive education, allowing students with special needs to return to regular classrooms. This extended to physical education as well. Based on the evolution of regulations and policy formulation, the prototype of inclusive education gradually took shape and attracted increasing attention from scholars. However, much of the current research focused on exploring the connection between inclusive education and social relationships or the acceptance of peers in the classroom by students with special needs. There was relatively less research focusing on educators. Therefore, this study utilized semi-structured in-depth interviews to conduct a two-phase investigation. In the first phase, the study interviewed 9 elementary school teachers regarding the current situation and difficulties of implementing inclusive physical education teaching. In the second phase, after summarizing the findings, 7 expert scholars were interviewed to propose solutions. The research findings indicated that: (1) There was currently a lack of a cultivation system for inclusive physical education teachers, and existing teachers faced barriers to participation in training workshops. (2) Large class sizes made it difficult to adjust teaching content, and there was a lack of teaching manpower assistance. (3) Issues related to special education on campus were lacking, and there was unclear division of labor in adapting to physical education tasks. (4) Teacher training programs should integrate theory and practice in "Adaptive Physical Education," schools should establish professional teacher communities, and workshops should be conducted in a blended learning format at the administrative level. (5) Teaching objectives prioritized physical activity, and teachers could utilize PSI teaching programs to plan lessons and create a friendly classroom atmosphere. (6) Designated team leaders handled fixed duties, and regular advocacy activities were held to enhance teachers' and students' knowledge and abilities. It was hoped that by addressing and resolving the difficulties and proposing corresponding strategies, this study could provide guidance for teachers, teacher training institutions, school administrations, and public agencies in planning curriculum, workshops, and relevant policies, thereby creating a friendly teaching environment.

    中文摘要i 英文摘要ii 謝 誌iv 目 次vi 表 次ix 圖 次x 第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題7 第三節 重要名詞釋義9 第四節 研究範圍與限制11 第五節 研究重要性13 第貳章 文獻探討15 第一節 臺灣融合教育發展與沿革15 第二節 融合式體育教學之發展與沿革24 第三節 融合體育教學之問題探討33 第參章 研究方法52 第一節 研究架構52 第二節 研究流程53 第三節 資料蒐集與研究參與者56 第四節 研究工具61 第五節 資料分析與處理63 第六節 研究倫理68 第肆章 結果與討論70 第一節 國小體育教師實施融合式體育教學之教師背景與專業發展困境與解決策略70 第二節 國小體育教師實施融合式體育教學之教學現況與課程內容困境與解決策略104 第三節 國小體育教師實施融合式體育教學之行政資源與支援困境與解決策略148 第四節 國小體育教師實施融合式體育教學之政府機關支持困境與解決策略177 第伍章 結論與建議185 第一節 研究結論185 第二節 研究建議187 參考文獻190 一、中文部份190 二、英文部份197 附錄209 附錄一、研究參與者知情同意書209 附錄二、國小體育教師實施融合式體育教學之現況與困境訪談大綱214 附錄三、國小體育教師實施融合式體育教學之解決策略訪談大綱217 附錄四、研究倫理審查核可證明書218

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