研究生: |
黃品博 Huang, Ping-Po |
論文名稱: |
對跆拳道對打選手體能與踢擊表現之影響 Effects of Four-Week High-Intensity Interval Kick Training on Physical Fitness and Kick Performance of Taekwondo Athletes |
指導教授: |
Ho, Jen-Yu |
口試委員: |
Wang, Hsiang-Hsin 李佳融 Lee, Chia-Jung 何仁育 Ho, Jen-Yu |
口試日期: | 2023/07/23 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 42 |
中文關鍵詞: | 體能訓練 、功能性訓練 、跆拳道運動表現 |
英文關鍵詞: | physical training, functional training, taekwondo performance |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301593 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:122 下載:0 |
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目的:探討四週專項踢擊與跑步的高強度間歇訓練,對跆拳道對打選手無氧能力、有氧能力以及專項踢擊表現的影響。方法:招募12名大專跆拳道對打選手 (10 男 2 女),經配對後隨機分成2組:高強度間歇跑步訓練組 (n=6, HIITR) 與高強度間歇踢擊訓練組(n=6, HIITK),進行為期四週的高強度間歇訓練,每週3次,每次6至4趟,趟間休息為4至1分鐘,每趟6組,每組20秒 (運動5秒、休息15秒),強度為最大努力。所有參與者在訓練前後都會進行Wingate30秒、20公尺多階段折返跑以及專項踢擊表現測驗。以混合設計二因子變異數分析,考驗無氧能力、有氧能力以及專項踢擊表現在不同訓練方式與不同測驗時間的交互作用及顯著差異。結果:四週高強度間歇訓練後,有氧能力 (預估最大攝氧量) 與無氧能力 (峰值功率、相對峰值功率、平均公率) 均無顯著提升。不過,踢擊組的踢擊總數顯著提升 (92.7± 3.5 vs. 100.3± 4.1次數, p<.05),且訓練後也顯著高於跑步組 (100.3± 4.1 vs. 91.8 ± 6.4次數, p<.05);此外,僅踢擊組在第三、四、五組的踢擊次數有顯著提升 (第三組:18.0 ± 1.3 vs. 19.7 ± 0.5次數, 第四組:17.8 ± 1.2 vs. 19.3 ± 1.2次數, 第五組:17.3 ± 1.4 vs. 19.0 ± 1.1次數, p<.05),但兩組之間的每組踢擊次數則均無顯著差異。結論:四週專項踢擊與跑步的高強度間歇訓練並無法改善跆拳道選手的有氧能力與無氧能力,但因訓練方式的特殊性,專項踢擊的高強度間歇訓練可以改善選手的專項踢擊表現。
Purpose: This study investigated the effects of four-week high-intensity interval training running or kicking workouts on anaerobic capacity, aerobic capacity, and special kicking performance of Taekwondo players. Method: Twelve collegiate Taekwondo players (10 males and 2 females) were randomly assigned to either the high-intensity interval training running group (HIITR, n=6) or the high-intensity interval training kicking group (HIITK, n=6). All players performed high-intensity interval training running or kicking workouts 3 times per week for four weeks. Each workout consisted of 6 sets of 20 seconds of running or kicking (5 seconds of exercise and 15 seconds of rest), separated by 4 to 1 minute for 6 to 4 trials. All players performed the Wingate 30-second test, multi-stage 20m shuttle run test, and special kicking performance test before and after training program. A two-way mixed-design analysis of variance was used to analyze the differences in anaerobic capacity, aerobic capacity, and special kicking performance before and after training between the groups. Results: After the four-week high-intensity interval training, there were no significant improvements in both groups in aerobic capacity (estimated VO2max) and anaerobic capacity (peak power, relative peak power, average mileage). However, only HIITK showed significant increases in total kick (92.7±3.5 vs. 100.3±4.1 times, p<.05) and HIITK had significantly higher total kick than HIITR after training (100.3±4.1 vs. 91.8±6.4 times, p<.05). Furthermore, only HIITK demonstrated significant increases in the number of kick during the third, the fourth, and the fifth sets (set 3: 18.0±1.3 vs. 19.7±0.5 times, set 4: 17.8±1.2 vs. 19.3±1.2 times, set 5: 17.3±1.4 vs. 19.0±1.1 times, p<.05). However, no significant differences were observed in the number of kick between the groups. Conclusions: While the high-intensity interval training running or kicking workout could not improve the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of Taekwondo players, the high-intensity interval training kicking workout could improve the kick performance due to the training specificity.
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