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Author: Pragati Shukla
Pragati Shukla
Thesis Title: Wide-field Digital Holography for Ophthalmic Lens Metrology and Its Application in Ocular Vision Correction
Wide-field Digital Holography for Ophthalmic Lens Metrology and Its Application in Ocular Vision Correction
Advisor: 鄭超仁
Cheng, Chau-Jern
Degree: 碩士
Department: 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2020
Academic Year: 108
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 71
Keywords (in English): Ophthalmic Lens, Wide Field of View, Telecentric Lens
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 145Downloads: 0
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  • We have designed a Wide-Field Digital Holography (WF-DH) system for metrology of
    ophthalmic lenses over the full field of view within a single camera acquisition. For the
    developed WF-DH system, the reflection wavefront from the object surface is recorded
    as a digital hologram using a modified Michelson interferometer. The wide-field of view
    is achieved by employing a telecentric lens geometry. The recorded hologram is
    reconstructed to obtain the phase of the lens under test and analyzed for measurements.
    The information obtained is utilized for verifying the vision correction capability of the
    test lens using ZEMAX simulations. The proposed system is capable of providing
    precise measurements of Radius of curvature, diameter, thickness and power of lenses
    with an error of ±1.3%. The measurement is done with non-contact imaging which is
    different from the current industrial methods like surface contact stylus profilometry or
    interferometry techniques which utilize reference surface for metrology of optical lenses.
    Keywords: Digital Holography, Ophthalmic Lens, Wide Field of View, Telecentric

    ABSTRACT I CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV LIST OF FIGURES V CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction to optical lens metrology 1 1.1.1 Application of interferometry in optical lens metrology 2 1.1.2 Comparison of techniques in measuring optical lenses 4 1.2 Digital holography in metrology 8 1.2.1 Background of optical lens metrology using DH 11 1.2.2 Literature review and analysis 12 1.3 Relation between optical metrology and optometry 15 1.4 Research motivation 17 1.5 Thesis structure 18 CHAPTER-2 Development of wide-field digital holography system 20 2.1 Principle of recording and reconstruction in Digital Holography(DH) 20 2.1.1 Recording process 20 2.1.2 Reconstruction process 22 2.2 Working principle of wide-field digital holography 25 2.2.1 Telecentric system and Wide-field of view 25 2.2.2 Resolution and imaging system performance 27 2.3 Wide-field digital holography experimental set-up 33 2.4 Type of sample under test and physical significance of measurement 40 CHAPTER-3 Experimental results 43 3.1 Reconstruction of hologram of lens under test (Sample A) 45 3.2 Reconstructed phase analysis of sample 46 3.3 Reconstruction of hologram of lens under test (Ophthalmic lens) 49 CHAPTER-4 Ocular vision correction-ZEMAX simulation 51 4.1 Human ocular modelling 53 4.1.1 Inducing hyperopia to the ocular model 55 4.1.2 Ophthalmic lens design and vision correction 58 CHAPTER-5 Conclusion 63 References and Links 65 Annexure 69

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