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研究生: 張芳梅
論文名稱: 台東高中職生對地方特產之認知--一個台東鄉土的研究
Local Cognition of Senior and Vocational High School Students in Taitung – A Research on Localism in Taitung
指導教授: 潘朝陽
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 台東縣鄉土認知地方特產高中職生
英文關鍵詞: Taitung County, Local Cognition, Local Products, Senior and Vocational High School Students
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:471下載:17
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解「鄉土」落實在地表景觀上所反映的鄉土結構與鄉土經驗之間的互動關係,研究者經由文獻探討,在釐清相關鄉土概念內涵、台東產業特性之後,選擇以台東縣之農業發展為主軸,落實到地表景觀之地方特產為問題核心,透過問卷調查法以得知台東高中職生此一族群意向之鄉土產業景觀與看法以及不同背景的高中職生在鄉土認知和鄉土產業看法上的差異。

    The research aims at understanding the interaction between “local structure and “local experience” reflected from the concept of “localism” on the ground landscape. By studying the concerning documents, clarifying the meaning of local concept and the features of the industry in Taitung, the researcher chose the industry development in Taitung as the axis and the presentation of the local products in this place as the crux of the problem. Through questionnaires, we know high school students’ preference for the local industry contents and a wide divergence of opinions on local cognition and local industry as a result of students’ different backgrounds.
    The research method is based on the self-edited questionnaire “Local Cognition and Perspective”. The main sampling is first and third graders in both senior and vocational high schools in Taitung County and the number of the effective sampling is 930. In order to conduct the accounting analysis of the sampling materials, the descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pierson product moment correlation are applied to this research at the same time. The results are as follow:
    I. Cognition on Local Industry
    1. High school students in Taitung County had an average score of 16.6 on the questionnaires of the Local Industry Cognition. The percentage of getting correct answers is 65.1%. Among the concerned categorization of the industry cognition, “the cause of the land utilization” is the most highly-scored item. However, they seemed to have a vague idea about the developing history of the industry activities from the Ching Dynasty to the post-restoration in Taiwan. “The developing history of the industry activities” is highly-relevant to “the total score of the local cognition test”. Its relevance with “Industry problems and development strategies” is up to .568 as well.
    2. The scores on “Local Cognition” show obvious discrepancy concerning different schools which the students attend, the grades they are in, sex, races, their residence time, and the number of the places they’ve been to. Among these categorized background items, senior high school students got the highest score on “Local Cognition.” Besides, their sex is female. The racial groups are Fukien people and Hakka people from south China. Their residence time is over 11 years and between 6 and 10 years. The places they’ve been are more than 2.
    II. In respect to the perspective on local cognition, features, local products, qualifications of the local products and the direction of the economic development:
    1. When it came to the residence in towns and cities in Taitung, what emotionally impressed high school students most were fresh air and beautiful scenery. In human respect, however, they put much more emphasis on the simple and sincere tradition in their neighborhood and hospitality in the country and the aboriginal culture in Taitung.
    2. As far as these students are concerned, two items that can most represent Taitung’s local products are Shir jia (custard apple) and Guanshan and Chershan rice in order. Besides, they thought that the qualifications of Taitung local products are “unique, rare in other counties”, “highly-promoted by the local government and well-known in other counties”, “long-cultivated in the history and possessing the meaning of cultural heritage.”
    3. In high school students’ opinion, to promote the development of Taitung industry, and to prevent the constant outflow of population, first, the employment rate in tourism and service industry should be increase; next, more educational organizations should be set up. Finally, more roads connecting the outside and inside of Taitung county should be opened and extended.
    III. How perspectives on local scenery and features, local products and qualifications of the local products, and the direction of the economic development results in discrepancies, due to various background items.
    1. Among these various background items, “different schools” and the residence time” shows the most obvious discrepancies with respect to the most unforgettable local scenery in their neighborhood.
    2. These two various background items -- “attending senior high schools versus vocational high schools” and “ residing on Taitung Plains versus in towns of mountain areas in Taitung show obvious discrepancies concerning the perspectives on the proudest local features in Taitung.
    3. The perspectives on what can most represent Taitung’s local products show obvious discrepancies concerning the following various background items – racial groups (aboriginal people, Fukien people from south China and people from other provinces in mainland China), and residence (A. Taitung coastal plains and valleys; B. Taitung valleys, towns in mountain areas and towns along Taitung coast.)
    4. These two various background items –- “attending senior high schools versus vocational high schools” and “residing in Taitung Valley versus along the Taitung coastal plains” show obvious discrepancies concerning the perspectives on the qualifications which Taituing local products should possess.
    5. Different background items result in no obvious discrepancy when it comes to promoting the economic development in Taitung and preventing the constant out flow of population.
    Finally, according to the results of the research, the researcher offered concerning suggestions for teaching and follow-up studying in the researched area.

    《目次》 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起與動機 1 第二節 相關文獻探討與研究目的 4 第三節 研究方法與研究架構 7 第四節 研究區的地理環境基礎 11 第二章 鄉土認知概念體系之建立 16 第一節 鄉土的定義與範圍 16 第二節 鄉土概念之內涵 21 第三節 鄉土概念之認知與內化過程 26 第四節 鄉土結構之文化地景形式(農業特產31 第三章 台東區域特色之建立-以產業景觀為題 35 第一節 台東的產業結構與分布 35 第二節 台東主要產業活動形式的時空變遷 42 第三節 台東產業面臨之問題與未來政策走向 51 第四節 小結 55 第四章 台東高中職生對其鄉土產業環境之認知分析 58 第一節 鄉土產業問卷題目之擬定與施測 58 第二節 台東高中職生對其鄉土產業之認知狀況61 第三節 影響台東高中職生認知其鄉土產業之背景因素分析66 第四節 台東高中職生對鄉土產業各層面之看法陳述 72 第五章 結論與建議 88 第一節 結論 88 第二節 建議 90 參考文獻 92 附錄99

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