研究生: |
張敦程 |
論文名稱: |
化工丙級技能檢定術科訓練的學習動機與滿意度研究-以中南部地區化工群學生為例 A Study on Learning Motivation and Satisfaction in Technical Subjects Training for Class C Technician Certification Test of Chemical Engineering(chemical engineering cluster's students of vocational high school in central and southern Taiwan as an example) |
指導教授: | 林如章 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
化學系 Department of Chemistry |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 144 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學習動機 、學習滿意度 、技術士檢定 |
英文關鍵詞: | Learning Motivation, Learning Satisfaction, Technician Certification Test of Chemical Engineering |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:336 下載:7 |
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This study surveyed the motivation and satisfaction of learning among students at Chemical Engineering department in Vocational High School. The relationship between school curricula, and training programs were discussed, and the results were also examined.
The questionnaires went to the students from school southern to Taichung. The survey was done by China Petroleum Company. All the four hundred and twenty questionnaires were collected. Among them, three hundred and seventy-seven copies were valid.
In this study, the SPSS package Chinese Version 12.0 was utilized for data processing. The result of each analysis reaching significance level of .05 with marked with an asterisk. The statistical methods used were: the number of distribution, mean, standard deviation, percentage, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation analysis.
The conclusions are as follows:
I、In all aspects of motivation, "the demand for future employment" has the most influence, while "individual interest" has the least influence. Concerning the demand for future employment, the leading facror goes to "participating in the training of technical subjects commissioned by the Skill Assess ment Project".
II、"career planning" is on top of all the levels in learning satisfaction, and "curriculum design" is the lowest, followed by the lecturer teaching, learning attitude, learning outcomes, peer relationships, operating equipment, and learning environment. All various dimensions and overall learning satisfaction tends to be "satisfied".
III、As for the first dimension of motivation in terms of “self-interest”, boys are higher than girls. Meanwhile, those who have received career counseling are more highly motivated than those who haven’t. Besides, those with strong willingness for qualification tests and excellent academic performances, especially those ranked among top 10 also show distinctly higher motivation.Second, in another dimension related to “self-growth,” we can also see that those with strong willingness for qualification tests and excellent academic performances, especially those ranked among top 10 tend to make more plans for the future. Third, in the “carreer choice and path” dimension, it is noteworthy that girls are higher than boys, along with those who have received career counseling, as well as those with strong willingness for qualification tests and excellent academic performances, especially those ranked among top 10.
IV、In terms of peer relationship dimension, the students who received career counseling got higher learning satisfaction than those whose schools are located in Taichung. In view of operating the equipment dimension, the male students got higher satisfaction than the female students. In terms of curriculum design dimension, students whose schools are located in Taichung got the highest learning satisfaction. In view of learning efficiency dimension, the male students got higher learning satisfaction and students whose schools are situated in Changhua got the highest satisfaction. In view of learning attitude dimension, students whose grades are ranked among the top 30 percent of the class and those whose fathers are professional workers got the highest learning satisfaction. As for learning environment dimensions, the students whose fathers are not professional technicians got the highest learning satisfaction.
V、There was a significant positive correlation between all the dimension of learning motivation and learning satisfaction. "Learners interest" is highly correlated with "learning effect" and "curriculum design". "Self-growth" is highly correlated with "learning attitude" and "leathers lecturing ". Learners Demand for jobs" is highly correlated with their "career planning" and "learning attitude"
Based on the above conclusions, specific suggestions are made for the teachers learning, the school administration, and the training institutions.
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