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研究生: 劉鎔毓
Jung-Yu Liu
論文名稱: 高等技職校院進修部成人學生持續學習歷程之研究 -以台北市都會區某技職校院為例
Research on the Persistence Process of Adult Students in the Division of Continuing Education : A Case Study Based on Students of an Institute of Technology in Taipei Metropolitan Area
指導教授: 黃玉
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 335
中文關鍵詞: 成人學生高等技職校院學業成績持續學習校園經驗同儕關係繼續教育
英文關鍵詞: adult student, institute of technology, grade performance, persistence, campus experience, peer relationship, continuing education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:551下載:65
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解高等技職校院進修部成人學生持續學習歷程,並建構成人學生持續學習初步理論模式,研究問題包括:(一)高等技職校院進修部成人學生準備進修前的考量為何?(二)高等技職校院進修部成人學生的校園經驗為何?(三)影響高等技職校院進修部成人學生學習的外在因素為何?(四)高等技職校院進修部成人學生持續學習的初步理論模式為何?


    (一) 進修衝擊生活轉變,是自我的「危機」,也是成長的「契機」
    (二) 同儕關係及課業學習經驗是持續學習的關鍵
    (三) 校園環境與服務規劃忽略成人學生特性,影響學習感受及學校認同
    (一) 外在非預期事件衝擊學習,抗拒可能性與因應方式影響持續
    (二) 民間企業不友善的職場環境,對進修者口惠而實不至
    (三) 女性有母職者鑲嵌在家庭照顧責任下學習,配偶及家人協助為持續要素

    The purpose of this study was to explore the persistence process of adult students at the division of continuing education in an institute of technology in Taipei Metropolitan area and to formulate preliminary theoretical model of adult student persistence. The research questions included: 1) What were the considerations (motivation and psychology, situation, support) of adult students before attending the continuing education program? 2) What were their experiences in the college campus ? 3) What were the external factors outside the institution that affected the adult student persistence? 4) What was the preliminary theoretical model of adult student persistence?
    The qualitative method of semi-structure in-depth interview was used for the research. The participants came from one institute of technology in Taipei Metropolitan Area. Twelve students aged above 25 years old, according to their academic major, age, gender and marital status, were purposively chosen for the study. The trustworthiness was established by developing trust relationship with participants, and using of prolonged engagements, peer debriefing, triangulation, member check, negative cases analysis, thick description, and self-reflectivity.
    The findings of this research are as follows:
    1.The considerations of adult students before attending the continuing education program are “participate motivation and psychological status,” “situation” and “support,” and the “participate motivation and psychological status “ is influenced by “situation” and “support.”
    2.The college campus experiences of adult students include:
    A) Returning to school has a great impact on their lives, which are both “crisis” and “growth opportunity.”
    B) Both peer relationships and academic learning experiences are the key factors for their persistence.
    C) The design of the campus learning environment neglects the needs of adult students, which affecting their feelings and commitments to the institution.
    3. The external factors outside the institution that influence on adult students’ learning are:
    A) The unpredictable external events impact their learning, and the coping possibilities and methods affect adult student persistence.
    B) Unfriendly working environment impacts their learning.
    C) Because of the family responsibilities, the support from spouse and families are important factor for mothering students.
    4. Based on the findings of the research, a preliminary theoretical model of adult student persistence is formulated.
    The model includes three stages which are termed as “preparing to move in learning,” “moving through learning” and ”persistence.” The stage of “preparing to move in learning” includes three elements. The first element is “participate motivation and psychological status,” which includes: participate motivation and psychological status. The second element is “situation,” which are timing, the employer’s attitude, institution location, and the selection of academic major. The third element is “support,” which includes: families, friends and employers. As the arrow indicates “participate motivation and psychological status “is influenced by “situation” and “support.” These three elements are independent variables, and affect “self” and “external factors” in the “moving through learning” stage.
    The stage of “moving through learning” includes five elements: “campus environment,” “self,” “external factors,” “academic learning experiences” and “social networks on campus”. These five elements can be divided into two levels of mediation variables. The first level of mediation variables includes: the “campus environment,” “self” and the “external factors”. The second level of mediation variables includes: the “academic learning experiences” and the “social networks on campus.” Interaction exists between the “academic learning experiences” and the “social networks on campus.” The first level of mediation variables affects the second level of mediation variables. The second level of mediation variables affects “learning outcomes” in the stage of “persistence.”
    The stage of “persistence” includes one element and named “learning outcomes.” The “learning outcomes” of the adult students affect their determination to persist or leave the institution. The learning outcomes are: grade performance, personal growth, professional skills and the quality of social networks on campus. In addition, the arrow indicates the first level of mediation variable “external factors” outside the institution affect adult students’ determination to persist.
    Based on the results and findings of this research, recommendations for practice and further research are presented.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機..……………………….……1 第二節 研究目的與問題………………………….......12 第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………...…13 第四節 研究問題的價值與重要性...............................15 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 我國高等體系繼續教育的政策及實施……...17 第二節 成人發展與學習………………………….......32 第三節 成人學生持續學習理論及模式……………...51 第四節 影響成人學生持續學習相關因素之研究…...60 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究方法與研究設計………………...…........79 第二節 研究參與者……………………………...........85 第三節 研究實施過程………………………….........100 第四節 研究的信實度…………………….…........…103 第五節 資料分析與整理……………………..….......108 第六節 研究倫理與省思………………..……….......111 第四章 準備進入學習 第一節 參與動機及心理狀況……………….......…..117 第二節 進修前的情境考量及因應策略…………….130 第三節 支持參與進修的力量………………….........143 第五章 穿越學習歷程 第一節 學習過程中身心衝擊與挑戰…………….....149 第二節 衝擊成人學習的外在因素及因應策略…….168 第三節 成人學生的校園經驗…………….....………188 第六章 持續學習……………………..……………257 第七章 研究結論與建議 第一節 研究結論……………………………............267 第二節 研究建議………………………………....…276 參考文獻 中文部分...................................293 外文部分..............................................300 附 錄 附錄一 大學成人學生學習經驗問卷………………315 附錄二 初步訪談大綱.............................317 附錄三 正式訪談大綱..................................318 附錄四 訪談同意書............................319 附錄五 研究參與者訪談逐字稿及詮釋文確認回函表……………320 附錄六 研究參與者詮釋文(範例)........................321 附錄七 研究參與者訪談要素稿........................323 附錄八 研究學校環境重新建構方案........................331

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