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研究生: 呂紹平
Lu, Shao-Ping
論文名稱: 桃園草漯沙丘-沙灘地形互動之研究
The Morphological Study of Beach-dune Interaction in Caota, Taoyuan
指導教授: 林宗儀
Lin, Tsung-Yi
口試委員: 張政亮 沈淑敏 林宗儀
口試日期: 2021/07/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 170
中文關鍵詞: 沙灘-沙丘地形時間尺度沙丘崖濱線變遷人為設施
英文關鍵詞: beach-dune morphology, time scale, dune scarps, shoreline change, artificial facilities
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101510
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:19
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  • 海岸沙丘與沙灘地形受到風、波浪與潮汐多種控制因子影響,沙灘與沙丘的沉積物系統依據風向、風速、波高與潮差會形塑不同的地形景觀。海岸沙丘與沙灘地形在不同觀測時間尺度下,因時距內平均的營力作用海岸沙丘與沙灘具有不同的地形變化特徵。本研究以草漯沙丘作為研究區,分別以短期及中期時間尺度探討草漯沙丘地形變化與控制因子的關係,短期聚焦在草漯沙丘的季節性變化,中期尺度則關注近20年的濱線與海岸沙丘變化。地形的季節性變化使用RTK-GPS測量2019年至2020年間的六座調查區的海岸沙丘與沙灘的地形高程,施測頻率為每4個月一次,分別代表冬季、春季與夏季的地形。近20年的地形變化使用2001年至2018年間的航空照片與衛星影像呈現濱線與海岸沙丘的變化。攔砂籬、風力發電機、風機維修道路與海堤等人為設施對草漯沙丘地形的影響亦為本研究探討之重點。

    Coastal dune and beach morphology is controlled by a variety of processes and impact factors, with wind, waves, and tides. The sediment system of beach and dune will shape different landscapes according to wind direction, wind speed, wave height and tide range. Coastal dunes and beach morphology have different morphological characteristics at different time scales of observation due to the effect of time-averaged processes. Caota dunes is the study area, and investigate the relationship between topographic changes and control factors of Caota dunes at different time scales, focusing on the seasonal changes of Caota dunes in the short term and the recent 20 years changes of shoreline and coastal dunes in the medium term. Seasonal changes in topography were measured using RTK-GPS for coastal dunes and beaches in the six survey areas between 2019 and 2020, at a frequency of once every four months, representing winter, spring, and summer morphology, respectively. The topographic changes over the last 20 years are presented using aerial photographs and satellite images of the shoreline and coastal dunes from 2001 to 2018. The effects of anthropogenic facilities such as sand fences, wind turbines, wind turbine maintenance roads, and seawalls on the topography of Caota dunes are also the focus of this study.
    The seasonal monitoring results show that there are differences in topographic variation among the six survey areas, mainly in the recovery of dune stoss slopes and the erosion of dune scarps. Frequency and spatial distribution of the dune scarps may be related to the width of the dry sand, and the waves in the areas with narrower dry sand width can easily reach the dune foot. Dry sand width is related to wave action. The angles of incident wave, beach morphology, and wave height affect the distribution of wave energy along the shoreline, and a larger wave energy at the point of wave attack results in a narrower dry sand width, which affects the supply of sand to the foredunes behind. Generally, dune scarps are formed mainly in spring and summer, with summer being the most frequent season and dune scarps in winter disappearing and reverting to the foreslope of dunes. Meteorological and marine data show that the average significant wave height in summer is relatively low, but the storm surges of summer typhoons and swells run up on the beach may scrape and erode the dunefoot to form dune scarps; the average significant wave height in winter is relatively high, but the strong northeastern wind will blow the dry sand from the backshore to the dunefoot, and the water level in winter is not risen by storm surges, the seawater has no chance to reach the dunefoot of the foreslope. The artificial sand fences on the foreslope of the dune caused the steepening of the slope between the lower foreslope and the backshore due to sand accumulation, which also interfereed with the movement of sediments on the foreslope.
    The results of the study show that the shoreline has generally receded over the past 20 years, while the landward edge of the active dunes is generally stable due to the effect of forestation in preventing wind and sand fixation. Wind turbines, wind turbine maintenance roads, and seawalls will reduce the area of active dunes and reduce potential sand transporting. The location of artificial facilities on the dunes requires consideration of the interaction between geomorphology and processes as well as sediment dynamics, and to implement appropriate management measures in appropriate morphological areas according to management goals in order to sustain the coastal dunes. The study suggests that the sand fences on the dunes should be removed in the back of the dunes where there are no artificial facilities, so that the sand can move inland and the dune profile and dune landscape can be more natural.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻回顧 5 第三節 研究方法與架構 32 第四節 研究區概況 42 第二章 草漯沙丘季節性地形變化 51 第一節 調查區一地形變化 54 第二節 調查區二地形變化 61 第三節 調查區三地形變化 68 第四節 調查區四地形變化 75 第五節 調查區五地形變化 82 第六節 調查區六地形變化 88 第七節 小結 95 第三章 近20年的濱線與沙丘變化 97 第一節 濱線變遷 98 第二節 活動沙丘變化 105 第三節 小結 114 第四章 討論 115 第一節 調查區間海岸沙丘地形變化的異同 116 第二節 人為設施對沙丘地形的影響 135 第三節 近20年的海岸沙丘變化 142 第五章 結論 151 參考文獻 155 附錄 164

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