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Author: 鄭武濱
Cheng, Wu-Ben
Thesis Title: 從策略管理走向盈的事業
From Strategic Management Toward A Successful Business Development
Advisor: 林舒柔
Lin, Shu-Jou
Committee: 郭國泰
Kuo, Anthony
Kang, Min-Ping
Lin, Shu-Jou
Approval Date: 2022/02/25
Degree: 碩士
Department: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 52
Keywords (in Chinese): 管理盈的事業制度傳承
Keywords (in English): management, freshmen, system, successful business
Research Methods: 個案研究法深度訪談法
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 261Downloads: 27
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  • 摘要
    1498年葡萄牙人達伽馬(Vasco Da Gama)從非洲好望角到印度後歐洲在各方面成功的改變了許多舊習慣與鄭和下西洋的船過水無痕再再說明制度、規劃與成功的關係。一個成功,一個失敗的故事/事實,提醒即將將進入社會的新鮮人即早以制定有效的策略,規劃(制度)管理出該完善的策略,將可引領大家一步步走向盈的事業。

    Everyone has been in their school for so many years before their graduation and prepare to start their colorful social life. School society, as we all know, are relatively more simple and more disciplined in compare with the complicated human society. You will have to run your own way without the kind guidance from your school teachers to meet this boundless universe by your own self alone, now! How to successful start the first step after their graduation is the very important lesson for every graduate.
    This thesis is trying to use historical events that actually happened in the past to verify/support all managerial theories as well as the related case study and my personal career experience to guide the social freshmen toward their successful development. We use the big data framework concept to group the management courses like strategy management, marketing management, managerial accounting…and my personal career experiences to help the fresh men to achieve their own successful business.
    Acemoglu and Robinson has shown a big differences of the Nogales city and Santa Cruz and shown that in year of 1948, the Portuguese Vasco Da Gama arrive at India and create a big change in Europe whereas by year of 1405-1433 a Chinese eunuch Cheng ho had 7 long voyages even as far as to Africa continental but nothing change as well as in the book of a brief history of humankind write by Harari also shown one success, one fail. It has, once again, confirm how the good system work, it confirms how the good + effectiveness strategy work, we hope through a good strategy it will lead the social freshmen work toward their successful career-from the very first step!
    This thesis starts with inheritance. Through the unique language that the Sapine has successfully developed (among all species), we know how to pass on the good skill and experience to build up good strategies, to well manage strategies and to work to their own successful life/carrier. We all know there is only one Roma and all roads lead to Roma. Among that many roads, there must a better road to lead us to Roma. Similarly, there must be many ways toward the objective of successfulness. But there must be a better way to lead to our objective more effectiveness and more easier. This thesis is to study and to find out the more effectiveness and more easier way.

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