簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林恩伃
Lin, En-Yu
論文名稱: 再現日本:日本照片新娘敘事
Re-presenting Japan in Japanese Picture Bride Narratives
指導教授: 李秀娟
Lee, Hsiu-Chuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 日本照片新娘「一世」女性《祖母的花園》《照片新娘:加拿大的日本女性》日本日本北美研究
英文關鍵詞: Japanese picture brides, Issei women, Obaachan’s Garden, Picture Brides: Japanese Women in Canada, Japan, Japanese North American Studies
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:137下載:36
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  • 本篇論文旨在研究二十世紀初期的日本照片新娘。雖然自一九七零年代起,歷史學家及社會學家就開始關注照片新娘的歷史,而日本照片新娘的生命經驗亦呈現於許多日裔美國文學作品中,但是,照片新娘和其日本祖國間的關係卻一直未得到學界應有的重視。本論文透過探討琳達·奧哈瑪(Linda Ohama)的家庭紀錄片《祖母的花園》(Obaachan’s Garden)以及真壁知子(Tomoko Makabe)的口述歷史著作《照片新娘:加拿大的日本女性》(Picture Brides: Japanese Women in Canada),意圖呈現日本照片新娘在日本及日美跨太平洋歷史進程中的重要性。

    This thesis conducts a study of Japanese picture brides in the early twentieth century. Although picture bride history has attracted the attention of historians and sociologists since the 1970s, and their life stories are commonly represented in many Japanese North American literary works, picture brides’ affiliations with their country of origin have not yet been fully investigated. In this thesis, through examining Linda Ohama’s family documentary Obaachan’s Garden and Tomoko Makabe’s oral historical project Picture Brides: Japanese Women in Canada, I demonstrate Japanese picture brides’ importance in making the cross-Pacific history of both Japan and Japanese North America.
    This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One serves as an introduction, in which I provide an overview of the picture bride history and discuss the inadequate attention given to picture brides’ Japanese experiences and memories in existing scholarship. Chapter Two centers on the different ways picture brides and their offspring re/connect to Japan in Obaachan’s Garden. Attention is given to how the images of Japan presented in the family documentary display the intertwined connections between personal, family, ethnic as well as Japan’s national histories. Chapter Three studies five picture brides’ oral testimonies recorded in Picture Brides: Japanese Women in Canada. I examine how Makabe, from a Shin-Issei’s perspective, emphasizes Japanese picture brides’ significance in both Japanese and Japanese Canadian history. I also point out that picture brides’ transnational experiences could enrich our understanding of the culture and regional developments of Japan in the turn of the twentieth century. Chapter Five concludes this thesis with thoughts for future research.

    Table of Contents Chapter One __________________________________________ 01 Introduction Chapter Two __________________________________________ 22 Between Family Memory and National History: The Hidden Japanese Past in Linda Ohama’s Obaachan’s Garden Chapter Three ________________________________________ 42 From a Shin-Issei’s Perspective: Tomoko Makabe’s Picture Brides: Japanese Women in Canada Chapter Four _________________________________________ 66 Coda Works Cited __________________________________________ 69

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