研究生: |
楊士賢 Yang, Shi-Hsien |
論文名稱: |
藝術與金融跨界多元化投資商機之研析-以非同質化代幣為例 The Analysis of Opportunities of Cross-border Diversified Investment in Art and Finance: Cases Study of the NFTs |
指導教授: |
Dong, Tse-Ping |
口試委員: |
Chen, Yu-Shan 黃啟瑞 Huang, Chi-Jui 董澤平 Dong, Tse-Ping |
口試日期: | 2023/04/23 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 114 |
中文關鍵詞: | 藝術金融 、區塊鏈 、加密貨幣 、NFT 、跨領域合作 、半結構式訪談法 |
英文關鍵詞: | Art finance, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFT, Cross-border cooperation |
研究方法: | 行動研究法 、 次級資料分析 、 個案研究法 、 主題分析 、 比較研究 、 言談分析 、 深度訪談法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300594 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:417 下載:10 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
依據Coin Desk,2020年上半年NFT總交易金額為1,370萬美元,而在2021年上半年驚人地增長至24.7億美元。即使在烏克蘭衝突與中美緊張關係等經濟黑天鵝 壓力下,NFT依然成為創作者前所未有的數位銷售管道(能力雜誌,2021)。再者,過去對於「NFT」的研究主要集中在區塊鏈技術方面,而本研究希望從「藝術金融」和「多元化投資新商機」的角度進行探討。以NFT投資者的視角,探討有關於「視覺藝術類型」的「NFT商業生態系統」所帶來的各種投資機會。如可妥善應用區塊鏈加密貨幣之新商業模式,不僅是未來的趨勢,且對國家、藝文界、藝術家、收藏家及投資者等,均有其正面的效益及良性的循環,同時可達到普惠金融,更是美學經濟、共享經濟、代幣經濟及平台經濟等再度的衍伸。希望藉此平台的誕生可讓藝術家們登上國際舞台達到真正的藝術無國界,進而振興藝術市場,惠及藝術家。
According to Coin Desk, the total transaction amount of NFTs in the first half of 2020 was $13.7 million, which astonishingly surged to $2.47 billion in the first half of 2021. Despite the economic black swan pressures such as the conflict in Ukraine and the tense relations between China and the U.S., NFTs have still become an unprecedented digital sales channel for creators (Nengli Magazine, 2021). Furthermore, previous research on "NFTs" has primarily focused on blockchain technology. However, this study aims to explore the topic from the perspectives of "art finance" and "diversified investment opportunities" and from the viewpoint of NFT investors, to investigate various investment opportunities brought by the "NFT business ecosystem" in the "visual arts" category. Appropriately utilizing the new business model of blockchain cryptocurrency is not only a future trend, but also has positive benefits and virtuous cycles for nations, the art world, artists, collectors, and investors. It can achieve financial inclusion and further extend the aesthetic economy, sharing economy, token economy, and platform economy. It is hoped that the birth of this platform can allow artists to take the international stage, achieving true borderless art, thereby revitalizing the art market and benefiting artists.
Through an in-depth analysis of cases such as ONES, Ever Rich, Juming Museum's NFT encrypted art, Lotus Fashion Boutique House, and NFT, and semi-structured interviews on the topics of diversified investment opportunities brought by Art Finance NFT, interviewees' fields include innovative fintech, art finance, decision science, and artificial intelligence. This study discovers the significance and impact of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) in the art finance market. To successfully attract investors in this market and have NFTs collected, it is necessary to provide unique and high-quality artworks, clear value assessment and transaction mechanisms, as well as effective market promotion strategies. To maintain competitiveness in the NFT art finance market, it is essential to create unique and excellent artworks, provide convenient transaction channels, and enhance brand image and awareness through diversified promotion strategies; the NFT market needs to attract various types of investment with multiple trend dividends such as innovation, scarcity, community effects, cross-border cooperation, and security. In conclusion, this study believes that the launch of "Art Coins" is very timely and with these characteristics, it should be able to create a win-win market in the art world. A well-established art finance market must be established, and art investment must be stimulated to effectively revitalize the art market and jointly create a virtuous art business ecosystem of truth, goodness, and beauty.
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