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研究生: 王宏正
論文名稱: 花蓮縣衛生所福氣站老年人功能性體適能與平衡能力之研究
The Study on Functional Fitness and Balance of the Elderly of the Health Center’s Blessing Stations in Hualien
指導教授: 張家豪
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 老年人壓力中心測力板功能性體適能平衡能力
英文關鍵詞: the elderly, Pressure Center, force plate, functional fitness, balance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:149下載:35
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  • 目的:探討花蓮縣衛生所福氣站的老年人平衡能力及功能性體適能力對平衡能表現之影響。方法:藉由花蓮縣衛生所福氣站68位老年人並利用一組測力板裝置,讓受試者站立於力板上,分別操作雙腳及單腳等六個動作,並做各項功能性體適能測試,利用皮爾森積差比較各項功能性體適能間相關性,並以迴歸分析預測功能性體適能是否為各種平衡姿勢的預測因子。結果:各項功能性體適能相互間分析結果顯示在坐椅體前彎與三十秒座椅起立、起立八英呎走、功能性前伸呈正相關。三十秒座椅起立與右腳下肢肌力、起立八英呎走呈正相關。右腳下肢肌力與起立八英呎走呈正相關。落棒右手測驗與功能性前伸呈正相關。起立八英呎走與功能性前伸呈正相關。另外各種不同站立姿勢中,閉眼雙腳平行站立與三十秒座椅起立、起立八英呎走、功能性前伸呈正相關。睜眼雙腳平行站立與左手落棒、起立八英呎走呈正相關。閉眼雙腳前後站立與左右腳下肢肌力、起立八英呎走成正相關。睜眼雙腳前後站立與三十秒座椅起立、右腳下肢肌力呈正相關。睜眼單腳站立與右手落棒、功能性前伸呈正相關。

    Purpose: The thesis will be going to explore the balanced abilities of the elderly of health center’s blessing stations in Hualien and the influences of their functional fitness on balance ability performance.
    Method: A set of force plate here was used to let the testers- sixty-eight old men stood on the plate and operated six movements with both feet and single foot respectively. They also tested several functional fatnesses and compared the correlations amid them by taking advantage of Pearson’s product moment correlation. The regression analysis was used to predict whether or not the functional fitness is the predictive factor of balanced postures as well.
    Result: The inter-analytic results of every functional fitness reveal the positive correlation among “chair sit-and-reach test” ,“30-s sit-to-stand test”, “timed-up and go 8-feet test” and “functional reach test”. In addition, the positive correlations also include that of “30-s sit-to-stand test”, “right-foot lower-extremity muscular power” and “timed-up and go 8-feet test”; that of “right-foot lower-extremity muscular power” and “timed-up and go 8-feet test”; that of “right-hand drop-rod test” and “functional reach test”; that of “timed-up and go 8-feet test” and “functional reach test”, etc. What is more, in various kinds of posture of stance, the positive correlation is shown among “close-eye parallel feet position” , “30-s sit-to-stand test”, “timed-up and go 8-feet test” and “functional reach test”. So do as follows, including that of “eyes open parallel stand” , “left-hand drop-rod test” and “timed-up and go 8-feet test”; that of “eyes close tandem stand”, “feet lower-extremity muscular power” and “timed-up and go 8-feet test”; that of “eyes open tandem stand” ,“30-s sit-to-stand test” and “right-foot lower-extremity muscular power”; that of “eyes open single-foot stand” , “right-hand drop-rod test” and “functional reach test” and so forth. With regard to regression analysis, The“30-s sit-to-stand test” serves as the predictive factor for “eyes open feet stand” and “eyes close feet stand”. The “functional reach test” works as the predictive factor for “eyes open feet stand” and “eyes open single-foot stand”. As to “feet lower-extremity muscular power”, it is designed to be the predictive factor for “eyes open tandem stand”. Moreover, the predictive factor of “eyes close tandem stand” is “right-foot lower-extremity muscular power”.
    Conclusion: The decline in balanced abilities of the aged was due to various factors. In addition to their natural physiology ageing, it has something to do with physical fitness. The research findings revealed that the functional fitness of the elderly, to some degree, concerns with their different balanced square measure of standing postures. Also many items of functional fitness could become the predictive factor of different square measure of standing postures. In doing so, the research pointed out increase in the elderly act and lower limb strength was helpful to foster their balanced abilities.

    論文通過簽名表----------------------------------------------i學位論文授權書------------------------------------------- ii中文摘要------------------------------------------------- iii英文摘要---------------------------------------------------v謝誌---------------------------------------------------- vii 目次----------------------------------------------------viii表次-------------------------------------------------------x圖次------------------------------------------------------xi第壹章 緒論 ------------------------------------------------1第一節 問題背景 --------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究問題 --------------------------------------------3 第三節 研究目的 --------------------------------------------4第四節 研究範圍與收案標準 -----------------------------------4 第五節 名詞操作性定義 ---------------------------------------5第貳章 相關文獻探討-----------------------------------------8 第一節 老化與平衡-------------------------------------------8第二節 老年人與身體活動之關係--------------------------------11第三節 運動對平衡能力的影響---------------------------------14 第四節 文獻總結--------------------------------------------15第參章 研究方法與步驟---------------------------------- ---16 第一節 研究對象 -------------------------------------------16 第二節 實驗時間及地點 -------------------------------------16 第三節 實驗儀器設備 ---------------------------------------16 第四節 實驗流程說明 ---------------------------------------18 第五節 實驗資料收集及處理-----------------------------------20第肆章 結果與討論------------------------------------------24 第一節 結果 ----------------------------------------------24 第二節 討論 ----------------------------------------------35第伍章 結論與建議------------------------------------------38 第一節 結論 ----------------------------------------------38 第二節 建議 ----------------------------------------------38引用文獻 -------------------------------------------------40中文部份--------------------------------------------------40英文部分--------------------------------------------------41附錄-----------------------------------------------------46附錄一 受試者同意書----------------------------------------46

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