Author: |
林欣諭 Lin, Shin-Yu |
Thesis Title: |
青年族群使用Instagram之心理需求與持續使用意圖研究 A Study on Psychological Needs and Continuous Usage Intention of Young People for Instagram |
Advisor: |
Ke, Hao-Ren |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2017 |
Academic Year: | 105 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 134 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 自我決定理論 、心理需求 、IS接受後持續使用意圖 、圖片分享社群 、Instagram |
Keywords (in English): | Self-Determination Theory, Psychological Need, A Post-acceptance Model of IS Continuance Theory, Photo-sharing community, Instagram |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 547 Downloads: 50 |
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本研究採用問卷調查法,以紙本與電子型式分別發放,最後回收有效問卷639份。以SPSS 23.0進行問卷資料整理與分析,研究結果如下:(一) Instagram使用者性別以女性占多數,年齡以20-25歲者為主,學生是主要的使用族群;(二) Instagram使用者的自主感需求、勝任感需求與關聯感需求均會正向影響持續使用意圖;(三) 使用者的心理需求以自主感需求滿足程度最高,顯示使用者在使用Instagram具有強烈的自主意識;(四) 透過線性迴歸呈現心理需求對持續使用意圖的影響,關聯感需求具有較高的解釋力,表示社群中人際交流強烈影響Instagram持續使用;(五) 提升娛樂性與滿意度,能夠增強動Instagram持續使用意圖。
根據研究結果,提出四點實務建議:(一) 給予使用者發揮創造的空間;(二) 加強或拓展使用者在虛擬環境中與他人的連結;(三) 定期調查使用者需求,提升使用滿意度;(四) 藉由不同的通路、行銷宣傳,增加Instagram網頁黏著度。
With the rapid development of social media, it offer users a convenience way to receive information, learn and communicate. As a result of this trends, this study discussed research content of the social media through the past related references. This study applied to three basic psychological needs (i.e.: need of autonomy, need of competence and need of relatedness) of self-determination theory to fill up past research that was rarely explored users' psychological needs. This research model extend IS-continuance theory to explore continuate usage intention of Instagram users.
A quantitative method is applied in this study. Questionnaire were distributed to Instagram users from 30th November to 13th December in 2016. The data were based on 639 samples of Instagram users on Facebook, ptt and other institutions etc, ranging in the ages under 40.In this study, SPSS23.0 questionnaire was conducted to organize and analyze its data, and then proposed the result:
The result of this study showed that (a) female is the main gender of Instagram users. The Instagram user’s age were focused on 20-25 years and they almost were students. (b) The autonomy, competence and relatedness of Instagram users were all affected continuate usage intention. (c) The need of autonomy of Instagram users had high level of satisfaction. It means users had the strongest expression of self-awareness when they used Instagram. (d) From the liner regression, it indicated that psychological needs actually influenced on continuate usage intention, especially the need of relatedness. It means interpersonal connection of social media affected continuate usage intention.
According to this research results, four suggestions are proposed. First, offering a space that may make users create new things. Second, strengthening and expanding may make users obtain the connection with others in virtual environment.. Third, conducting a regular survey on users' needs in order to increase customers satisfaction. At last, conducting with the different channels and marketing strategies make users' stickiness to Instagram.
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