簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 簡比倫
Kan, Pa-Lun
論文名稱: 國立中正文化中心表演藝術圖書館服務滿意度調查
Research of National Theater Concert Hall Performing Arts Library Users' Satisfaction
指導教授: 宋建成
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 專門圖書館表演藝術圖書館圖書館服務顧客滿意度LibQUAL+TM
英文關鍵詞: special libraries, performing arts library, library service, customer satisfaction, LibQUAL+TM
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:129下載:29
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  • 時代一直改變,世界已由「製造經濟」(Manufacturing economy)進入「服務經濟」(Serving economy),大家會發現個人的日常生活與提供各類服務的公司或機構都在設法爭取顧客的眷顧。顧客重視服務品質的意識亦隨生活水準提高而與日俱增,從顧客角度了解自己機構的服務表現的品質,對企業而言極具有價值與重要性,將調查結果回饋給第一線人員,才能使組織的服務導向更上層樓。本研究是以表演藝術圖書館為個案,對其服務之讀者進行研究,調查讀者對圖書館服務之使用情形,及對服務品質之滿意度,以瞭解讀者對服務之重視與對當前服務之滿意情形,提供管理者參考。

    本調查研究以國立中正文中心表演藝術圖書館讀者為研究對象,利用問卷調查法及半結構性訪談法進行,問卷主要以LibQUAL+TM量表為基礎。研究顯示:(一)表演藝術圖書館讀者群主要為高學歷且以女性為主;(二)職業以教師、學生及表演藝術從業人員為主;(三)讀者中以對音樂有興趣者佔最多;(四)約半數會員會經常觀賞兩廳院節目。在圖書館館藏使用方面最常利用的資料類型為CD及DVD;其次是表演藝術雜誌 PAR、表演藝術相關書籍。讀者對圖書館服務期望最高的5項服務為:「館藏檢索系統簡單易用讓我能自己查找資料」、「圖書館網站讓我能自行查到所需資訊」、「館藏陳列方式易於瀏覽取用」、「館內空間安靜讓讀者專心於自己的活動」及「館藏資源取得容易便於讀者獨立使用」等。代表讀者對於理想中的表演藝術圖書館,相當重視其資訊控制構面。而期望與認間之差距最的前5項服務項目為:「館藏陳列方式易於瀏覽取用」、「圖書館內各項標示清楚醒目」、「館藏檢索系統簡單易用讓我能自己查找資料」、「圖書館網站讓我能自行查到所需資訊」、「紙本館藏資料(圖書、樂譜)符合我的需求」。


    Times have changed. The global economy has transformed "manufacturing economy" into "serving economy" nowadays. No matter what types of merchandise or service provided, companies and organizations are all trying their best to win customers' hearts. Along with the rising of living standards, customers today are well aware of the importance of service quality. It is significant as well as valuable for enterprises to find out the quality performance of their own from the perspective of customers and feedback the results of the relevant survey to front-line staffs. Through this way, the overall performance of service quality should be able to new heights. This research thus uses the performance art library as a case and surveys its readers' perception, including their usage and satisfaction toward the service quality of the library, so as to gain a good understanding of how important they deem the service quality and how satisfied they are towards the current service. The result should be able to provide for managers as valuable reference.

    The objects of this research are readers of the Performance Art Library of National Theater Concert Hall(NTCH). Meanwhile, this research is conducted by the survey methods of Questionnaire and Semi-structural Interview. The basis of the questionnaire is the LibQUAL+TM Scale mainly. The research indicates the following results: (1) the readers of the library are mainly highly-educated and females; (2) the majority of them are teachers, students and people who are engaged in performance parts; (3) they are interested in music the most; (4) approximately half of the members come to see the NTCH's performances frequently. In the aspect of the library collection, CD and DVD are the types which have been used the most. The performance art magazine PAR and books regarding performance arts are the next. The top five services that readers look forward to fitting their expectation are the following ones: (1) searching information by myself through an easy-to-use collection retrieval system; (2) searching needed information by myself through the library website; (3) easy to browse and find needed materials through a friendly way of display; (4) a space is quiet enough to concentrate on my own activity. All of the above reveal that readers give weight to the structural dimension of information control towards an ideal performance art library. On the other hand, the top five service items show the biggest differences between expectation and perception are the following ones: (1) easy to browse and find needed materials through a friendly way of display; (2) clear and apparent signs in the library are easy to recognize; (3) searching information by myself through an easy-to-use collection retrieval system; (4) searching needed information by myself through the library website; (5) printed materials such as books and music scores fit my needs well.

    Overall speaking, readers own high satisfaction towards the overall service of the performance art library; 100% of readers demonstrate their willingness of revisiting the library while 98.91% of them also show willingness of recommending it to others. Among all, the collection of the library is the biggest incentive to lure readers.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景及動機 1 第二節 研究目的及問題 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制 3 第四節 研究方法 3 第五節 名詞解釋 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 服務品質相關理論 6 第二節 國內外圖書館服務品質調查相關研究 21 第三節 國立中正文化中心 27 第四節 國內外表演藝術之相關文獻 36 第三章 研究設計與實施 41 第一節 研究設計之架構 41 第二節 研究工具之編製 43 第三節 問卷調查及訪談之實施 46 第四節 資料處理 48 第四章 問卷資料分析 53 第一節 問卷對象基本背景分析 53 第二節 圖書館館藏使用頻率分析 62 第三節 圖書館服務滿意度分析 68 第四節 讀者整體服務滿意度分析 86 第五章 訪談資料分析 92 第六章 結論與建議 103 第一節 研究結論 103 第二節 建議 106 第三節 未來研究方向 111

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