研究生: |
楊婷婷 Yang, Ting-Ting |
論文名稱: |
老人跌倒預防介入計畫在預防跌倒相關傷害上之效果:探索性統合分析之應用 The preventive effects on fall related injuries of elderly fall prevention programs: an exploratory meta-analysis |
指導教授: |
Guo, Jong-Long |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 93 |
中文關鍵詞: | 跌倒預防介入計畫 、統合分析 、相關傷害 、效果量 |
英文關鍵詞: | prevention program, meta-analysis, injury, effect size |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203800 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:539 下載:44 |
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結果:確認跌倒預防介入計畫對預防跌倒相關傷害有顯著效果(Effect size=0.855;95% CI=0.753~0.971;Z=-2.417;p=0.016),但對預防骨折卻無顯著效果(Effect size=0.802;95%CI=0.627~1.025;Z=-1.766; p=0.077)。其預防介入計畫的研究特徵中,高品質的研究有顯著效果量;樣本特徵中:男女皆含、跌倒史大於15%、跌倒傷害史小於30%、獨居大於50%的研究有顯著的效果量;介入特徵中:研究地點為社區、介入時數≦11小時及12~100小時、多元介入方式、有醫療專業背景介入皆有顯著效果量。特徵項目與相關傷害之相關性可提供給後續決策者、臨床工作者及研究者進行介入時的參考方向,並可減少相同研究的複製及節省介入規劃投入的成本、時間與精力。
Among various health issues, falls have become a critical risk factor that influence health and independent living for elderly. Previous studies suggested that multidisciplinary prevention programs be more effective than single dimensional ones. Reduction of fall incidence was generally emphasised in earlier research, the effectiveness of reducing fall-related injuries after the implementation of elderly fall-prevention intervention, however, was ignored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of fall-prevention intervention on related injuries cuased after falling, then to determine characteristics variables effects of prevention program on effect size.
An exploratory meta-analysis was applied on the English-published paper reported during 1996-2016. Summary effect of fall-prevention programs and preventive effect of on related injuries were computed.
This study confirmed that fall-prevention intervention programs had significant effect on related injuries caused after falling(Effect size=0.855;95% CI=0.753~0.971;Z=-2.417;p=0.016), but no effect on fracture(Effect size=0.802;95%CI=0.627~1.025;Z=-1.766; p=0.077). Regarding the research characteristic of the fall prevention programs, the papers with high quality obtained significant effect size; in terms of sample characteristic, research with both gender included, a falling history larger than 15%, traumatizing falling history less than 30%, and independent living rate more that 50% were found to have significant effect size; concerning intervention characteristic, studies conducted in the communities, with intervention duration less than or equal to 11 hours or between 12 to 100 hours, multidisciplinary intervention approaches, and with medical background all secured a significant effect size. The relationship between characteristic variables and injuries followed by falling were found and could be served as reference for future intervention. Replication of similar studies could be reduced and cost and effort put into intervention planning could be saved.
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