研究生: |
周真伊 Jennifer Chou Dulaney |
論文名稱: |
探究哈克尼斯教學法在華語教學中的應用 Exploring the Application of the Harkness Teaching Method in Chinese Teaching |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Ya-Hsun |
口試委員: |
Lin, zhenxing 林建宏 Lin, Jian hong |
口試日期: | 2021/06/29 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 102 |
中文關鍵詞: | 哈克尼斯教學法 、華語教學 、合作學習 、開放式討論 |
英文關鍵詞: | Harkness method, Chinese teaching, cooperative learning, open discussion |
研究方法: | 參與觀察法 、 次級資料分析 、 生活史訪談 、 調查研究 、 觀察研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100836 |
論文種類: | 代替論文:專業實務報告(專業實務類) |
相關次數: | 點閱:424 下載:50 |
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本研究主題是將哈克尼斯教學法運用於華語教學中。 本文的研究奠基於建構主義學習理論的教學觀,結合哈克尼斯教學法,是一種「以學生為中心」的漢語教 學方法。在教學過程中,以「哈克尼斯圓桌討論」的教學方式,透過學生的合作、 參與、交流等方式,鼓勵並激發學生積極主動的精神以完成學習任務。
本研究的取材、對象與研究方法,是以筆者學校所採用的中文教材內容來教導 新話題的介紹、新詞彙和語法的保留與理解,並以本校榮譽班中文四學生為研究對 象,採任務教學的理論為基礎。研究方法乃以觀察並歸納課堂互動、參與哈克尼斯 圓桌討論的情形,探討哈克尼斯教學法在華語文課堂中的應用效果。
本研究發現,在哈克尼斯圓桌上的討論過程中,透過小組合作學習、開放式討 論和相互評價,學生對目標語詞的實際運用有了更大的理解和信心,不但增加學生 中文學習的廣度與深度,並促進教學之多元發展,提升學生學習的成效。從學生間 頻繁的交流知識中,學習到如何與他人互動、互相合作而促進中文能力的提升。本 研究結果不僅可作為筆者在未來教學上的參考,並將進一步應用在中國歷史文化課 堂及幫助更多的華語教學者能更恰當的將哈克尼斯教學法應用在華語教學中。
The subject of this study is exploring the application of the Harkness Teaching Method in Chinese language teaching. The research of this paper is based on the teaching view of constructivist learning theory and combined with Harkness teaching method, which is a "student-centered" Chinese teaching method. During the teaching process, the students are encouraged and motivated to complete their learning tasks by means of cooperation, participation and communication through the "Harkness Round Table Discussion" teaching method.
The materials, objects and research methods of this study are based on the Chinese textbooks adopted by the author's school to teach the introduction of new topics, the retention and understanding of new vocabulary and grammar. The Honors 4 Chinese students at our school are the research subjects, and the theory of task-based teaching is adopted as the basis.
This study found that in the process of the Harkness roundtable discussion, through the cooperative learning group, open discussion and mutual evaluation, students have greater practical application of the target words as well as greater understanding and confidence. Through the frequent exchange of knowledge among students, they learned how to interact with others and cooperate with each other to promote the improvement of Chinese proficiency. The results of this study can not only serve as a reference for the author's future teaching, but also be further applied in Chinese history and culture classes and help more Chinese language teachers to apply the Harkness Teaching Method in Chinese language teaching more efficiently.
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