研究生: |
李雅雯 Li, Yawen |
論文名稱: |
彩虹國小體育教師實施體育教學模組 2.0 專業學習社群之探討 A Case Study on Physical Education Instructional Modules 2.0: Teacher Professional Learning Community of Physical Education Teachers in Rainbow primary school |
指導教授: |
Chang, Ching-Wei |
口試委員: |
Chung, Min-Hua 施登堯 Shy, Deng-Yau 掌慶維 CHANG, Ching-Wei |
口試日期: | 2021/07/27 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育與運動科學系 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 87 |
中文關鍵詞: | 體育教學模組 2.0 、教師專業學習社群 、教師專業發展 |
英文關鍵詞: | physical education instructional modules 2.0, teacher professional learning community, teacher professional development |
研究方法: | 參與觀察法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200436 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:465 下載:24 |
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本研究運用個案研究方式,透過體育教學模組的教材教法,在彩虹國小搭配運用教 師專業學習社群的方式,探討教師運用體育教學模組 2.0 的設計課程與實施教學,在體 育教師專業學習社群的歷程與持續專業發展上的影響。研究方法:採質性研究,立意取 樣彩虹國小體育教師,運用觀察專業學習社群運作歷程、教師實際教學情形,以及訪談 教師在專業學習社群與教學時的情況為蒐集資料,歸納分析教師專業發展。研究結果: (一) 彩虹國小教師專業學習社群運作歷程:1.社群的組成是教師為了改變彩虹國小體育 教學的現況,並非每位教師都是自願參與。2.社群初期教師們感到衝突與排斥,且在社 群會議上惜字如金沈默寡言。3.研發體育教學模組專家學者參與社群,專家學者突破教 師對於體育教學模組初衷是給跨領域專長教師的框架,以及釐清體育教學模組的定義。 4.教師們對於體育教學模組開始上手後,也看到學生的學習成效,變得積極且投入社群 活動。5.社群結束後,教學活動設計獲得課程發展委員會認可納入校本課程,並且撰寫 在彩虹國小 110 學年度課程計畫中,並且教師期望未來每個學期繼續以社群方式設計 一個體育項目。(二) 彩虹國小教師實施體育教學模組 2.0 教師專業發展影響:1.在課程 設計與教學層面上,教師逐漸掌握素養導向教學原則,並且能在教學活動中彈性調整教 學以及運用差異化教學。2.在班級經營層面上,教師能夠營造良好的學習氣氛,在課程 中沒有一位學生是局外人,學生在活動中學習人際互動、溝通表達,並且樂於分享與包 容同儕。3.在專業精進與責任層面上,教師在教學上獲得成就後,教師更積極參與教師 專業學習社群,且期望新學年度能夠持續參與社群活動。
This research is a case study examining the effect of teacher implementing physical education instructional modules (PEIM) 2.0’s course design and teaching implementation on physical education(PE) teacher’s operation process in teacher professional learning community in Rainbow Primary School. Method: A qualitative approach was conducted. Data collection consisted of observation and interviews with teachers. Results: 1. The operation process of Rainbow Primary School’s teacher professional learning community: (1) The composition of the community was for teachers to change the current teaching practice of physical education in Rainbow Primary School, at the beginning not every teacher participated voluntarily. (2) In the early stages of the community, teachers tended to feel conflicted and unpleasant, and were reticent at the meetings. (3) An expert of physical education instructional modules joined in the community and clarified some misunderstandings that most teachers thought about the PEIM. (4) The more teachers practiced the PEIM and receiving students’ positive responses, the more teachers became active to engage in community activities. (5) Finally, at the end of learning community, the design of teaching activities was approved by the Curriculum Development Committee then incorporated into the school-based curriculum, and was written into the annual curriculum plan of Rainbow Primary School's 110th academic year. The teachers expected to continue to start the project through the community in each semester in the future. 2. The effect of teachers implementing PEIM 2.0 on teacher professional development in Rainbow Primary School: (1) From the perspective of curriculum design and teaching, teachers gradually mastered the principles of competence-based teaching, and could flexibly adjust their teaching practices and use differentiated instruction in teaching activities. (2) From the perspective of class management, teachers could create a good learning atmosphere. Not a single student was an outsider in the course. Students learned interpersonal interaction, communication and expression skills in activities, and were willing to share and tolerate their peers. 3. In terms of professional improvement and responsibility, after teachers have achieved success in teaching,teachers were more active to involve in teachers' professional learning community. The teachers expected to continue to participate in community activities in the upcoming academic year.
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