研究生: |
高楚函 Kao, Chu-Han |
論文名稱: |
真實閱讀語料對高中生閱讀焦慮、閱讀動機以及閱讀理解之研究 A Study on the Impact of Authentic Reading Materials on High School Students’ Reading Anxiety, Reading Motivation and Reading Comprehension |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Yuh-Show |
口試委員: |
Cheng, Yuh-Show 黃馨週 Huang, Hsin-Chou 羅美蘭 Lo, Mei-Lan |
口試日期: | 2024/04/09 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 139 |
中文關鍵詞: | 真實語料 、閱讀焦慮 、閱讀動機 、閱讀理解 |
英文關鍵詞: | authentic materials, reading anxiety, reading motivation, reading comprehension |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400497 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:394 下載:31 |
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本研究顯示高中生的類特質焦慮以及動機相對穩定,而狀態焦慮與動機呈現波動。其中閱讀及非閱讀因素皆影響狀態焦慮,而內在動機及外在動機也與狀態動機有關。受試者之閱讀理解表現皆起伏不定,閱讀理解與狀態焦慮呈現負向關聯。此外,研究結果亦發現,真實閱讀語料其包含的困難生字增加高中生的狀態焦慮,卻提升內在動機特質較強之學生的狀態動機;閱讀理解與狀態焦慮、狀態動機以及文章可讀性雖無明顯關聯,但受試者的英文能力與個人單字量對閱讀理解有一定的影響。研究最後,3名高中生感受到自我閱讀理解的提升。依據研究結果,受試者對於閱讀真實語料的正向反饋包含: (1)代表真實生活閱讀、(2)包含資訊豐富的內容、(3)涵蓋廣泛主題、以及(4)提供最新資訊。最後,本研究針對教學上使用真實語料提出方向和提供未來研究進一步的建議。
With the development of Internet technology, authentic materials have become accessible and the application has been widely discussed in the field of English teaching. The role and effects of authentic materials in English reading have become more and more important and worth exploring. This study explored the impact of authentic materials on high school students’ reading comprehension, reading anxiety, and reading motivation. In addition, this study also examined the participants’ reflections on reading authentic materials.
Six high school students from a language institute in Northeast Taiwan participated in a three-month authentic reading program (with weekly meetings) designed by the researcher. During the three-month program, these participants were required to document their feelings and thoughts in a learning journal after each meeting. During the weekly meeting, the participants were first introduced to the reading topic and read the article. After reading, they completed a state anxiety and state motivation scale and took a reading comprehension assessment. They also underwent an interview at the end of every class. The participants were asked to fill out the trait-like English Reading Anxiety Scale and English Reading Motivation Questionnaire at the beginning of the program and the end of every month. A final interview was conducted at the end of the program.
This study showed that the high school students’ trait-like anxiety and motivation were relatively stable, while state anxiety and motivation fluctuated. The participants’ state anxiety was influenced by both reading and non-reading factors, while their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation played a more important role in their motivation states. Their reading comprehension performance fluctuated and was negatively associated with state anxiety. Additionally, the findings also indicated that authentic materials with difficult words increased anxiety but enhanced the motivation states of intrinsically motivated students. Reading comprehension performance was not directly related to anxiety, motivation or text readability, but the participants’ English proficiency and vocabulary size had a certain impact on their reading comprehension. At the end of the program, three high school students perceived self-improvement in their reading comprehension. Furthermore, the participants provided positive feedback on reading authentic materials, considering authentic materials: (1) representing real-life reading; (2) containing informative content; (3) covering diverse topics; and (4) providing the up-to-date information. This thesis provides pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research.
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