Author: |
陳薏琪 Chen, Yi-Chi |
Thesis Title: |
模組化科學育傳影片應用於科學學習之初探 Investigating Modular Science Edu-Communication Media Usage in Science Learning |
Advisor: |
Chang, Chun-Yen |
Committee: | 黃俊儒 劉湘瑤 |
Approval Date: | 2021/07/01 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2021 |
Academic Year: | 109 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 192 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 科學學習 、科學育傳 、模組化 、5E |
Keywords (in English): | Science Learning, Science Edu-Communication, Modularization, 5E Instructional Model |
Research Methods: | 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 72 Downloads: 9 |
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This research aims at developing a media model while producing science education videos to fit in different course designs. Therefore, the Modular Science Edu-Communication Video included Modularization and 5E Instructional Model, and try to fit the spirit of Science Edu-Communication Media.
The research methodology includes two parts: 1) video production and 2) video application. First, the video script was written based on 5E Instructional Model, with one course unit chosen as the video content. To ensure the video content accuracy, both field expert and school teacher checked the contents before and after video production. As for video application, the researcher invited five teachers to incorporate the video in their course designs while carring out their teaching. To understand the effect of this video in science teaching, an in-depth interview was conducted after each class.
According to the result of qualitative analysis, most teachers felt the Modular Science Edu-Communication Video was helpful to be integrated into their lessons. Teachers’ positive feedbacks were mainly attributed to the modular characteristic of the videos. Each video only took about 3 minutes and included different learning phrases. This allowed teachers to freely incorporate the most suitable videos into their lessons.
In general, the Modular Science Edu-Communication Video which combines “Modularization” and “5E Instructional Model” could help overcome teachers’ difficulties in integrating videos into their teaching. However, since this media model is relatively new, more research inputs are expected in the future in order to better understand the impacts that this media model may have on students.
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