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研究生: 林文玲
論文名稱: 一位高中美術老師教學信念與教學省思之個案研究
A Study of the Teaching Belief and Reflection of A Senior High School Art Teacher in Taiwan
指導教授: 陳瓊花
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 259
中文關鍵詞: 教學信念教學省思生命史研究教師生涯發展教師專業發展
英文關鍵詞: teaching belief, reflection on teaching approach, studies of life history, teaching career development, striving for professionalism
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:307下載:69
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  • 摘 要




    This study is based on my teaching experience as a senior high school art teacher. I have divided my teaching career into four stages, out of demands on development. These four stages are embryonic stage, probing stage, formation stage, and development stage. The main focus of this study is to examine my belief and reflection on teaching through these four stages of my life as a teacher. By adapting the approach of study the nature of life history, I have come to three conclusions by means of life story narration, data & literature collection, questionnaire, and interviews.
    1.My teaching approach was heavily influenced by four factors: my experiences as a student, subject's various backgrounds, my gaining capabilities of professionalism and consideration for students.
    2.After looking into changes of connotation of my belief through different stages, I proposed different focuses for teaching students with different backgrounds. For teaching general and talented mathematics & physics students, in theoretical courses, the focus should be cultivating students’ capability of appreciation, imagination and criticism while humanity and literature emphasized alongside; in presentation courses, the focus should be sharpening their skills and integration into daily life. For teaching talented art students watercolor painting, diversified approaches should be adopted, and creativity stressed. Students were under high demand of mastering basic skill and ability to research, in expectation of students striving for professionalism.
    3.Reflection on my belief in every stage of my teaching career had resulted in my personal pursuit of professionalism, and striving to achieve professionalism in teaching. The autonomous and challenging nature in visual art teaching became the drive of reinventing myself for greater potential and achievement. Through sharing my life and experience with students and others, I have lived my life to the fullest. Teaching was no longer just a job, but a goal of my life devotion.

    Finally, the conclusion was drawn from analysis and discussions of this study. Some suggestions and thoughts were proposed for further studies in related topics.

    Keywords: teaching belief, reflection on teaching approach, studies of life history, teaching career development, striving for professionalism

    目 次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 .......................................1 一、教師生涯之分期...........................................2 二、生命史研究..............................................4 第二節 研究目的與問題........................................6 一、 研究目的...............................................6 二、 研究問題...............................................6 第三節 名詞釋義.............................................7 一、 教學信念...............................................7 二、 教學省思...............................................9 第四節 研究流程............................................11 第五節 研究的範圍與限制.....................................13 一、 研究範圍..............................................13 二、 研究限制..............................................13 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 教學信念的分析與探討..................................14 一、 信念的意義 ...........................................14 二、 教學信念的意義.........................................15 三、 教學信念的內涵.........................................16 四、 美術科教學信念的內涵....................................17 五、 教學信念的特性.........................................18 六、 教學信念的重要性.......................................20 第二節 教學信念之省思與教師專業發展...........................24 一、 教學信念之省思.........................................24 二、 教師專業發展...........................................26 三、 教學信念與教師專業發展的關係.............................31 四、 教學信念之省思促進教師專業發展...........................32 五、 小結.................................................33 第三節 有關教學信念與教學省思之相關研究.......................35 一、有關影響教學信念因素及教學信念內涵之研究...................35 二、有關教學信念與教學行為關係之研究..........................41 三、有關教學信念之省思與教師專業發展之研究....................46 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構............................................51 第二節 研究對象............................................54 第三節 研究資料............................................55 一、 資料的蒐集............................................55 二、 資料的分析............................................56 第四節 資料處理............................................58 第四章 教師生涯各時期教學信念之省思 第一節 萌芽時期教學信念之省思(1960~1976)...................60 一、 來自家庭教育的信念.....................................60 二、 來自學校教育的教學信念 .................................61 三、 來自教師典範的教學信念..................................69 四、 形塑的教學信念之省思 ...................................73 第二節 探究時期教學信念之省思(1976~1984.....................77 一、 初任教師時的教學信念 ...................................77 二、 自修與探究時的教學信念..................................81 三、 調整的教學信念之省思 ...................................89 四、 小結.................................................104 第三節 建構時期教學信念之省思(1985~1995)...................105 一、 專業進修時的教學信念...................................105 二、 個人進修時的教學信念...................................110 三、 改變的教學信念之省思...................................112 四、 小結.................................................131 第四節 發展時期教學信念之省思(1996~2006)...................132 一、 與校內社會科教師分享時的教學信念........................132 二、 與國中美術班分享時的教學信念 ...........................135 三、 與校外美術教師分享時的信念 .............................139 四、 教學信念系統之省思....................................142 五、 小結 ................................................200 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 成為一個快樂的美術老師..............................202 一、 研究者的教學信影響教學行為.............................202 二、 研究者的教學信念內涵在教師生涯各時期之演變 ...............203 三、 終身不悔的志業........................................212 第二節 建議...............................................217 一、視覺文化藝術教育時代美術教師之教學思考....................217 二、後續研究建議..........................................219 參考文獻 中文部分.................................................221 英文部分.................................................226 附錄.....................................................231 一、高一數理資優班「藝術有什麼用?」美術課程問卷調查及分析......232 二、「一位高中美術老師教學信念及教學省思之個案研究」調查問卷....238(一)社會科教師用.........................................239 (二)美術班教師用.........................................240 (三)美術班畢業校友用.....................................241 三、訪談紀錄..............................................242 四、一位高中美術老師生活、教學及藝術教育大事記................246

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