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研究生: 潘文生
論文名稱: 我國九十年全運會短距離跑成績分析
The final time analysis of sprint at 2001 National Athletic Games in R.O.C.
指導教授: 許樹淵
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 田徑短距離跑賽次成績分析
英文關鍵詞: Athletics, field and track, sprint, round, the score analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:281下載:8
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  • 本研究為提供國內田徑教練和選手一項國內最大型運動賽會短距離跑的運動員完整成績,並以實際的數據結果,歸納出可以預測賽次成績的方式,期望能夠協助成績提升。本研究以中華民國90年全國運動會的田徑賽事的短距離比賽成績為範圍,包括男、女一百公尺,男、女兩百公尺和男、女四百公尺等六個項目賽次成績。

    This research is to provide the domestic coaches and contestants the complete score of the largest sprint games in Taiwan. This data includes results actual with expectation that they can predict scores and improve. This research for the Republic of China Year 90 national sports games track and field events only contains the scores for Men’s and Women’s 100m sprint events, Men’s and Women’s 200m sprint events, and Men’s and Women’s 400m sprint events.
    The Study results were showed as follows: The score among rounds of the Men’s 100m events, the Women’s 100m events, the Men’s 200m events, the Women’s 400m events didn’t reach significant level , but the score among rounds of Men’s 400m events and Women’s 200m events reach P<.05 significant level. And the trend analysis of Women’s 200m events reached linear trend, P<.05.The Research also calculates establish the threshold of the score in next(semifinal) and final race. The threshold (of the rematch score) is an average score of all the contestants of preliminary contests. Entering the finals, the estimate threshold score is: Men’s 100m events is the average scores of the best 8 runners in first round, and in the semifinal; Women’s 100m events is the average scores of the best 16 runners in the semifinal; Men’s 200m events is the average scores of the best 8 runners in first round, and in the semifinal; Women’s 200m events is the average scores of the best 8 runners in first round, and in the semifinal; Men’s 400m events is the average scores of the best 16 runners in first round, and about the average scores of the best 8 runners in the semifinal; Women’s 400m events is the average scores of the best 8 runners in first round, and in the semifinal.

    中文摘要.................................................Ⅰ 英文摘要.................................................Ⅱ 謝誌.....................................................Ⅳ 目次.....................................................Ⅴ 表次.....................................................Ⅶ 壹 緒論.................................................1 一、前言.................................................1 二、問題背景.............................................1 三、研究目的.............................................3 四、研究假設.............................................5 五、研究限制.............................................6 六、名詞解釋.............................................6 貳 文獻探討..............................................8 一 概論.................................................8 二、一百公尺跑的相關文獻.................................9 三、二百公尺跑的相關文獻................................13 四、四百公尺跑的相關文獻................................16 參 研究方法與步驟......................................21 一、研究方法............................................21 二、研究架構............................................21 三、研究對象............................................22 四、研究步驟............................................23 五、處理與分析..........................................23 肆 結果與分析...........................................25 一、男子一百公尺跑......................................25 二、女子一百公尺跑......................................31 三、男子二百公尺跑......................................36 四、女子二百公尺跑......................................42 五、男子四百公尺跑......................................47 六、女子四百公尺跑......................................52 伍 結論與建議...........................................56 陸 參考文獻.............................................58 柒 附錄.................................................60 一、優勝八名資料整理....................................60 二、論文口試記錄摘要(口試委員提問)....................63

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