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研究生: 陳佩禎
論文名稱: 國中生英語字彙學習策略使用與學習知覺風格偏好之研究
Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Perceptual Learning Style Preferences Among Taiwanese EFL Junior High School Students
指導教授: 程玉秀
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 字彙學習策略學習風格
英文關鍵詞: Learning style, vocabulary learning, vocabulary learning strategy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:212下載:61
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  • 中文摘要
    本研究旨在探討台灣國中生的英文字彙學習策略使用 (Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use) 與學習知覺風格偏好 (Perceptual Learning Style Preferences) 的關係,為了達成此研究目標,本研究探討:(1)國中生的英文字彙學習策略使用頻率,(2)國中生的學習知覺風格偏好分佈,(3)國中生的字彙學習策略與學習風格的關係。 此外,特別針對學生的學習成就及性別對其字彙策略應用與學習風格之關係作進一步的了解。
    本研究實驗對象為207名台北縣一所國中二年級的學生。研究方法採量表調查法。問卷包含兩部分,其一為改編自Schmitt (1997)的字彙學習策略量表,另一為改編自Reid (1984)的學習知覺風格偏好量表。 研究結果顯示學生並不常使用字彙學習策略也無強烈的學習知覺風格偏好;學生的學習風格與整體字彙學習策略使用有顯著相關;學生的學習成就顯著影響各類字彙學習策略使用及視覺型、聽覺型、動覺型、獨立學習型學習風格;學生的性別與字彙學習策略無顯著關係,但對觸覺型學習風格有顯著影響。

    The ultimate goal of the study was to identify the relationships between Taiwanese junior high school students’ vocabulary learning strategy use and their perceptual learning style preferences. To achieve this goal, the study examined (1) the frequency of vocabulary learning strategies used by junior high school students; (2) the distribution of perceptual learning style preferences among junior high school students; and (3) the correlation between vocabulary learning strategy use and learning styles. Besides, the effects of two learner variables, achievement level and gender, on vocabulary learning strategy use and perceptual learning style preferences were also examined.
    The participants recruited in this study were 207 junior high school students from a junior high school in Taipei County. The major instrument was a questionnaire with two sets of inventories: Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (Schmitt, 1997) and Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (Reid, 1984). Besides, the final course grade was employed to determine the achievement level. The data collected was analyzed by computing descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, and ANOVA.
    The results of the study indicated that Taiwanese junior high school students neither used vocabulary learning strategies frequently nor showed any major preferences for any learning style. All of the students’ perceptual learning styles were significantly correlated to their overall vocabulary learning strategy use. Students’ achievement level had a significant effect on their use of vocabulary learning strategies and four learning modes: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and individual learning styles. Students’ gender had no significant effects on their use of vocabulary learning strategies. It only had a significant effect on tactile learning style.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 中文摘要………………………………………………………………………..……i Abstract………………………………………………………………………………ii Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………….iii Table of Contents……………………………………………………………….........iv List of Tables…………………………………………………………………….…...ix Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………...1 Background and Motivation…………………………………..…1 Purpose and Research Questions of the Study…………………..4 Significance of the Study………………………………………..4 Definition of Key Terms…………………………………………6 Organization of This Thesis………………………………......….8 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature……………………………………..….10 Research on Vocabulary Learning Strategy………………….…10 Research on General Language Learning Strategy………. 10 Background of Vocabulary Learning Strategy Research….13 Recent Surveys on Vocabulary Learning Strategies………15 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Studies on Taiwanese EFL Learners……………………………………17 Factors Associated with Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies………………………………………….….20 Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Learning Outcomes………………………………………..21 Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Age Difference...25 Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Learning Contexts…………………………………………26 Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Gender Difference……………………………………….27 Learning Style Research………………………………………...29 Historical Background of Learning Style Research…….....30 Definition and Classification of Learning Style………..….31 Instruments for Measuring Learning Styles……………….32 Studies on Perceptual Learning Styles…………………….33 ESL Learners’ Perceptual Learning Style…………....34 EFL Learners’ Perceptual Learning Style…………....37 Perceptual Learning Style Studies on Taiwanese EFL Learners……………………………………38 Studies on Sociological Learning Styles…………………..41 Factors Associated with Learning Style Preferences……...43 Culture……………………………………………….43 Achievement……………………………………….....45 Gender………………………………………………..47 The Relationship Between Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Perceptual Learning Style Preferences…………………….48 Chapter 3 Methodology…………………………………………………………52 Participants…………………………………………………..….52 Instruments……………………………………………………...53 Questionnaire……………………………………………...54 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Questionnaire………..54 Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire..56 Final Course Grade…………………………………….….57 Data Collection Procedure……………………………………...58 Pilot Study………………………………………………....58 Procedure…………………………………………….58 Results………………………………………………..58 Problems Found and Modifications………………….59 Formal Study…………………………………………..…..62 Data Analysis Procedure………………………………………..63 Chapter 4 Results………………………………………………………………..64 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use…………………………..….64 Perceptual Learning Style Preference…………………………..67 The Relationships Between Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Perceptual Learning Style Preferences………………..69 The Relationships of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Perceptual Learning Style Preferences to Background Variables…………………………………………………..70 Chapter 5 Discussion……………………………………………………………76 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use………………………….…..76 Perceptual Learning Style Preference…………….…………….81 Relationships Between Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Perceptual Learning Style Preferences……………….……86 Relationships of Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Perceptual Learning Style Preferences to Background Variables…………………………………..…………….…88 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Achievement Level88 Perceptual Learning Style Preferences and Achievement Level…………………………………………….……90 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use and Gender……….…..92 Perceptual Learning Style Preferences and Gender……….93 Chapter 6 Conclusion……………………………………………………………94 Summary of the Study………………………………………..…94 Pedagogical Implications……………………………………….95 Limitations of the Study………………………………..……...100 Suggestions for Future Study……………………………….…101 References……………………………………………………………………….….104 Appendices Appendix A: Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire……………116 Appendix B: A Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies……………...…117 Appendix C: 英語學習問卷……………………………………………….….119 Appendix D: A Comparison Between the Modified Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Schmitt’s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies……………………………………………………..…127 Appendix E: A Comparison Between the Modified Learning Style Inventory and Reid’s Original Learning Style Inventory…………………134 Appendix F: English Version of the Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use Questionnaire Used in the Formal Study……………………….139 Appendix G: English Version of the Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire Used in the Formal Study……………………….142 Appendix H: The Mean Scores and Standard Deviation for Each Vocabulary Learning Strategy……………………………………………..144

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