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研究生: 黃慶旻
Ching-Min Huang
論文名稱: 跆拳道選手與一般大學生腹部核心肌群與動態平衡之差異
The difference of the abdominal muscles contraction ratio and dynamic balance between Taekwondo athletes and college students
指導教授: 張家豪
Chang, Jia-Hao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 動態平衡測試肌肉收縮厚度比肌電圖
英文關鍵詞: Dynamic Balance Test, Muscle Contraction Ratio, Electromyography
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:154下載:36
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  • 目的:探討規律運動對於腹部核心肌群的收縮比與動態平衡之關係。方法:使用Vicon 動態紅外線攝影機10 台、KISTLER 9281(60×40cm2 )測力板1 塊、BIOVISION 肌電訊號擷取系統1 部及10 條肌電訊號線,收集18 名受試者資料,實驗進行前,分配各組受試者至馬偕醫院拍攝腹部核心肌群超音波影像,用以比較腹內斜肌、腹外斜肌與腹橫肌的收縮比例變化。實驗進行時,以雙腳跳躍單腳落地之動作檢測受試者動態平衡穩定性,並比較落地時對於腹直肌、腹外斜肌、豎脊肌群(胸椎段)、右股直肌、右脛前肌、右股二頭肌及右腓腸肌(內側)之肌電訊號。以獨立樣本t 考驗,比較跆拳道選手與一般大學生在核心肌群收縮比與動態平衡之差異性。結果:跆拳道選手與一般大學生之核心肌群收縮比未達顯著差異;在動態平衡穩定性之比較亦未達顯著差異;一至十秒之動態平衡值,各組受試者之間比較未達顯著水準;落地後下肢肌電訊號,受試者間亦未達顯著水準。結論:規律運動與未規律運動之族群,兩組受試者中未看見核心肌群收縮比與動態平衡能力之差異。

    Purpose: In order to examine the difference of the contraction ratio of the core muscle and dynamic balance test between Taekwondo athletes and college students. Methods: Ten Vicon infrared cameras, a KISTLER 9281 (60×40 cm2) force plate, and a BIOVISION system were used to record the data. 18 subjects involved in the experiments, all subjects were assigned to Mackay Memorial Hospital to take ultrasound imaging on the core muscles of internal abdominal oblique, abdominal external oblique and transverse abdominis muscles to compare the contraction ratio. The subjects were asked to execute the dynamic balance by squat jump and one foot landing, and the electromyography of abdominal rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles, paravertebral muscles (thoracic), right rectus femoris, right calf muscle, right biceps femoris and the right of the gastrocnemius muscle (medial) were also recorded. Independent samples t test was used to compare the difference between the taekwondo athletes and the college students in the contraction ratio of core muscle and dynamic balance. Results: The results indicated that no difference between taekwondo athletes and the college students in the contraction ratio of the core muscles was found. Stability in dynamic balance and the dynamic balance values in 1-10 seconds were not either. No difference between taekwondo athletes and the college students in the comparsion of the EMG datas on the one foot landing was found, either. Conclusion: Between Taekwondo athletes and college students, the contraction ratio of the core muscle had no difference with the dynamic balance.

    中文摘要 ............................i 英文摘要............................ii 謝誌...............................iii 目次................................iv 表次................................vi 圖次...............................vii 第壹章 緒論............................1 第一節、問題背景.......................1 第二節、研究目的.......................3 第三節、研究假設.......................3 第四節、研究限制.......................3 第五節、研究重要性.....................4 第六節、操作性定義.....................4 第貳章 文獻探討.........................6 第一節、核心肌群與身體活動的重要.........6 第二節、超音波測量與檢查...............10 第三節、動態平衡測試之運用..............13 第四節、不同族群之間運動與平衡的關係.....15 第五節、文獻總結.......................16 第参章 研究方法.........................17 第一節、研究對象........................17 第二節、研究時間與地點...................17 第三節、實驗儀器........................17 第四節、研究流程與步驟...................20 第五節、資料分析與處理...................29 第六節、統計分析.........................30 第肆章 結果 .............................31 第一節、受試者基本資料...................31 第二節、超音波影像腹部肌群收縮變化.........32 第三節、動態平衡測試.....................33 第四節、動態平衡之肌電訊號值..............34 第五節、各組間腹部肌群收縮比與DPSI 值差異..35 第伍章 討論與結論 .......................37 第一節、討論............................37 第二節、結論............................39 引用文獻 ...............................40 附錄...................................48 受試者基本資料填寫表 .....................48 個人小傳.................................50

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